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Povesti de succes - uefiscdi


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Lucrări publicate în reviste cotate ISI,<br />

în volumele unor conferinţe internaţionale<br />

Published articles in ISI ranked journals and<br />

in proceedings of international conferences<br />

1. Vădineanu,A., Cristofor, S., Ignat, G., Ciubuc, C.,<br />

Rîşnoveanu, G., Bo<strong>de</strong>scu, F., Botnariuc, N., 2000,<br />

Structural and functional changes within the benthic<br />

communities of Danube Delta lakes, Verh. Internal.<br />

Verein. Limnol., 27, p. 2571-2576.<br />

2. Vădineanu,A, Cristofor, S., Sârbu, A., Romanca, G.,<br />

Ignat, G., Botnariuc, N., Ciubuc, C., 1998, Changes of<br />

Biodiversity along the Lower Danube River System,<br />

Int. J. Ecology and Env. Science, 24, p. 315-332.<br />

3. Vădineanu,A, Cristofor, S., Romanca, G., Ignat, G.,<br />

Ciubuc, C., Florescu, C., 1997, Changes and oportunities<br />

for integrated management of the Razim-Sinoe Lagoon<br />

System, Inter. J. Salt Lake Research, 6(2), p.<br />

135-144.<br />

4. Vădineanu,A, Adamescu, M.C., Vădineanu, R.Ş.,<br />

Cristofor, S., Negrei, C., 2003, Past and future manage-<br />

integrat în structura Departamentului <strong>de</strong> Ecologie Sistemică<br />

şi Sustenabilitate (DESS). Din punct <strong>de</strong> ve<strong>de</strong>re al compoziţiei<br />

şi structurii, organigrama componentei <strong>de</strong> cercetare,<br />

s-a modificat plecând <strong>de</strong> la un număr restrâns <strong>de</strong> poziţii didactice<br />

şi personal tehnic până la situaţia actuală în care<br />

80% dintre poziţiile <strong>de</strong> cercetare sunt ocupate <strong>de</strong> către<br />

cercetători (CS I, CS II, CS III, doctoranzi) şi numai 20%<br />

dintre poziţiile <strong>de</strong> cercetare sunt ocupate prin cumul <strong>de</strong> cadre<br />

didactice care-şi asumă, în funcţie <strong>de</strong> volumul <strong>de</strong> timp pe<br />

care-l pot aloca, responsabilitatea pentru anumite activităţi<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare.<br />

Subliniem, <strong>de</strong> asemenea, că între anii 1970-1992 Centrul<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare a ecosistemelor acvatice şi complexelor <strong>de</strong><br />

zone ume<strong>de</strong> din <strong>de</strong>lta şi lunca Dunării inferioare a fost<br />

partener în consorţiul construit din: Universitatea din Bucureşti,<br />

Institutul <strong>de</strong> Cercetare, Proiectare şi Gospodărire a<br />

Apelor (ICPGA) – Bucureşti, Institutul <strong>de</strong> Cercetare,<br />

Proiectare şi Producţie Delta Dunării (ICPPDD – Tulcea) şi<br />

Institutul Central <strong>de</strong> Biologie (ICB) – Bucureşti şi a reuşit<br />

să atragă resursele financiare necesare acoperirii costurilor<br />

salariale pentru personalul tehnic şi a patru posturi <strong>de</strong> cercetare,<br />

precum şi a cheltuielilor <strong>de</strong> transport, întreţinere a<br />

navei laborator şi a consumabilelor. După 1992, potenţialul<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare s-a reorganizat şi <strong>de</strong>zvoltat în cadrul DESS pentru<br />

a răspun<strong>de</strong> noilor cerinţe şi oportunităţilor <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>zvoltare<br />

a cercetării şi practicii în domeniul Ecologiei sistemice şi<br />

sustenabilităţii CSEce. Acest efort <strong>de</strong> restructurare şi <strong>de</strong>zvoltare<br />

instituţională a permis: i) pe plan intern – în<strong>de</strong>plinirea<br />

unui rol catalitic în procesul <strong>de</strong> coagulare şi<br />

constituire a primei reţele formale <strong>de</strong> colective, centre şi institute<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare universitare, aca<strong>de</strong>mice şi naţionale,<br />

pentru susţinerea activităţilor <strong>de</strong> cercetare multi şi transdisciplinară<br />

