cercetarea ştiinţifică pe total universitate 2003-2008 - Universitatea ...

cercetarea ştiinţifică pe total universitate 2003-2008 - Universitatea ...

cercetarea ştiinţifică pe total universitate 2003-2008 - Universitatea ...


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Boncea Amelia Georgiana, Cîrnu Doru The analysis of<br />

financing the system of social assistance in Romania<br />

during the <strong>pe</strong>riod 1996-2007, Economy Magazine.<br />

Studies, researches, analysis and synthesis, Editura<br />

„Academica Brâncuşi”, ISSN: 1584-790X, nr 1/<strong>2008</strong>, pag<br />

9-11<br />

Cîrnu Doru As<strong>pe</strong>cts of Total Quality Management<br />

Applied in the Medium and Small Enterprises, 4th<br />

International Scientific Conference ECO_TREND 2007<br />

Boncea Amelia Georgiana, Cîrnu Doru Evoluţia<br />

relaţiilor dintre România şi UE, 3 rd International<br />

Scientific Conference ECO-TREND 2006, “Economics<br />

and Globalization”, November 24-25, Targu-Jiu,<br />

Romania, 2006, Editura “Universitaria”, Craiova, 2007,<br />

ISBN (10) 973-742-321-0; (13) 978-973-742-321-1<br />

Boncea Amelia, Doru Cîrnu The progess of the new eight<br />

member states (NMS) in accomplishing the economic<br />

citeria for the EU accession, Annals of the University of<br />

Petrosani, 2006, ISSN 1582-5949, cotată de CNCSIS<br />

categoria C<br />

Doru Cîrnu The demerits method used for assesing the<br />

quality of glass products Annals of the University<br />

of Petrosani 2006 ISSN 1582-5949<br />

Boncea Amelia Georgiana, Cîrnu Doru Politicile<br />

Uniunii Euro<strong>pe</strong>ne, Curs universitar ID, Editura EDYRO<br />

PRESS, Petroşani, 2005, ISBN 973-7718-20-8<br />

Cîrnu Doru Macroeconomie, Curs universitar ID,<br />

Editura EDYRO PRESS, Petroşani, 2004, 107 pag. ISBN<br />

973-7718-13-5<br />

Cîrnu Doru Microeconomie, Editura „Academica<br />

Brancuşi”, ISBN (10) 973-7637-38-0, ISBN (13) 978-973-<br />

7637-80-0 nr.pag??<br />

Cîrnu Doru Managementul resurselor umane I, Editura<br />

Academica Brâncuşi 2007 nr.pag??<br />

Cîrnu Doru Managementul resurselor umane II, Editura<br />

Academica Brâncuşi <strong>2008</strong> nr.pag??<br />

I.7 5<br />

II.9 2,5<br />

I.7 5<br />

I.7 5<br />

I.7 10<br />

I.10 10.7<br />


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