Mic dicţionar bio-medical - Veterinary Pharmacon

Mic dicţionar bio-medical - Veterinary Pharmacon

Mic dicţionar bio-medical - Veterinary Pharmacon


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PEM Prescription Event Monitoring<br />

PEP Protein Electrophoresis<br />

PERF Pan European Regulatory Forum<br />

PERRLA Pupils Equal, Round, and Reactive to Light and Accommodation<br />

PET Positron Emision Tomography<br />

PFT Pulmonary Function Tests<br />

PFU Stands for plaque-forming unit.<br />

Pg picogram<br />

P-gp P-Glycoprotein<br />

PGDB Prevention Guidelines Database<br />

PGEU Pharmaceutical Group of E.U.<br />

PGR Plant Growth Regulator<br />

PgWP Pharmacogenetics Working Party<br />

pH Negative logarithm of hydrogen ion activity<br />

Phaeo Prefix meaning dark (brownish or blackish)<br />

PhV Pharmacovigilance<br />

PI Pulmonic Insufficiency Disease<br />

PI Product information 2<br />

PID Pelvic inflammatory disease.<br />

PK Pharmacokinetics<br />

PKU Phenylketonuria<br />

PLGA Poly(lactide-co-glycolide)<br />

Plt Platelets<br />

PM Post - mortem<br />

PM Evening<br />

PMC Pseudo Membranous Colitis<br />

PMH Previous Medical History<br />

PMI Point of Maximum Impulse of the heart when felt during examination<br />

pMDI Pressurized Metered-Dose Inhaler<br />

PML Polymorphonuclear leukocyte.<br />

PM Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (neutrophil)<br />

2 Un sumar al informaŃiilor stiinŃifice esenŃiale necesare pentru siguranŃa şi folosirea eficientă a medicamentelor accesibile medicilor şi pacienŃilor. Product<br />

information este compusă din:<br />

Anexa I: Sumarul caracteristicilor produsului<br />

Anexa II: Informatii despre producător<br />

Anexa III: Etichetarea<br />

Anexa IV: InstrucŃiunile scrise ale produsului<br />


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