No 13 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala

No 13 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala No 13 - Journal of Social Informatics / Revista de Informatica Sociala


30. Rothaermel, F., Sugiyama, S. (2001). Virtual Internet communities and commercial success: individual and community-level theory grounded in the atypical case of Journal of Management, 27(3), 297–312. 31. Schneider, S., Foot, K. (2004). The web as an object study. New Media Society, 6(1), 114-122. 32. Soukup, C. (2006). Computer-mediated communication as a virtual third place: building Oldenburg`s great good places on the world wide web. New Media Society, 8(3), 421-440. 33. Taylor, T. (1999). Life in Virtual Worlds: Plural Existence, Multimodalities, and other Online Research Challenges. American Behavioral Scientist, 4(3), 436-449. 34. Turner, B. (1996). The body and Society. Londra: Editura Sage. 35. Turkle, S. (1999). Cyberspace and identity. Contemporary Sociology, 28(6), 643-648. 36. Turkle,S. (Noiembrie 1999). Looking Toward Cyberspace:Beyond Grounded Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, 28(6), 643-648. 37. de Vaus, D. (2001). Research Design in Social Research. Londra: Editura Sage. 38. Wakabayashi, M. (2002). Urban Space and Cyberspace: Urban environment in the Age of Media and Information Technology. International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 11(3), 46-60. 39. Walker, K. (2000). „It’s Difficult to Hide It”: The Presentation of Self on Internet Home Pages. Qualitative Sociology, 23(1), 1-23. 40. Williams, M. (2007). Avatar watching: participant observation in graphical online environments. Qualitative Research, 7(1), 5-24. 41. Williams, P. (2006). Authentic Identities: Straightedge Subculture, Music, and the Internet. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 35(2), 173-210. 42. Woodward, K. (1997). Identity and difference. Londra: Editura Sage. Mulțumiri Investeşte în oameni ! FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013 Axa prioritară 1. Educaţia şi formarea profesională în sprijinul creşterii economice şi dezvoltării societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere Domeniul major de intervenţie 1.5. Programe doctorale şi postdoctorale în sprijinul cercetării Contract nr: POSDRU/88/1.5/S/60185: „Studii doctorale inovative într-o societate bazată pe cunoaştere” pag. 60: Revista de Informatică Socială | Vol. III (13) / 2010 | ISSN 1584-384X

THE INFLUENCES OF INTRODUCING NEW TYPES OF EDUCATION OVER HUMAN FACTOR PSYCHOINDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT Elvira NICA 1 , Gheorghe H. POPESCU 2 1 The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies email: 2 “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University Bucharest R.I.S. ABSTRACT Information and communication technology has known a significant growth in recent years allowing progress towards a new stage of human society - the information society, ensuring the economic growth under increased environmental protection conditions, with the primary consequence: reducing physical consumption in favor of information and knowledge capitalization. Thus, education as an oriented, organized and aware process enforces its role as a fundamental pillar within the human capital psycho-individual development, as the new education is designed to support human adaptation to the requirements of an existing digitized environment. Therefore, all this leads to the resizing of human capital investment, namely in education, training and health, the professional-scientific training of human capital becoming vital. Keywords: new types of education, human factor, psycho individual development, knowledge capitalization, digitized environment. REZUMAT Tehnologia informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor a cunoscut o creştere semnificativă în ultima perioadă permiţând progresul către o nouă etapă a societăţii umane-societatea informaţională, asigurând în acest sens, creşterea economică în condiţii de protecţie sporita a mediului, având drept consecinţă primară: reducerea consumului fizic în favoarea valorificării informaţiei şi a cunoaşterii. Astfel, educaţia, în calitatea sa de proces orientat, organizat şi conştientizat, îşi impune rolul de pilon fundamental în cadrul dezvoltării psihoindividuale a factorului uman, noile educaţii fiind proiectate în sprijinul adaptării acestuia la exigenţele unui mediu existenţă digitalizat. Prin urmare, toate acestea conduc spre redimensionarea investiţiei în capitalul uman, respectiv în educaţie, formare şi sănătate, pregătirea profesional-ştiinţifică a resurselor umane disponibile devenind vitală. VIII / 13 2010 Cuvinte cheie: noi tipuri de educație, factor uman, dezvoltare individuală

30. Rothaermel, F., Sugiyama, S. (2001). Virtual Internet communities and commercial success:<br />

individual and community-level theory groun<strong>de</strong>d in the atypical case <strong>of</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Management, 27(3), 297–312.<br />

31. Schnei<strong>de</strong>r, S., Foot, K. (2004). The web as an object study. New Media Society, 6(1), 114-122.<br />

32. Soukup, C. (2006). Computer-mediated communication as a virtual third place: building<br />

Ol<strong>de</strong>nburg`s great good places on the world wi<strong>de</strong> web. New Media Society, 8(3), 421-440.<br />

33. Taylor, T. (1999). Life in Virtual Worlds: Plural Existence, Multimodalities, and other Online<br />

Research Challenges. American Behavioral Scientist, 4(3), 436-449.<br />

34. Turner, B. (1996). The body and Society. Londra: Editura Sage.<br />

35. Turkle, S. (1999). Cyberspace and i<strong>de</strong>ntity. Contemporary Sociology, 28(6), 643-648.<br />

36. Turkle,S. (<strong>No</strong>iembrie 1999). Looking Toward Cyberspace:Beyond Groun<strong>de</strong>d Sociology,<br />

Contemporary Sociology, 28(6), 643-648.<br />

37. <strong>de</strong> Vaus, D. (2001). Research Design in <strong>Social</strong> Research. Londra: Editura Sage.<br />

38. Wakabayashi, M. (2002). Urban Space and Cyberspace: Urban environment in the Age <strong>of</strong><br />

Media and Information Technology. International <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Japanese Sociology, 11(3), 46-60.<br />

39. Walker, K. (2000). „It’s Difficult to Hi<strong>de</strong> It”: The Presentation <strong>of</strong> Self on Internet Home Pages.<br />

Qualitative Sociology, 23(1), 1-23.<br />

40. Williams, M. (2007). Avatar watching: participant observation in graphical online<br />

environments. Qualitative Research, 7(1), 5-24.<br />

41. Williams, P. (2006). Authentic I<strong>de</strong>ntities: Straightedge Subculture, Music, and the Internet.<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Contemporary Ethnography, 35(2), 173-210.<br />

42. Woodward, K. (1997). I<strong>de</strong>ntity and difference. Londra: Editura Sage.<br />

Mulțumiri<br />

Investeşte în oameni !<br />


Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 20<strong>13</strong><br />

Axa prioritară 1. Educaţia şi formarea pr<strong>of</strong>esională în sprijinul creşterii economice şi<br />

<strong>de</strong>zvoltării societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere<br />

Domeniul major <strong>de</strong> intervenţie 1.5. Programe doctorale şi postdoctorale în sprijinul<br />

cercetării<br />

Contract nr: POSDRU/88/1.5/S/60185: „Studii doctorale inovative într-o societate bazată pe<br />

cunoaştere”<br />

pag. 60: <strong>Revista</strong> <strong>de</strong> Informatică <strong>Social</strong>ă | Vol. III (<strong>13</strong>) / 2010 | ISSN 1584-384X

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