Teza doctorat (pdf) - Universitatea Tehnică

Teza doctorat (pdf) - Universitatea Tehnică Teza doctorat (pdf) - Universitatea Tehnică

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278 Bibliografie Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR 2008 - THETA 16 th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN 978-1-4244-2576-1,Vol. II, May 22-25, 2008 [Buz08-2] Buza O., Toderean G., Metode de Sinteză din Text a Vorbirii pentru Limba Română, Lucrările celei de-a II-a Conferinţe Internaţionale de Telecomunicaţii, Electronică şi Informatică ICTEI 2008, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Vol.1, 15-18 Mai 2008, pp. 209-214 [Buz09-1] Buza O., Toderean G., Domokos J., Bodo A. Z., Building a Text to Speech System for Romanian through Concatenation, The 5 th IEEE Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue SpeD 2009, organized by the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Romanian Academy, the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, in cooperation with EURASIP and IEEE, Constanta, Romania, June 18-21, 2009, accepted to be published [Buz09-2] Buza O., Toderean G., Domokos J., Bodo A. Zs., Construction of a Syllable-Based Text-To-Speech System for Romanian, MEMORIILE SECŢIILOR ŞTIINŢIFICE / MEMOIRS OF THE SCIENTIFIC SECTIONS, Romanian Academy Iassy Branch, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, ISSN 1224-1407, ISBN 978-973-27-1551-2, Series IV, Tome XXXII, 2009 [Car06] Căruntu A., Nica A., Toderean G., Puşchiţă E., Buza O., An Improved Method for Automatic Classification of Speech, Proceedings of the IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing Robotics, AQTR 2006 (Theta 15), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Vol. I, May 25-28 2006 [Chi94] Childers D. G., Hu H. T., Speech Synthesis by glottal excited linear prediction, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1994 [Chi00] Childers D. G., Speech Processing and Synthesis Toolboxes, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York NY, 2000 [Cio09] Ciobanu A., Negrescu C., Burileanu D., Stanomir D., Time-Frequency Processing of Partials for High-Quality Speech Synthesis, published in the volume „From Speech Processing to Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H.-N., edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 5 th IEEE Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue, SpeD 2009, organized by the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Romanian Academy, the Maritime University of Constanta, the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, in cooperation with EURASIP and IEEE, Constanta, Romania, June 18-21, 2009, pp. 67-75 [Con94] Constantinescu-Dobridor G., Sintaxa limbii române, Editura Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1994 [Das01] Dascălu-Jinga L., Melodia vorbirii în limba română, Academia Română, Univers Enciclopedic, Bucureşti, 2001 [Dia09] Diaconescu Ş. et al., General System for Normal and Phonetic Inflection, published in the volume „From Speech Processing to Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H.-N., edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 5 th IEEE Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue, SpeD 2009, organized by the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Romanian Academy, the Maritime University of Constanta, the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, in cooperation with EURASIP and IEEE, Constanta, Romania, June 18-21, 2009, pp.149-160

279 Bibliografie [Din04] Dinu L. P., Despărţirea automată în silabe a cuvintelor din limba română. Aplicaţii în construcţia bazei de date a silabelor limbii române, Raport de cercetare, cod AT217/2004, http://thor.info.uaic.ro/~fliacob/An1/2007-2008/Utilitati/U11/Despre entropie/Analiza silabelor din limba romana.pdf, 2004 [Dom08] Domokos J., Toderean G., Buza O., Statistical Language Modeling on Susane Corpus, The 7 th International Conference - COMMUNICATIONS 2008, organized by the Military Technical Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the “Electronica 2000” Foundation, and the IEEE Romanian Section in Bucharest, Romania, June 5-7, 2008, pp.69-72 [Dom09] Domokos J., Toderean G., Buza O., Text Conditioning and Statistical Language Modeling for Romanian Language, published in the volume „From Speech Processing to Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H. N., edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 5 th IEEE Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue, SpeD 2009, organized by the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Romanian Academy, the Maritime University of Constanta, the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, in cooperation with EURASIP and IEEE, Constanta, Romania, June 18-21, 2009, pp.161-168 [Dut93-1] Dutoit T., High Quality Text-To-Speech Synthesis of the French Language, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, TCTS Lab, Teză de doctorat, 1993 [Dut93-2] Dutoit T., Leich H., MBR-PSOLA: Text-to-speech synthesis based on an MBE resynthesis of the segments database, Speech Communication, Vol. 13 , Issue 3-4, ISSN: 0167- 6393, pp. 435 – 440, December 1993 [Dut04] Dutoit T., High-quality text-to-speech synthesis: an overview, http://tcts. fpms.ac.be/synthesis/introtts.html, 2004 [Edg96] Edgington M., Lowry A., LP_PSOLA: Residual-Based Speech Modification Algorithms for Text-to-Speech Synthesis, The 4 th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing ICSLP’96, 1996 [Esp86] Espy-Wilson C., A Phonetically Based Semivowel Recognition System, Proceedings of the IEEE ICASSP, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 2775-2778, April 1986 [Fan60] Fant, G., Acoustic theory of speech production, 'sGravenhage, Mouton, 1960 [Feh93] Feher, K., Comunicaţii digitale avansate, Editura Tehnică Bucureşti, 1993 [Fer97] Ferencz A., Contribuţii la dezvoltarea sintezei text-vorbire pentru limba română, Teză de doctorat, UTCN Cluj-Napoca, 1997 [Fre05] Free Software Foundation, Flex - a scanner generator, http://www.gnu.org /software/flex/manual, October 2005 [Fur01] Furui S., Digital Speech Processing, Synthesis, and Recognition, CRC Publisher, Second edition, 2001 [Gal02] Gâlmeanu T., Bazele procesării şi transmiterii semnalelor, Ed. UTCN, 2002 [Gav00] Gavat I., et al., Elemente de analiză, sinteză şi recunoaşterea vorbirii, Ed. Printech, Bucureşti, 2000 [Giu03] Giurgiu M., Compresia datelor audio în aplicaţii multimedia, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj- Napoca, 2003

