Mentenanta Conductelor de Transport Gaze Naturale - Transgaz

Mentenanta Conductelor de Transport Gaze Naturale - Transgaz

Mentenanta Conductelor de Transport Gaze Naturale - Transgaz


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exploatare a conductelor, UPG 2008<br />

157. Zecheru Gh., ş.a., Investigarea <strong>de</strong>fectului <strong>de</strong> sudură şi evaluarea rezistenţei<br />

mecanice remanente a cordonului <strong>de</strong> sudură <strong>de</strong> pe conducta 48‖ <strong>de</strong><br />

subtraversare a Dunării la Isaccea (firul II)‖, Contractul nr. 16 / 2005, S.N.T.G.N.<br />

―TRANSGAZ‖ S.A. – Sucursala <strong>de</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> <strong>Gaze</strong> <strong>Naturale</strong> Mediaş<br />

158. Zecheru Gh., ş.a., The special fetures of using fracture arrestors in natural gas<br />

transmission pipelines, în Mo<strong>de</strong>ling and optimization in the machines buiding<br />

field, Papers presented at The 13 th International Conference of Fracture<br />

Mechanics, Vol. 4, Bacău, 2007, p. 269-274<br />

159. Zecheru Gh., Pană I., Laţa I., Soluţii tehnice pentru încercarea la presiune a<br />

ţevilor din oţel pentru conducte, în vol. SIMEC 2005, CONSPRESS, p. 165-170<br />

160. Zecheru Gh., Laţa I., Drăghici Gh., The Use of Pipelines Defect Assessment<br />

Acceptance Charts for the evaluation of the Remaining Strength, în Mecanica<br />

ruperii – Buletinul ARMR, nr. 17, iulie 2005, p.11-17<br />

161. Zecheru Gh., Neacşu M., Laţa I., The Probabilistic Conception of the Pipeline<br />

Defect Acceptance Charts, în Mecanica ruperii – Buletinul ARMR, nr. 17,<br />

iulie 2005, p.31-36<br />

162. Zecheru Gh., Laţa I., Criterii tehnico – economice utilizate la recuperarea şi<br />

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Petrol – <strong>Gaze</strong> din Ploieşti, Volum LVII, Seria Tehnică nr. 2/2005, p.163 –168<br />

163. Zecheru Gh., Neacşu M., Laţa I., Estimation of the failure probability of<br />

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164. Zhang B., ş.a., Theoretical and experimental study of stress corrosion<br />

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165. Ziaja J., ş.a., New trenchless methods for gas pipelines renovation, în Acta<br />

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166. Zimmerman T.J.E., Cosham A., Hopkins P., San<strong>de</strong>rson N., Can Limit States<br />

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167. Yin, H., Bagnoli, D.L., Case Histories Using Fitness-For-Service Methods,<br />

ASME PVP-Vol. 288, ASME, New York, 1994, p. 315-328<br />

168. Yutioka N., Weldability of mo<strong>de</strong>rn high strength steels. Proceeding from the<br />

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169. Wang K.C., Smith E.D., The Effect of Mechanical Damage on Fracture<br />

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Technology (CANMET), Canada, Report ERP/PMRL 82-11 (TR), Jan. 1982<br />

170. Wang W.Q., Liu C.J., Zhou S.J., On the probabilistic failure assessment diagram,<br />

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 65, 1999, p. 653-662<br />

171. Woods D.W., ş.a., Pipeline rehabilitation with expan<strong>de</strong>d and oriented PVC,<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>rground Infrastructure Adv. Techn. Conference, Washington, Dec, 2003<br />

172. * * * An assessment of measures in use for gas pipelines to mitigate against<br />

damage caused by third party activity, Health and Safety Executive, Contract<br />

NTMC ___________________________________________________________________________ pag. 154

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