productivitatea pomilor de măr, altoiţi pe m 9, în funcţie de metoda ...

productivitatea pomilor de măr, altoiţi pe m 9, în funcţie de metoda ...

productivitatea pomilor de măr, altoiţi pe m 9, în funcţie de metoda ...


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CROITOR Alexandr, „Productivity of apple trees, grafted on M9, according to the<br />

method of crown formation of ameliorated slen<strong>de</strong>r spindle ty<strong>pe</strong>”, the thesis of the doctor in<br />

agriculture, Chisinau, 2009.<br />

Thesis inclu<strong>de</strong>s introduction, 4 charters, conclusions and practical recommendations,<br />

bibliography – 184 references, 10 annexes, 89 bases text pages, 2 pictures, 34 tables. The optained<br />

results are published in 9 scientific works.<br />

Key words: rootstock M9; apple varieties; ameliorated slen<strong>de</strong>r spindle; structure of<br />

plantation; phytometric and production characteristics; yield; fruit quality; profitableness.<br />

Domain of research: agriculture, fruit growing, 06.01.07.<br />

Aim of research is optimization of crown structure of ameliorated svelte stem ty<strong>pe</strong> that<br />

assures: accelerating the process of entering the tree on economic fructification and rapid growth of<br />

yield; early recover of capital investments; economic efficiency growth of fruit production in apple<br />

tree su<strong>pe</strong>rintensive orchards.<br />

Objectives of research: elaboration of optimization methods of crown structure;<br />

establishing high productive dimensions of apple tree crowns and plantation structure; dynamic<br />

equilibration of processes of tree growth and fructification; rational valorization of potential of<br />

apple tree productivity; <strong>de</strong>termination of in<strong>de</strong>xes optimum of main phytometric and productivity<br />

characteristics.<br />

Methodology of research. Theoretic support and scientific methodology of thesis have<br />

constituted the scientific concepts of world known scientists in fruit growing domain as T.<br />

Baldassari, J.M. Lespinasse, A. Mika, Ph. Monney, A. Sadowski. There were also studied the<br />

scientific works of native scientists V. Babuc, V. Balan, Gh. Cimpoieş, C. Dadu, I. Donica.<br />

Innovation and originality of research. For the first time in Republic of Moldova’s<br />

conditions were obtained new ex<strong>pe</strong>rimental data and were elaborated recommendations for rational<br />

structure of crown of ameliorated svelte stem ty<strong>pe</strong> of apple tree main varieties, grafted on rootstock<br />

M9.<br />

Theoretical significance of research. Theoretical significance means to <strong>de</strong>termine<br />

optimum in<strong>de</strong>xes of main Phytometric and production characteristics of apple trees.<br />

Applicative value of research. Applicative value means to elaborate a new system of<br />

rational structuring of crown of ameliorated svelte stem ty<strong>pe</strong> in apple su<strong>pe</strong>rintensive orchards with a<br />

high productivity.<br />

Practical implementation. On the basis of scientific results it was elaborated and then<br />

implemented into production on an area of 50 ha in enterprise “Codru-ST” Ltd. city Bucovat, a new<br />

system of rational structuring of crown of ameliorated svelte stem ty<strong>pe</strong> in the apple su<strong>pe</strong>rintensive<br />

orchard with high productivity.<br />


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