Teza doctorat (pdf) - Universitatea Tehnică

Teza doctorat (pdf) - Universitatea Tehnică Teza doctorat (pdf) - Universitatea Tehnică

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282 Bibliografie [Nag05] Nageshwara M. Rao, Thomas S., Nagarajan T., Murthy H.A., Text-to-speech synthesis using syllable like units, in National Conference on Communication, IIT Kharagpur, India, Jan 2005, pp. 227-280. [Nav05] Nave R., The Place Theory of Pitch Perception, http://hyperphysics.phy - astr.gsu.edu/hbase/sound/souref.html, 2005 [Nay07] Naylor P.A., Kounoudes A., Gudnason J., Brookes M., Estimation of Glottal Closure Instants in Voiced Speech Using the DYPSA Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 15, Issue 1, Jan. 2007, pp. 34 - 43 [Nic06-1] Nica A., Căruntu A., Toderean G., Buza O., Analysis and Synthesis of Vowels Using Matlab, Proceedings of the IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing Robotics, AQTR 2006 (Theta 15), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Vol. II, ISBN 1-4244-0360- X, May 25-28, 2006, pp. 371-374 [Nic06-2] Nica A., Căruntu A., Toderean G., Buza O., Features Extraction from Romanian Vowels Using Matlab, Buletinul Ştiintific al Universităţii “Politehnica” din Timişoara, Seria Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii (Transactions on Electronics and Communications), Tom 51(65), Fascicola 2, 2006, pp. 81-84 [Ode95] Odell, J.J., The use of context in large vocabulary speech recognition, Ph.D. thesis, The University of Cambridge, 1995 [Ola00] Olaszy, Németh, et al., Profivox – A Hungarian Text-To-Speech System for Telecommunications Applications, International Journal of Speech Technology (Ijst), Vol. 3, No. 3/4, Kluver Academic Publishers, 2000 [Pic93] Picone, J.W., Signal modeling techniques in speech recognition, Proceedings IEEE, Vol. 81, September 1993, pp. 1215-1246 [Pop00] Pop G.P., Toderean G., Lupu E., Sofware for speech analysis, Proceedings of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, ETc’2000, Timisoara, Romania, November 23-24, 2000, in Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii ”Politehnica” Timişoara, Timişoara, Romania, vol. II, 2000, pp. 109-112 [Pop01] Popescu V., Semnale, circuite şi sisteme – Teoria semnalelor, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Bucureşti, 2001 [Pop07] Popescu V., Caelen J., Burileanu C., Generic Architecture for Natural Language Generation in Spoken Human-Computer Dialogue, published in the volume “Advances in Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H.-N., edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 4 th Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue SpeD 2007, organized by the Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, and the Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania, May 10-12, 2007, pp. 57-72 [Rad07] Radu M., Toma S., Popescu F., Aspects Regarding Synthetic Speech Quality Evaluations for Military Systems, published in the volume “Advances in Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H.-N., edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 4 th Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue SpeD 2007, organized by the Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, and the Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania, May 10-12, 2007, pp. 99-108

283 Bibliografie [Rol09] Rolingva, Dicţionarul morfologic al limbii române, http://rolingva.ro/aplicatii_ dictionar.php, 2009 [Sag96] Sagisaka Y., Campbell N., Higuchi N., Computing Prosody. Computational Models For Processing Spontaneous Speech, Springer, 1996 [Sag99] Sagisaka Y., Rules, measures, and corpora for speech synthesis, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 105, Issue 2, February 1999, pp. 1029-1038 [Sak03] Sakai S., Glass J., Fundamental Frequency Modeling for Corpus-Based Speech Synthesis Based on a Statistical Learning Technique, Spoken Language System Publications, 2003 [Sam04] Samsudin, Nur-Hana and Kong, Tang Enya, A Simple Malay Speech Synthesizer Using Syllable Concatenation Approach, MMU International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies (M2USIC 2004), October 2004 [Sch04] Schroeder M. R., Quast H., Strube H.W., Computer Speech: Recognition, Compression, Synthesis, Springer Series in Information Sciences, Springer Publisher, ISBN-10: 3540212671, 2 nd edition, 2004 [Sha00] O´Shaughnessy D., Speech Communications. Human and Machine, IEEE Press, 2000 [Shr01] Shriver S., Toth A., A unified design for human-machine voice interaction, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seattle, 2001 [Spr98] Sproat R., Multilingual Text-To-Speech Synthesis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998 [Ste97] Steven W. Smith, The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing, California Technical Publishing, 1997 [Sto84] Stolojanu, G. et al., Prelucrarea numerică a semnalului vocal, Ed. Militară, Bucureşti, 1984 [Sun77] Sundberg, J., The Acoustics of the Singing Voice, Scientific American, March 1977 [Sur07] Surmei M., Burileanu D., Negrescu C., Pîrvu R., Ungurean C., Dervis A., Text-to- Speech Engines as Telecom Service Enablers, published in the volume “Advances in Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H.-N., edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 4 th Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue SpeD 2007, organized by the Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, and the Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania, May 10-12 2007, pp. 89-98 [Tat05] Tatham M., Morton K., Developments in Speech Synthesis, Wiley Publisher, ISBN 978- 0470855386, 2005 [Tay09] Taylor P., Text-to-Speech Synthesis, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521899273, 1 st edition, 2009 [Teo09] Teodorescu H.N., Feraru M., Zbancioc M., Assessing the Quality of Voice Synthesizers, published in the volume „From Speech Processing to Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H.-N., edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 5 th IEEE Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue, SpeD 2009, organized by the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Romanian Academy, the Maritime University of Constanta, the