a complexităţii relaţiilor spaţio-temporale dintre<br />

componentele naturii/mediului, inclusiv comunităţilor<br />

umane şi componentele create şi controlate <strong>de</strong> către oameni;<br />

ii) pe plan internaţional – integrarea activă în peste 15 consorţii<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare pan-europeană şi participarea efectivă la<br />

constituirea reţelei instituţionalizate (01.03.2009/EU –<br />

ALTER-net) <strong>de</strong> excelenţă, la nivel pan-european şi a reţelei<br />

globale (ILTER), pentru cercetările pe termen lung a dinamicii<br />

biodiversităţii, ecosistemelor sau/şi complexelor<br />

ierarhizate socio-ecologice.<br />

ment of the Lower Danube Wetlands System: A bioeconomic<br />

appraisal. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics,<br />

14, p. 415-447.<br />

5. Vădineanu,A, 2001, Decision making and <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

support systems for balancing socio-economic and Natural<br />

Capital <strong>de</strong>velopment. Observatorio Medioambiental<br />

4, p. 19-47.<br />

6. Postolache C., Rîşnoveanu G., Vădineanu,A, 2006, Nitrogen<br />

and phosphorus excretion rates by tubifici<strong>de</strong>s<br />

from Prahova River (Romania), Hydrobiologia, 553, p.<br />

121-127.<br />

7. Vădineanu, A, Ba<strong>de</strong>a, O., Gheorghe I.F., Neagu S.,<br />

Postelnicu D., 2008, New insights on the dynamics of<br />

the forest vegetation from the Romanian Carpathian<br />

Mountains, Int. J. of Ecology (Ekologia), SAS-<br />

Bratislava, 27-3, 269-288.<br />

8. Haberl, H., Gaube, V., Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, R.,<br />

Krauze, K., Neuner, A., Peterseil, J., Plutzar, C., Singh<br />

S.J., Vădineanu,A., 2009, Towards an integrated mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

of socioeconomic biodiversity drivers, pressures and<br />

impacts. A feasibility study based on three European<br />

long-term socio-ecological research platforms. Ecological<br />

Economics. , 68, p. 1797-1812.<br />

plex and performant technical configuration for special<br />

analysis and measurements (e.g. ATP content, ETS activity,<br />

C, N, P, S content, energy budget); iv) GIS configuration<br />

and; v) software and IT configuration for data and<br />

knowledge bases.<br />

Human Resources<br />

The staff structure of CSEES/DESS/UniBuc is flexible<br />

enough in or<strong>de</strong>r to allow, on one hand, rapid and efficient reactions<br />

towards any new requests for data and multi and<br />

transdisciplinary knowledge <strong>de</strong>velopment and, on the other<br />

hand, <strong>de</strong>velopment and implementation of complex conceptual<br />

and analytical mo<strong>de</strong>ls based on the key elements of<br />

ecosystem theory and sustainability or coordination of large<br />

and heterogeneous networks.<br />

In addition has been consi<strong>de</strong>red that the flexibility of<br />

research staff structure should allow the adjustment of capability<br />

for <strong>de</strong>velopment and implementation the integrated<br />

or ecosystem and adaptive management plans and tools. It<br />

has been also taught that is a need to adapt quickly the staff<br />

structure according with financing opportunities and to integrate<br />

the available aca<strong>de</strong>mic staff and PhD or master stu<strong>de</strong>nts.<br />

From that perspective the staff structure of CSEES<br />

currently consist in: i) 7 permanent and full position among<br />

which 3 CS I, and 4 CS III; ii) 4 permanent positions filled<br />

part time by 5-7 aca<strong>de</strong>mic staff or senior researchers; iii) 4<br />

temporar positions filled by post-doc researchers; iv) 10-14<br />

temporar positions available to young scientists involved in<br />

master (3-6) and PhD (7-8) programs. It is obvious that the<br />

coherence of the staff structure is given by the existing 11<br />

permanent positions while the flexibility is given by 14-18<br />

temporary positions. Additional 9 permanent positions are<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the staff structure, from which 6 are available<br />

for technicians and 3 for the crew members of the laboratory<br />

ship.<br />

International Cooperation<br />

I<strong>de</strong>ntification the groups of experts working on different<br />

dimensions of the multi and transdisciplinary field of<br />

systems Ecology, Eco-diversity and Sustainability, com-<br />

Sistems ecology, eco-diversity and sustainability<br />


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