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Celulele STEM - Un instrument în medicina regenerativă<br />

54<br />

Profesor univ. dr. Virgil Păunescu<br />

Universitatea <strong>de</strong> Medicină şi Farmacie “Victor Babeş”<br />

Timişoara<br />

Telefon:+40 256 220479<br />

Fax: +40 256 220479<br />

Email: Vpaunescu@umft.ro<br />

Prezentarea activităţii <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Activitatea <strong>de</strong> cercetare este orientată spre domeniul<br />

terapiilor celulare şi al medicinei regenerative. Avem în<br />

ve<strong>de</strong>re atât fundamentarea ştiinţifică cât şi potenţialul aplicativ<br />

al acestor arii <strong>de</strong> activitate. Desfăşurăm <strong>de</strong> asemenea o<br />

serie <strong>de</strong> studii cu privire la impactul factorilor <strong>de</strong> mediu<br />

asupra stării <strong>de</strong> sănătate.<br />

Direcţiile <strong>de</strong> cercetare principale se referă la terapii<br />

inovative în cancer, terapii celulare şi medicină regenerativă<br />

(cardiovasculare, osteoarticulare, diabet zaharat, obezitate),<br />

investigarea impactului factorilor <strong>de</strong> mediu asupra stării <strong>de</strong><br />

sănătate, studii <strong>de</strong> biocompatibilitate. În aceste domenii cercetarea<br />

a fost finanţată prin participarea la 6 proiecte <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

internaţionale <strong>de</strong> tip FP6, SANCO, FP7, dintre care la<br />

4 director al echipei din România este Prof. dr. Virgil<br />

Păunescu. De asemenea au fost <strong>de</strong>rulate peste 30 <strong>de</strong> proiecte<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare finanţate din fonduri naţionale, inclusiv proiecte<br />

CNCSIS. Prof. dr. Virgil Păunescu a coordonat un proiect<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare postdoctorală, finanţat prin programul <strong>de</strong> Cercetare<br />

<strong>de</strong> Excelenţă, “ROLUL POTENŢIAL AL UNOR<br />



ALTOR BOLI” proiect tip CEEX-PD nr. 3167/2005.<br />

Pe termen lung ne propunem constituirea unei platforme<br />

tehnologice în domeniul terapiilor celulare, care să asigure<br />

acoperirea întregii arii implicate în <strong>de</strong>zvoltarea terapiilor<br />

celulare, <strong>de</strong> la cercetarea fundamentală, la <strong>de</strong>zvoltarea <strong>de</strong><br />

biotehnologii, studii pe mo<strong>de</strong>le experimentale, testări complexe<br />

ale siguranţei şi fezabilităţii biotehnologiilor, şi până<br />

la aplicarea lor la om.<br />

Istoria <strong>de</strong>zvoltării infrastructurii<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Celulele STEM - Un instrument în medicina regenerativă<br />

Centrul <strong>de</strong> Imunofiziologie şi Biotehnologii Timişoara<br />

este centru <strong>de</strong> cercetare al Universităţii <strong>de</strong> Medicină şi Farmacie<br />

Victor Babeş Timişoara. A fost înfiinţat în anul 2000<br />

ca Centru Regional <strong>de</strong> Imunologie <strong>de</strong> Transplant şi este recunoscut<br />

ca centru <strong>de</strong> cercetare <strong>de</strong> către CNCSIS din anul<br />

2004. Activitatea centrului se <strong>de</strong>sfăşoară cu ajutorul unor<br />

dotări tehnice performante, la nivelul standar<strong>de</strong>lor internaţionale.<br />

Compartimentele <strong>de</strong> lucru <strong>de</strong>zvoltate pot asigura <strong>de</strong>rularea<br />

corespunzatoare a activităţilor <strong>de</strong>partamentelor sau<br />

STEM Cells - A Tool for Regenerative Medicine<br />

Brief Presentation of the Research Activity<br />

Research activity is focused on cellular therapies and regenerative<br />

medicine fields. Scientific fundamental insights,<br />

as well as potential applications of these research areas are<br />

highlighted as main concerns in our research agenda.<br />

Different studies employing environmental factors impact<br />

on health state are consi<strong>de</strong>rably <strong>de</strong>veloping for more than<br />

10 years.<br />

Main research directions approach innovative cancer<br />

therapies, cellular therapies and regenerative medicine (cardiovascular,<br />

osteoarticular, diabetes mellitus, and obesity),<br />

investigations referring to environmental factors impact on<br />

health state, and biocompatibility studies. Research in these<br />

areas of interest was financed by involvement in 6 international<br />

research projects FP6, SANCO, and FP7 type, 4 of<br />

them being coordinated by Prof. Dr. Virgil Paunescu, as director<br />

of the Romanian partner team. More than 30 projects<br />

financed by national research structures (including CNC-<br />

SIS), and the post-doctoral research project ”Potential role of<br />

coal-<strong>de</strong>rived toxic compounds in etiology of Balcan En<strong>de</strong>mic<br />

Nephropathy and other diseases”, financed by the Excellence<br />

Research Program (CEEX-PD no. 3167/2005) were<br />

coordinated by Prof. Dr. Virgil Paunescu.<br />

We intend to establish a technologic platform on longterm<br />

basis in the field of cellular therapies, which should<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> the un<strong>de</strong>rlying resources for the entire area of cellular<br />

therapies <strong>de</strong>velopment, from fundamental research to<br />

biotechnologies, experimental mo<strong>de</strong>l studies, complex assessments<br />

of biotechnological safety and feasibility, and finally<br />

human applications.<br />

Presentation of the Developed<br />

Research Infrastructure<br />

Immunophysiology and Biotechnologies Center in<br />

Timisoara is part of ”Victor Babes” University of Medicine<br />

and Pharmacy research nucleus. It was foun<strong>de</strong>d in 2000 as<br />

Regional Center for Transplant Immunology and was<br />

accredited by CNCSIS since 2004. Performance research activities,<br />

correlated to international standards are emerging<br />

due to excelent material base.<br />

Working compartments <strong>de</strong>veloped so far can provi<strong>de</strong><br />

appropriate progression of activities in <strong>de</strong>partments and<br />

groups created within the research center. The infrastructure

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