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Luca, L., Preoteasa, T., Po<strong>pe</strong>scu A.-The cinematique<br />

posibilities of one mechanism build from one geometrical<br />

places problem. The XII-th Edition the International<br />

Scientific Conference of The Engineering Faculty, Nov.<br />

2007, Tg-Jiu ISSN 1842-4856.<br />

Luca.L.,Po<strong>pe</strong>scu I.,Cirtina L., The structural synthesis of<br />

the mechanisms with one or two dyads and two<br />

conducting elements. Annals of the Oradea University,<br />

vol III, ISSN, clasa B+, iunie, 2007, IMT Oradea 2007.<br />

Ghimisi, S., Po<strong>pe</strong>scu, Gh., Luca, L.-Investigtion of the<br />

fretting phenomenon. Annals of the Oradea University,<br />

vol VI, ISSN, clasa B+, iunie, 2007, IMT Oradea 2007<br />

Luca L, Po<strong>pe</strong>scu A. – Structura şi cinematica unor<br />

mecanisme conicografe tip Artobolevskii. Scientific<br />

Conference 9-th edition, Târgu-Jiu, nov. 2004<br />

Po<strong>pe</strong>scu I, Luca L- Construcţia şi structura unui mecanism<br />

hi<strong>pe</strong>rbolograf. Scientific Conference 9-th edition, Târgu-<br />

Jiu, nov. 2004Luca L, Cirtina L, Radulescu C.- Structura<br />

si cinematica unor conicografe. Scientific conference 10-<br />

th edition, Univ. Constantin Brancusi Tg-Jiu, nov. 2005.<br />

ISBN 973-7637-25-9.<br />

Luca L., Po<strong>pe</strong>scu I., Asupra unor mecanisme cardiografe.<br />

Simpozion cu participare internationala PRASIC 2006,<br />

Brasov. Luca L., The study of a cissoids graph<br />

mechanism. Simpozion international SIMPRO 2006,<br />

Petrosani.<br />

Cirtina,L., Luca L., Radulescu C.-Cercetari teoretice<br />

privind marirea tolerantelor elementelor componente ale<br />

unui lant de dimensiuni. The XI-th Edition the<br />

International Scientific Conference of The Engineering<br />

Faculty, Nov. 2006, Tg-Jiu.ISSN 1842-4856.<br />

Radulescu C., Cirtina L., Luca L.-Unele as<strong>pe</strong>cte privind<br />

modul de implementare a conceptului TPM si<br />

compararea acestuia cu MQT. The XI-th Edition the<br />

International Scientific Conference of The Engineering<br />

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