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R E S U M E Moldovan Transition: phases, structural elements, dimensions, paradoxes, failures and lessons learnt This monograph presents the whole range of aspects of Moldova’s transition, including its phases, structural elements, dimensions, paradoxes, failures and main lessons learned. It is based on a philosophical, interdisciplinary and global approach of studying the social changes and transformations (including behavioral, changes in mentality and social values, among others), that have occurred and still continue to occur in Moldova. These changes and transformations are aimed at making a transition from the totalitarian society towards democracy, and from a central and planned economy towards that of a market. The theoretical foundation of this study is based on a systemic analysis and epistemological approaches of transition’s multidimentionality, providing options for solutions to the identified problems. The monograph is designed to have an appeal to a broad range of specialists: philosophers, sociologists, politologists, students and professors from relevant disciplines. Furthermore, this monograph can also be useful to other readers, in particular, to those who study various issues and perspectives associated with the native transition, current situation and the evolution of the Republic of Moldova. Foreword Contents

R E S U M E<br />

Moldovan Transition:<br />

phases, structural elements, dimensions, paradoxes, failures and lessons learnt<br />

This monograph presents the whole range of aspects of Moldova’s transition, including<br />

its phases, structural elements, dimensions, paradoxes, failures and main lessons learned. It is<br />

based on a philosophical, interdisciplinary and global approach of studying the social changes<br />

and transformations (including behavioral, changes in mentality and social values, among<br />

others), that have occurred and still continue to occur in Moldova. These changes and<br />

transformations are aimed at making a transition from the totalitarian society towards<br />

democracy, and from a central and planned economy towards that of a market. The theoretical<br />

foundation of this study is based on a systemic analysis and epistemological approaches of<br />

transition’s multidimentionality, providing options for solutions to the identified problems.<br />

The monograph is designed to have an appeal to a broad range of specialists:<br />

philosophers, sociologists, politologists, students and professors from relevant disciplines.<br />

Furthermore, this monograph can also be useful to other readers, in particular, to those who<br />

study various issues and perspectives associated with the native transition, current situation and<br />

the evolution of the Republic of Moldova.<br />

Foreword<br />


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