Syllabus - Facultatea de Istorie şi Filosofie

Syllabus - Facultatea de Istorie şi Filosofie

Syllabus - Facultatea de Istorie şi Filosofie


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Bibliografia suplimentara sau recomandata ca lectura optionala:<br />

-BENNETT Tony, 1995, The Birth of the Museum. History, theory, politics, London and New York,<br />

Routledge: „The Formation of the Museum”, pp.17-58„The Exhibtionary Complex”, pp.59-88, ”The<br />

Political Rationality of the Museums”, pp.89-105, “Art and Theory”, pp.163-173<br />

-BOURDIEU Pierre, 1979, La Distinction. Critique sociale du jugement, Minuit, Paris : « La<br />

disposition esthétique », pp.29-67, « La dynamique <strong>de</strong>s champs », pp.249-287, « Le sens <strong>de</strong> la<br />

distinction », pp.293-364 ; 1986, Economia bunurilor simbolice (antologie), Bucuresti, Ed. Meridiane<br />

-BOWNESS Alan, 1989, The Conditions of Success. How the Mo<strong>de</strong>rn Artist Raises to Fame, London,<br />

Thames and Hudson<br />

-DEOTTE Jean-Louis, 1993, Le musée, l’origine <strong>de</strong> l’esthétique, Paris. L’Harmattan: « Le programme<br />

<strong>de</strong> Walter Benjamin », pp.9-25, « Destination ou suspension », pp.29-35<br />

-DEOTTE J-L., 1994, Oubliez! Les Ruines, l’Europe, le musée, Paris, L’Harmattan: « W.Benjamin,<br />

peut-on encore parler d’expérience? », pp.189-206<br />

-HEIKKINEN M., 1999, « Artist Policy in Finland and Norway. Consi<strong>de</strong>ration for comparing direct<br />

support for artists », in: International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Bergen-Norway, pp.13-27<br />

-MOULIN Raymon<strong>de</strong>, 1992, L’Artiste, l’institution et le marché, Paris, Flammarion: « La<br />

construction <strong>de</strong>s valeurs artistiques », pp.15-83 ; « Le modèle français », pp.87-246<br />

-MOULIN R., 2003, Le marché <strong>de</strong> l’art. Mondialisation et nouvelles technologies, Flammarion :<br />

« Déterritorialisation du marché, démultiplication et dématérialisation <strong>de</strong> l’art », pp.79-175<br />

-O’DOHERTY Brian, 1976/1999, Insi<strong>de</strong> the White Cube. The I<strong>de</strong>ology of the Gallery Space, Berkeley<br />

and Los Angeles, University of California Press: „Notes on the Gallery Space”, pp.13-34, „The Eye of<br />

the Spectator”, pp.35-64 „The Gallery as a Gesture”, pp.87-107<br />

-PREZIOSI Donald, „Collecting/Museums”, in: NELSON R.S. and SHIFF R. (eds.), 1996, Critical<br />

Terms for Art History, Chicago & London, The University of Chicago Press, pp.281-291<br />

-QUEMIN Alain, 2002, L’Art contemporain international: entre les institutions et le marché, Nîmes,<br />

Jacqueline Chambon/Artprice<br />

-A.QUEMIN, 2002, L’illusion <strong>de</strong> l’abolition <strong>de</strong>s frontières dans le mon<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> l’art contemporain<br />

international: la place <strong>de</strong>s pays « périphériques » à « l’ère <strong>de</strong> la globalisation et du métissage », in :<br />

Sociologie et sociétés, vol.34, no.2, 2002, pp.15-40<br />

-RATIU, D-E., 2009, „Cultural Policy and Values: Intrinsic versus Instrumental? The Case of<br />

Romania", The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, Vol.39, no.1, Spring 2009, pp.24-44<br />

-RATIU, Dan-Eugen, 2007, „Arts Support System in a Transitional Society: Romania 1990-2006”, in:<br />

The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, Vol.37, no.3, Fall 2007, pp.201-224<br />

-RATIU, D-E. 2004, „Politica culturală <strong>şi</strong> condiţiile consacrării artistice: subventie <strong>şi</strong> sincronizare?”,<br />

în: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Philosophia, XLIX, nr.1-2, pp.123-134<br />

-RENGERS M., PLUG E., 2001, « Private or Public? How Dutch Visual Artists Choose between<br />

Working for the Market and the Government », in: Journal of Cultural Economics, 25: 1, pp.1-20<br />

V. Meto<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> predare si materiale folosite in cadrul procesului educational specific disciplinei:<br />

utilizarea unui curs interactiv cu fundament <strong>de</strong> prelegere si prezentari multimedia<br />

discutii in cadrul cursului pe baza unor exemple<br />

utilizarea <strong>de</strong> studii <strong>de</strong> caz in cadrul seminariilor<br />

VI. Planificarea intilnirilor si a verificarilor intermediare<br />

Curs – sapt.1.<br />

Tematica: INTRODUCERE. INSTRUMENTE CONCEPTUALE: Noi conceptualizari in filosofia<br />

artei: teoria institutionala si ”lumea artei” (George Dickie, Arthur Danto).<br />

Obiective:<br />

utilizarea in mod a<strong>de</strong>cvat <strong>de</strong> catre stu<strong>de</strong>nti a unor concepte si <strong>de</strong>mersuri majore din<br />

filosofia artei: lumea artei (artworld), teoria institutionala<br />

diferentierea intre viziunea esentialista si cea relativist-sceptica asupra artei.<br />

Concepte, cuvinte cheie<br />

lumea artei<br />

teoria institutionala<br />


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