283<br />

Bibliografie<br />

[Rol09] Rolingva, Dicţionarul morfologic al limbii române, http://rolingva.ro/aplicatii_<br />

dictionar.php, 2009<br />

[Sag96] Sagisaka Y., Campbell N., Higuchi N., Computing Prosody. Computational Models For<br />

Processing Spontaneous Speech, Springer, 1996<br />

[Sag99] Sagisaka Y., Rules, measures, and corpora for speech synthesis, Journal of the<br />

Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 105, Issue 2, February 1999, pp. 1029-1038<br />

[Sak03] Sakai S., Glass J., Fundamental Frequency Modeling for Corpus-Based Speech<br />

Synthesis Based on a Statistical Learning Technique, Spoken Language System Publications,<br />

2003<br />

[Sam04] Samsudin, Nur-Hana and Kong, Tang Enya, A Simple Malay Speech Synthesizer Using<br />

Syllable Concatenation Approach, MMU International Symposium on Information and<br />

Communications Technologies (M2USIC 2004), October 2004<br />

[Sch04] Schroeder M. R., Quast H., Strube H.W., Computer Speech: Recognition, Compression,<br />

Synthesis, Springer Series in Information Sciences, Springer Publisher, ISBN-10: 3540212671,<br />

2 nd edition, 2004<br />

[Sha00] O´Shaughnessy D., Speech Communications. Human and Machine, IEEE Press, 2000<br />

[Shr01] Shriver S., Toth A., A unified design for human-machine voice interaction, Conference<br />

on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seattle, 2001<br />

[Spr98] Sproat R., Multilingual Text-To-Speech Synthesis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998<br />

[Ste97] Steven W. Smith, The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing,<br />

California Technical Publishing, 1997<br />

[Sto84] Stolojanu, G. et al., Prelucrarea numerică a semnalului vocal, Ed. Militară, Bucureşti,<br />

1984<br />

[Sun77] Sundberg, J., The Acoustics of the Singing Voice, Scientific American, March 1977<br />

[Sur07] Surmei M., Burileanu D., Negrescu C., Pîrvu R., Ungurean C., Dervis A., Text-to-<br />

Speech Engines as Telecom Service Enablers, published in the volume “Advances in Spoken<br />

Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H.-N., edited by the<br />

Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 4 th<br />

Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue SpeD 2007, organized by the<br />

Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, and the Technical University of<br />

Iasi, Iasi, Romania, May 10-12 2007, pp. 89-98<br />

[Tat05] Tatham M., Morton K., Developments in Speech Synthesis, Wiley Publisher, ISBN 978-<br />

0470855386, 2005<br />

[Tay09] Taylor P., Text-to-Speech Synthesis, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521899273, 1 st<br />

edition, 2009<br />

[Teo09] Teodorescu H.N., Feraru M., Zbancioc M., Assessing the Quality of Voice Synthesizers,<br />

published in the volume „From Speech Processing to Spoken Language Technology”,<br />

coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H.-N., edited by the Publishing House of the<br />

Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 5 th IEEE Conference on Speech<br />

Technology and Human Computer Dialogue, SpeD 2009, organized by the University<br />

“Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Romanian Academy, the Maritime University of Constanta, the

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