Publicatie cu continut integral - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova

Publicatie cu continut integral - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova

Publicatie cu continut integral - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova


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internaţionale, unei societăţi democratice. Din punct de vedere economic însă, or reforma a vizat în primul rînd<br />

reformarea agri<strong>cu</strong>lturii <strong>din</strong> puncte de vedere economic, împroprietărirea ţăranilor a dus la o parcelare excesivă a<br />

exploatărilor agricole, ceea ce a avut drept consecinţă diminuarea productivităţii muncii în complexul agroindustrial<br />

şi, drept rezultat, o scădere radicală a volumului producţiei agricole în republică, şi aceasta în toate ramurile<br />

(zootehnie, fitotehnie, industria conservelor, vinificaţia etc.). Reforma a modificat radical şi modul de viaţă al<br />

ţăranilor moldoveni, altădată simpli angajaţi în sectorul agrar al RSSM, pomeniţi în cîţiva ani „proprietari”de terenuri<br />

agricole pe care nu aveau <strong>cu</strong> ce să le prelucreze-nici sub aspectul tehnicii agricole, nici al îngrăşămintelor,<br />

pesticidelor etc., neavînd, aşadar, nici o posibilitate de a obţine rezultate satisfăcătoare în urma muncii lor.Astfel,<br />

în condiţiile unei agri<strong>cu</strong>lturi absolut ineficiente, de subzistenţă, ţărănimea a început să se desţărănizeze, emigrînd<br />

peste hotarele ţării în căutarea unui loc de muncă.<br />

Toate cele expuse mai sus ne fac să apreciem procesul reformei agrare desfăşurate în Republica <strong>Moldova</strong> în<br />

ultimii 15 ani drept un mare eşec, nu doar sub aspect economic, ci şi sub aspect social.<br />

Summary<br />

During the last decade of the past century (so-called transition period), Republic of <strong>Moldova</strong> was characterized<br />

by a wide process of reforming the economy, especially in the area of property. One of the main areas of general<br />

property reform was the land property.<br />

Starting from 1989 the land property was transferred, step by step, in private property, maintaining a limited<br />

state-owned sector. During 1992-1996 the process of land distributing toward peasants was extremely lent, and<br />

only starting with 1998 the process begun to take more speed. As result of land distribution to farmers, in 2002<br />

the most of the lands were already private, but extremely divided into a small exploitations-very hard to be used<br />

in a modern agri<strong>cu</strong>lture .The agri<strong>cu</strong>ltural output diminished by more than a half compared with 1990/1991 data.<br />

However, after the distribution of lands in private property, the most of it became loaned from peasants by big<br />

agri<strong>cu</strong>ltural companies (75 % of lands in 2002 were consolidated in exploitations of more than 100 hectares).<br />

The process of reform caused very important mutations in the peasant’s way of life and even in the field of their<br />

mentality. We consider that the perception of the agri<strong>cu</strong>ltural reform is quite different from the content of reform<br />

under formal aspects. Another goal of this article is also to draft some considerations for clearing the processes<br />

in the field of studying the problem of changing mentality and reform perception by peasants in post-communist<br />

<strong>Moldova</strong>. It is important to know from this viewpoint that the agri<strong>cu</strong>ltural reform in <strong>Moldova</strong> was caused the<br />

emergence of some new social classes by comparison with Soviet period-the big land owners, the small land<br />

owners (not really a capitalist social class in <strong>Moldova</strong>) and those with no land in property, imposed to work for an<br />

extremely small wage in agri<strong>cu</strong>lture. As result of it, a big part of small owners and those with no land in property<br />

were imposed to emigrate out border searching for a better life, the process of emigration being an aspect of disappearing<br />

of peasants as an important social category in <strong>Moldova</strong>.<br />

The short evolution of the process of land property transformation, under economic, juridical and statistical<br />

aspects, as well as the transformations in the area on mentality is the subject of the article to follow.<br />

Bibliografie<br />

1. Konstitutsia Soyuza Sovetskih Socialističeskih Respublik, Moskva, 1977.<br />

2. Legi, hotărîri şi alte acte adoptate de către sesiunea a cincea a Sovietului Suprem al RSS <strong>Moldova</strong> de legislatura a douăsprezecea,<br />

vol.II, Chişinău, 1991.<br />

3. Legi, hotărîri şi alte acte adoptate de către sesiunea a cincea a Sovietului Suprem al RSS <strong>Moldova</strong> de legislatura a douăsprezecea,<br />

vol.III, Chişinău, 1991.<br />

4. Legislaţia funciară, Chişinău, 1996.<br />

5. Monitorul Oficial, nr.147-149, Chişinău, 2001.<br />

6. Sobranie postanovlenii pravite’stva SSSR, nr. 19-20, Moskva, 1989.<br />

7. Veştile Congresului Deputaţilor Poporului şi ale Sovietului Suprem al Uniunii Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste, nr. 9,<br />

Moscova, 1990.<br />

8. Veştile Congresului Deputaţilor Poporului şi ale Sovietului Suprem al Uniunii Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste, nr. 11,<br />

Moscova, 1990.<br />

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