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√ Asta a fost øi miza lucrærii. Ea a apærut ca urmare a unei invitaflii de a participa<br />

la o expoziflie intitulatæ To Do Things in the Middle of Nowhere. Încæ de la început mi<br />

se pærea suspect titlul acesta, pentru cæ fuseseræ alese øase oraøe sæ participe la proiect,<br />

iar cele øase numai „nowhere“ nu erau. Am vrut sæ mæ folosesc de aceste douæ<br />

idei „nowhere“ øi „to do things“, aøa cæ la început mæ gîndisem sæ cumpær o bucatæ<br />

de pæmînt în Germania, vreo 10 m 2 , pe care sæ fac o instalaflie. Øi totuøi, pînæ la urmæ,<br />

mesajul lui Homesick Cuisine mi s-a pærut mult mai relevant. În mod paradoxal,<br />

autobuzul care vine la Berlin nu are pasageri prea mulfli, însæ este plin de bagaje,<br />

devenind un mijloc de comunicare foarte rapid, chiar mai rapid decît Fedexul. Pe<br />

de altæ parte, purtætorul mesajului este o geantæ de rafie, care, în virtutea faptului<br />

cæ de-a lungul anilor s-a erijat într-un simbol al migrafliei, a devenit în Est un brand<br />

la fel de puternic ca brandul Louis Vuitton în Vest. Pînæ acum lucrarea a fost expusæ<br />

de øase ori øi, deøi a fost greu sæ aducem mîncarea de fiecare datæ din Moldova,<br />

ea fiind transportatæ cu autocarul numai cu ocazia primei vizionæri, am vrut totuøi<br />

sæ pæstræm ceva din autenticitatea proiectului, familia mea trimiflînd cu ocazia<br />

fiecærei expuneri vinul.<br />

¬ Barons’ Hill, ultima ta lucrare expusæ în ianuarie-februarie la Neue Nationalgalerie<br />

din Berlin, e o lucrare despre noua arhitecturæ a caselor de romi dintr-un cartier<br />

al oraøului Soroca. Pe øase ecrane mari, camera stæruie în mod diferit asupra fiecærui<br />

detaliu al kitsch-ului general, asupra contradicfliilor næscute în urma dorinflei proprietarilor<br />

casei de a împæca modernismul cu propria tradiflie. Sincronizarea celor øase ecrane<br />

se face în tonurile date de muzica lui Bach. Care este istoria acestei lucræri?<br />

√ Øtiam de existenfla acestui cartier de romi din Soroca... de fapt, aøezat pe un<br />

deal, se numeøte chiar aøa, Dealul fiiganilor. Însæ datoritæ faptului cæ tofli cei ce locuiesc<br />

acolo îøi construiesc case foarte mari, prin aceasta exprimîndu-øi intenflia de a<br />

intra în high society, sînt foarte mulfli cei ce numesc partea aceasta a oraøului Dealul<br />

Baronilor. M-am întîlnit cu Mircea Cerari, care este øeful lor, øi i-am spus cæ vreau<br />

sæ fac un film despre arhitecturæ øi design interior. Cu permisiunea lui, ne-a fost mult<br />

mai uøor sæ intræm øi în casele altor romi. Am filmat în timpul verii, în 2003 øi 2004,<br />

cînd puteai sæ îi gæseøti acasæ, pentru cæ la începutul toamnei pleacæ, iar casele ræmîn<br />

pustii. Chiar øi în timpul URSS-ului, aveau tot felul de afaceri underground, iar ele<br />

devin profitabile odatæ cu venirea toamnei. Cu ce se ocupæ exact nu aø putea spune,<br />

unii vorbesc despre trafic de droguri, alflii despre trafic cu fiinfle umane. Nu øtiu cît<br />

de reale sînt lucrurile astea, probabil cæ ceva adevær ascund ele. Dar, ca sæ ne întoarcem<br />

la întrebarea anterioaræ, cert e cæ ei dintotdeauna au construit astfel. Ce<br />

s-a schimbat însæ e rezultatul aceluiaøi proces de adaptare la trendul european. Dacæ<br />

pînæ în 1990 chemau pictori sæ picteze pereflii caselor, acum ele sînt înlocuite de<br />

reproduceri. Interesul se mutæ cætre termopanele la standarde euro, cætre podelele<br />

încælzite etc. Øi totuøi, deøi casele sînt imense, multe dintre ele nu sînt conectate la<br />

refleaua de apæ øi gaz, iar iarna unele sînt complet nelocuite. Funcflia lor e una similaræ<br />

caselor cu zestre de la sat. Ceea ce înseamnæ cæ viafla de zi cu zi, cu toate aspectele<br />

ei murdare, nu are voie sæ intre în aceste case, care se transformæ astfel în<br />

muzee. Pe de o parte, existæ o perfecfliune clinicæ la casele astea, pe de altæ parte,<br />

este o perfecfliune artificial construitæ, aproape contradictorie.<br />

¬ De ce ai ales sæ expui filmul acesta pe øase ecrane?<br />

√ Experienfla mi-a arætat cæ dacæ faci parte dintr-o expoziflie de grup, iar filmul<br />

tæu este foarte lung, publicul este obosit øi nu mai prinde mesajul lucrærii. Pentru<br />

