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scena<br />

¬ Efectele acestei izolæri asupra celor implicafli direct în procesul de adaptare de<br />

care vorbeai le surprinzi în cealaltæ lucrare dedicatæ subiectului despre care vorbim,<br />

105/7.<br />

√ Da, iniflial plænuiam ca Shoes for Europe sæ arate un pic altfel. Aø fi dorit sæ îl proiectez<br />

pe douæ ecrane, un ecran care sæ arate situaflia din afaræ, cu tot procesul acesta<br />

de adaptare a ecartamentului, øi un ecran care sæ arate situaflia din interiorul trenului,<br />

împreunæ cu relafliile dintre oamenii care trec frontiera. Era o situaflie destul de ambiguæ<br />

øi tristæ, pentru cæ lumea nu este dispusæ sæ se lase filmatæ, trebuia vorbit cu fiecare<br />

în parte, fiecare cu grijile sale, fiecare încercînd sæ ducæ ceva peste graniflæ. Pînæ la<br />

urmæ au ieøit douæ lucræri separate, fiecare cu parcursul sæu. Shoes for Europe a avut,<br />

fireøte, mai mult succes.<br />

¬ Odatæ cu Shoes for Europe observ o schimbare în estetica lucrærilor tale. Deøi<br />

dureazæ mai mult, acorzi o foarte mare atenflie detaliului, filmînd din diferite perspective<br />

aceeaøi situaflie, folosind mai multe camere video, încercînd sæ reduci la minimum<br />

prezenfla ta.<br />

√ Dacæ ar fi sæ vorbim numai despre Shoes for Europe, am fost cumva constrîns<br />

sæ lucrez aøa, pentru cæ am avut la dispoziflie numai o noapte øi, dupæ cum øtii, trenul<br />

nu poate fi flinut în loc. Cadrul nu poate fi repetat, aøa cæ de la bun început am decis<br />

sæ lucrez cu douæ camere. Apoi a fost vorba de problemele inerente unui astfel de<br />

demers, cred cæ îfli închipui cæ nu e chiar uøor sæ filmezi într-un punct de trecere a<br />

graniflei, care mai e pe deasupra un fost punct cu importanflæ strategicæ øi militaræ<br />

al imperiului sovietic. Am pregætit cu mult timp înainte aceastæ lucrare, iar în plus<br />

avantajul accesului la echipament øi oameni, avantaj pe care nu l-am avut mai înainte,<br />

mi-a permis sæ lucrez cu dubluri, de exemplu. Am <strong>format</strong> øi coordonat o echipæ,<br />

cu care am colaborat øi mai departe. Inclusiv pentru Barons’ Hill, pe care l-am prezentat<br />

anul acesta la Neue Nationalgalerie.<br />

¬ Pînæ la Barons’ Hill, aø fi dorit sæ îmi vorbeøti despre alte douæ proiecte ale tale<br />

al cæror subiect se leagæ de ceea ce am discutat pînæ acum. Primul din ele este un<br />

performance cu public, intitulat Welcome to E.U., în care imprimi cercul cu 12 stele<br />

al U.E. pe prima copertæ a paøaportului moldovenesc al participanflilor la acfliune. O<br />

lucrare cu conflinut subversiv, dat fiind faptul cæ paøaportul, ca øi cartea de identitate,<br />

este proprietatea statului emitent, iar titularul este obligat sæ nu aducæ adæugiri sau<br />

sæ facæ modificæri acestuia. Paøapoartele cu care ai lucrat erau reale, iar participanflii<br />

la proiectul tæu øi-au asumat consecinflele care puteau sæ urmeze de aici. De aceea<br />

eram curios sæ te întreb dacæ a existat vreo reacflie a autoritæflilor sau, mai bine spus,<br />

dacæ cei ce øi-au læsat paøapoartele modificate au avut vreo problemæ la frontieræ.<br />

√ Øtii, mi s-a reproøat uneori cæ speculez situaflia politico-socialæ a Moldovei. Æsta<br />

e poate un exemplu cæ îmi iau lucrærile în serios. Ei bine, deøi se credea cæ performance-ul<br />

acesta va fi cu paøapoarte false, el a fost cît se poate de real. Inclusiv propriul<br />

meu paøaport a fost astfel modificat. Øi, în mod ciudat... nu am avut niciun fel<br />

de problemæ. Situaflia e destul de amuzantæ, pentru cæ eu am cælætorit cu paøaportul<br />

acesta pînæ în Statele Unite øi nimeni nu a avut nimic de obiectat. O singuræ datæ<br />

a fost o problemæ, cu cineva care a vrut sæ meargæ în Ucraina. Problema a fost însæ<br />