279<br />

Bibliografie<br />

[Din04] Dinu L. P., Despărţirea automată în silabe a cuvintelor din limba română. Aplicaţii în<br />

construcţia bazei de date a silabelor limbii române, Raport de cercetare, cod AT217/2004,<br />

http://thor.info.uaic.ro/~fliacob/An1/2007-2008/Utilitati/U11/Despre entropie/Analiza silabelor<br />

din limba romana.<strong>pdf</strong>, 2004<br />

[Dom08] Domokos J., Toderean G., Buza O., Statistical Language Modeling on Susane Corpus,<br />

The 7 th International Conference - COMMUNICATIONS 2008, organized by the Military<br />

Technical Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the “Electronica 2000”<br />

Foundation, and the IEEE Romanian Section in Bucharest, Romania, June 5-7, 2008, pp.69-72<br />

[Dom09] Domokos J., Toderean G., Buza O., Text Conditioning and Statistical Language<br />

Modeling for Romanian Language, published in the volume „From Speech Processing to Spoken<br />

Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C. and Teodorescu H. N., edited by the<br />

Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proceedings of the 5 th IEEE<br />

Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue, SpeD 2009, organized by<br />

the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Romanian Academy, the Maritime University of<br />

Constanta, the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, in cooperation with EURASIP and<br />

IEEE, Constanta, Romania, June 18-21, 2009, pp.161-168<br />

[Dut93-1] Dutoit T., High Quality Text-To-Speech Synthesis of the French Language, Faculté<br />

Polytechnique de Mons, TCTS Lab, Teză de <strong>doctorat</strong>, 1993<br />

[Dut93-2] Dutoit T., Leich H., MBR-PSOLA: Text-to-speech synthesis based on an MBE resynthesis<br />

of the segments database, Speech Communication, Vol. 13 , Issue 3-4, ISSN: 0167-<br />

6393, pp. 435 – 440, December 1993<br />

[Dut04] Dutoit T., High-quality text-to-speech synthesis: an overview, http://tcts.<br />

fpms.ac.be/synthesis/introtts.html, 2004<br />

[Edg96] Edgington M., Lowry A., LP_PSOLA: Residual-Based Speech Modification Algorithms<br />

for Text-to-Speech Synthesis, The 4 th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing<br />

ICSLP’96, 1996<br />

[Esp86] Espy-Wilson C., A Phonetically Based Semivowel Recognition System, Proceedings of<br />

the IEEE ICASSP, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 2775-2778, April 1986<br />

[Fan60] Fant, G., Acoustic theory of speech production, 'sGravenhage, Mouton, 1960<br />

[Feh93] Feher, K., Comunicaţii digitale avansate, Editura <strong>Tehnică</strong> Bucureşti, 1993<br />

[Fer97] Ferencz A., Contribuţii la dezvoltarea sintezei text-vorbire pentru limba română, Teză<br />

de <strong>doctorat</strong>, UTCN Cluj-Napoca, 1997<br />

[Fre05] Free Software Foundation, Flex - a scanner generator, http://www.gnu.org<br />

/software/flex/manual, October 2005<br />

[Fur01] Furui S., Digital Speech Processing, Synthesis, and Recognition, CRC Publisher, Second<br />

edition, 2001<br />

[Gal02] Gâlmeanu T., Bazele procesării şi transmiterii semnalelor, Ed. UTCN, 2002<br />

[Gav00] Gavat I., et al., Elemente de analiză, sinteză şi recunoaşterea vorbirii, Ed. Printech,<br />

Bucureşti, 2000<br />

[Giu03] Giurgiu M., Compresia datelor audio în aplicaţii multimedia, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-<br />

Napoca, 2003

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