Barons’ Hill avusesem foarte mult material la dispoziflie øi am decis cæ e mai bine<br />

dacæ facem øase proiecflii diferite, pe ecrane diferite.<br />

¬ O alegere care m-a intrigat în privinfla lucrærii acesteia a fost cea a muzicii. Haosul<br />

vizual este însoflit de muzica lui Bach. De ce tocmai Bach? Bach nu e tocmai chiar<br />

accesibil...<br />

cious to me, because six cities had been selected to take part at the<br />

project and those six were anything but “nowhere“. I wanted to use<br />

these two <strong>idea</strong>s, “nowhere“ and “to do things“ and for starters, I was<br />

thinking about buying a piece of land in Germany, about 10 m 2 , and<br />

use it to build an installation. However, in the end the message of<br />

Homesick Cuisine seemed to me more relevant. Paradoxically, the<br />

bus coming from Berlin doesn’t carry too many passengers, but is<br />

full of baggage, turning into a very fast means of communication,<br />

even faster than Fedex. On the other hand, the carrier of the message<br />

is a raffia bag which, in the virtue of the fact that in the course<br />

of years turned into a symbol of migration, became, in the East,<br />

a brand as strong as Louis Vuitton in the West. Until now, the work<br />

has been exhibited six times and although it was difficult to bring<br />

the food from Moldova each time, as it only came by bus for the first<br />

show, we nevertheless wanted to preserve something from the project’s<br />

authenticity and my family sent the wine for each exhibition.<br />

¬ Barons’ Hill, the last work exhibited by you in January–February<br />

at Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin, is about the new architecture of<br />

the Roma houses in a neighbourhood of the Soroca city. On six big<br />

screens, the camera insists differently on each detail of the general<br />

kitsch, on the contradiction which appeared as a result of the owners’<br />

wish to combine modernism with their own tradition. The synchronization<br />

of the six screens is made upon the sounds of Bach’s<br />

music. What is the story of this work?<br />

√ I knew about the existence of this Roma neighbourhood in Soroca...<br />

in fact, it is on a hill which is called Dealul fiiganilor [Gypsy Hill].<br />

But as everyone living there builds very large houses, expressing<br />

their intention of entering the high society, there are many calling<br />

this part of the city Dealul Baronilor [Barons’ Hill]. I met Mircea<br />

Cerari, their leader, and I told him that I wanted to make a movie<br />

about architecture and interior design. With his permission, it was a<br />

lot easier for us to get inside other Roma houses, too. I did the shooting<br />

in the summer of 2003–2004, when one can find them at home,<br />

because in the fall they leave and the houses stay empty. Even back<br />

in the time of the USSR, they had all kinds of underground businesses<br />

which become profitable in the fall. I couldn’t say what exactly is<br />

that what they do, some people talk about drugs traffic, others<br />

about human beings traffic. I don’t know how real these things are,<br />

but they may be hiding some truth. But, in order to return to the<br />

previous question, it’s a fact that they have been always building like<br />

this. What did change is the result of the same process of adapting<br />

to the European trend. If by 1990 they used to call in painters to<br />

paint their houses’ walls, now they are being replaced by reproductions.<br />

The interest is moving towards Euro-standards thermal windows<br />

and heated floors etc. However, although the houses are huge,<br />

many of them are not even connected to the water-supply and gas<br />

networks and, during the winter, some of them are totally uninhabited.<br />

Their function is similar to the village dower houses. It means<br />

that everyday life, with all its dirty aspects, is not allowed into these<br />

houses, which are thus turning into museums. On one hand these<br />

houses have a clinical perfection; on the other hand, it’s an artificially<br />

built perfection, almost contradictory.<br />

¬ Why did you choose to exhibit this movie on six screens?<br />

√ Experience showed me that if are part of a group exhibition and<br />

your film is very long the public gets tired and doesn’t get the message<br />

of the work. For Barons’ Hill, I had a great deal of material at<br />

my disposal and we decided that would be better to have six different<br />

projections on different screens.<br />

¬ An intriguing choice regarding this work was that of the music.<br />

The visual chaos is accompanied by Bach’s music. Why Bach? Bach is<br />

not quite accessible…<br />

√ It wasn’t an easy choice, everything was the result of an experimentation<br />

process. Initially, I wanted to have a much more popular<br />

song on the soundtrack, maybe a manea, but now I am convinced<br />

that Bach is most successful in making the viewer pay attention to<br />

what does happen in the work.<br />


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