nu la vama noastræ, ci la cea ucraineanæ.<br />

¬ Al doilea proiect care mæ intereseazæ este lucrarea video Homesick Cuisine. Proiectul<br />

pledeazæ pentru integrarea culturalæ a diferitelor spaflii geografice ale Europei,<br />

argumentînd cu un gest foarte simplu: o plasæ de rafie depusæ într-un autocar transportæ<br />

sarmale, plæcinte øi vin pregætite de familia ta la Chiøinæu, care vor fi servite cu<br />

ocazia vernisajului expozifliei tale din Berlin. Cu alte cuvinte, integrarea culturalæ<br />

poate fi per<strong>format</strong>æ prin gesturi mici, pe care o asemenea artæ, cum e gastronomia,<br />

le poate permite.<br />

a different structure, too. It’s about isolation, which is not only imaginary,<br />

but also practical.<br />

¬ The consequences of this isolation on those directly involved<br />

in the adaptation process you were talking about are approached in<br />

your other work on the subject we are talking about, 105/7.<br />

√ It’s true, I initially planned Shoes for Europe to look a little bit<br />

different. I would have liked to project it on two screens, one showing<br />

the situation outside, with this entire process of adapting the<br />

gauge and a screen showing the situation inside the train, altogether<br />

with the relations between the people crossing the border. It was a<br />

pretty ambiguous and sad situation, because people are not willing<br />

to let themselves filmed, each of them had to be talked to separately,<br />

each has his worries, each of them trying to get something over<br />

the border. In the end, two separate works came out, each on its own.<br />

Shoes for Europe was, of course, more successful.<br />

¬ With Shoes for Europe, I detect a shift in your works’ aesthetics.<br />

Although it takes longer, you pay a great deal of attention to the<br />

details, filming the same situation from different perspectives, using<br />

more video cameras, trying as much as possible to minimize your<br />

presence.<br />

√ If we were to talk about Shoes for Europe alone, I was forced,<br />

in a way, to work like this because I only had one night at my disposal<br />

and, as you know, the train cannot be held back. The frame cannot<br />

be repeated, so from the very beginning I decided to work with<br />

two cameras. Then it was about the inherent problems of such an<br />

enterprise, I guess you can imagine it’s not quite easy to film at a<br />

border crossing point, which is also a former point of a strategically<br />

and military importance for the Soviet Empire. I prepared this work<br />

long before and, besides, the advantage of having access to<br />

equipment and people, which I didn’t have before, allowed me to<br />

work with doubles, for example. I formed and coordinated a team,<br />

which I continued to collaborate with. Inclusively for Barons’ Hill,<br />

which I’ve presented this year at Neue Nationalgalerie.<br />

¬ Before reaching to Barons’ Hill I would have liked you to talk<br />

about other two of your projects, whose subject relates to what<br />

we’ve been discussing so far. First of them is a performance with<br />

public, entitled Welcome to E.U., in which you print E.U.’s 12 stars circle<br />

on the passports front cover of the Republic of Moldova of those<br />

participating at the action. A work with a subversive content, due<br />

to the fact that the passport, like the identity card, is the property of<br />

the state which issues it and the titular is forbidden to add or modify<br />

something to it. The passports you’ve worked on were real and the<br />

participants to your project took upon themselves the consequences<br />

which could have followed. That’s why I was curious if there was<br />

any reaction from the authorities or, more precisely, if those who let<br />

their passport be modified had any problems at the border?<br />

√ You know, sometimes I’m reproached that I speculate Moldova’s<br />

political-social situation. This may be an example of the fact that<br />

I take things seriously. Well, although this performance was thought<br />

to make use of false passports, it was as real as it could be. My own<br />

passport was modified this way. And, strangely... I haven’t had any<br />

kind of problem. It’s a pretty funny situation, because I travelled to<br />

the United States with this passport and nobody had any objections.<br />

On time there was a problem, with someone wanting to go to<br />

Ukraine. But the problem was not at our customs, but at Ukraine’s.<br />

¬ The second project I’m interested in is the video work Homesick<br />

Cuisine. The project pleads for the cultural integration of Europe’s<br />

different geographical spaces, making use of a simple gesture: a raffia<br />

bag placed in a bus transports meat rolls, pies and wine prepared<br />

by your family at Kishinev, which will be served on the occasion of<br />

your Berlin exhibition’s opening. In other words, the cultural integration<br />

may be performed through small gestures which an art such<br />

gastronomy allows.<br />

√ It was precisely the point of my work. It came out as a result<br />

of an invitation to attend an exhibition called To Do Things in the<br />

Middle of Nowhere. From the very beginning, this title looked suspi-<br />


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