BALNEO-RESEARCH JOURNAL - Asociatia Romana de Balneologie

BALNEO-RESEARCH JOURNAL - Asociatia Romana de Balneologie

BALNEO-RESEARCH JOURNAL - Asociatia Romana de Balneologie


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Dr.Gheorghe Chiriţi, MD, PhD, Dr. Dana –Maria Dimulescu, MD,PhD - University of Medicine and<br />

Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania<br />

National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology<br />

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficiency of a program of physical and<br />

kinetics rehabilitation for patients with secondary osteoarthritis of the ankle in improving the pain, the<br />

physical impairments and the disabilities.<br />

Materials and methods: This study consisted of two groups: study group 1 and control group 2,<br />

each with 30 patients ( males and females), of different ages, between 40-70 years, with secondary<br />

osteoarthritis of the ankle. The control group(group 2) inclu<strong>de</strong>d patients has received pharmacological<br />

treatment, the study group (group 1) inclu<strong>de</strong>d patients has associated pharmacological and recovery<br />

treatment.The clinical and functional parameters assessed were: pain, physical impairments (inclu<strong>de</strong>d:<br />

muscular strength, static disor<strong>de</strong>rs and mobility of ankle) and disabilities (inclu<strong>de</strong>d: Tinetti Gait Scale,<br />

ADL 24 and movement capacity).<br />

We also used the scales: visual analog scale (VAS), Tinetti Gait Scale, Tinetti Balance Scale,<br />

ADL 24.<br />

Results: After the physical- kinetics program, the scores for functional parameters recor<strong>de</strong>d<br />

improvements as follows: pain- 45,8% (group 1) and 37,3% (group 2); physical impairments: muscular<br />

strength- 8,7% (group 1), without improving by group 2, static disor<strong>de</strong>rs- 20,5% (group 1) and 13,2%<br />

(group 2), mobility of lower limb- 32,9% (group 1) and 23,4% (group 2); disabilities: Tinetti Gait Scale-<br />

33,6% (group 1) and 24,8% (group 2), ADL- 50,7% (group 1) and 41,3% (group 2), movement capacity-<br />

47,5% (group 1) and 36,1% (group 2).<br />

Conclusion: Improvement of pain, physical impairments and disabilities for the study group, has<br />

received pharmacological and recovery treatment, certifies the efficacy of the rehabilitation program for<br />

the patients suffering from secondary osteoarthritis of the ankle.<br />


Gilda Mologhianu, Adriana Sarah Nica, Brindusa Mitoiu<br />

INRMFB<br />

Fenomenul complex <strong>de</strong> imbatranire si consecintele sale, <strong>de</strong>terminand dimensiuni clinice si<br />

disfunctionale variate, beneficiaza <strong>de</strong> cura balneara, atat in sfera profilactica, curativa, cat si in<br />

programele complexe <strong>de</strong> refacere functionala.<br />

In Romania exista o istorie si o experienta medicala valoroasa legata <strong>de</strong> pacientul varstnic:<br />

experienta medicala din scoala <strong>de</strong> geriatrie si balneoclimatologie, valorificate pe diversele domenii <strong>de</strong><br />

patologie, utilizand un arsenal terapeutic <strong>de</strong> factori naturali diversi, cuprinzand ape minerale, namoluri si<br />

gaze naturale terapeutice, microclimat particular (saline, climatul marim).<br />

Varstnicul are nevoie <strong>de</strong> un bilant clinico-functional si <strong>de</strong> program terapeutic si antrenament<br />

supravegheat, <strong>de</strong>sfasurat in conditii monitorizate in statiuni balneare <strong>de</strong> profil locomotor (Calimanesti –<br />

Caciulata, Amara, Bazna, Felix, Geoagiu, litoralul Marii Negre, Techirghiol) pentru suferinte <strong>de</strong> tip<br />

reumatismal, posttraumatic, neurologic sau visceral (cardiorespirator, digestiv sau reno-urinar).<br />

Particularitatile grupei <strong>de</strong> varsta dupa 65 ani vizeaza aspecte legate <strong>de</strong> polipatologie, <strong>de</strong> formele<br />

specifice <strong>de</strong> evolutie a suferintelor <strong>de</strong>generative <strong>de</strong> tip cardiovascular, neurologic si psihic, <strong>de</strong> modificari<br />

in sfera adaptarii fata <strong>de</strong> termoreglare si amprenta tratamentelor medicamentoase prelungite. Ecoul<br />

disfunctional locomotor impune un program <strong>de</strong> intretinere a functionalitatii specifice, <strong>de</strong> sustinere a<br />

autonomiei, a gradului <strong>de</strong> in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nta si a motivatiei relationale, obiective care se pot atinge prin cura<br />

balneara anti-ageing. Astfel, sindromul <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>conditionare, reantrenarea la efort dupa infarct miocardic sau<br />

acci<strong>de</strong>nt vascular cerebral raman situatii patologice diferentiate care pot beneficia <strong>de</strong> cura balneara.<br />

Avantajul nisei ecologice balneare ca spatiu <strong>de</strong> sanatate si “punere in forma “ se regaseste in<br />

reteaua balneara romaneasca prin oferta diversa, prin profesionalismul grupului <strong>de</strong> medici specialisti si a<br />

echipelor <strong>de</strong> recuperare, reprezentand o solutie eficienta pentru ameliorarea asistentei sociale si medicale<br />

a populatiei varstnice.<br />

Lucrarea se doreste o reevaluare a aplicatiei balneogeriatriei si a valorificarii realiste a<br />

potentialului balnear pentru pacientul varstnic.<br />


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