Publicatie cu continut integral - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova

Publicatie cu continut integral - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova

Publicatie cu continut integral - Asociatia Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova


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tre<strong>cu</strong>t complet sub tăcere pentru îndeplinirea unor scopuri, de cele mai multe străine de acesta. Nu în ultimă instanţă,<br />

acest proces a putut da naştere la atitu<strong>din</strong>i <strong>cu</strong> totul neştiinţifice, care ulterior, în cazul României după 1964<br />

şi al Republicii <strong>Moldova</strong> după 1989, au fost într-o mare măsură înlăturate. Unele <strong>din</strong>tre acestea se regăsesc însă<br />

în stânga Prutului la începutul secolului XXI, rămânând ca istoriografia să fie cea care, prin realizările sale, să<br />

contribuie la selectarea adevărului istoric de mistificare, indiferent de motivele acesteia <strong>din</strong> urmă.<br />

Summary<br />

ıdeology and Historical truth in romanian and moldavian Historiography. some considerations<br />

It became a fundamental thesis the fact that historical truth was, always, influenced by the political ideology.<br />

For the 1948-1989 period, in Romania, history was write depen<strong>din</strong>g on political elite interests and the whole<br />

context of Romanian – Soviet Union relationship.<br />

After 1948 it was established un historical front which implied firing of many scholars and o very tight control<br />

of scientific activity. But only that was not enough. The new regime looked upon moral – and sometimes physical<br />

anihilation – of recognised historians from the interwar period. New men, of trust, become overnight historians,<br />

in the whole process of subordonating history to politics, which defined the first postwar decade. Only in the first<br />

half of 1960’s we could remark a partially return to the scientific normality or to the „reviewing of the historical<br />

truth bearly interpreted”, without going out from the communist norms.<br />

This period was followed by a so - called „ideological relaxation”, (1965-1971) and, due to ideological hardening,<br />

under Chinese/Nord-Korean influence, after 1971, by the rising of oficial historians, capable to use the past<br />

in order to discover and launch new myths, for benefice of state and party leadership.<br />

The history of Eastern Moldavia – Bessarabia, was not to make a separate note, in this context. In our paper<br />

we stressed upon the main moments of the evolution of Romanian communist historiography in regard with the<br />

Bessarabian problem and the reaction from the Moldavian colleagues, during the Soviet Union existence. On the<br />

other hand, we try to bring into light some views from Moldavian historiography, after the fall of Soviet Union<br />

and the proclamation of the Republic of Moldavia. We cannot fail to observ that, in the whole process of Moldavian<br />

nation afirmation, sometimes the historical truth was evoided, changed and serious endangered, similar<br />

with what happened in Romania in the first decade of communist regime. We analised some of recent Moldavian<br />

historical works and the manner in which some important moments from Romanian – Moldavian history have<br />

misinterpreted, for showing in what degree a historical deformation was taken place. In both historiographies (for<br />

the Moldavian one, it was only a part of it, which constitued the object of our analyse) in different periods, under<br />

different political commandaments, important changes in the historical truth came to place, in order to accomplish<br />

some political goals.<br />

Bibliografie<br />

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Dicţionar enciclopedic Român, IV, 1966, Bu<strong>cu</strong>reşti.<br />

GEORGESCU, V., 1991. Politică şi istorie. Cazul comuniştilor români 1944-1947, Bu<strong>cu</strong>reşti.<br />

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Krushchev Remembers, the last testament, 1976, Boston.<br />

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