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Povesti de succes - uefiscdi


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unii masive a componentei informatice în toate domeniile<br />

inginereşti.<br />

Această abordare corespun<strong>de</strong> tendinţelor recente <strong>de</strong><br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rnizare a interfeţei cu calculatorul în domeniul ingineriei,<br />

prin înlocuirea sistemului tradiţional bazat pe<br />

mouse şi display 2D cu sisteme <strong>de</strong> vizualizare 3D imersive,<br />

dispozitive <strong>de</strong> retur <strong>de</strong> forţă, comunicare prin vorbire etc.<br />

Practic, sistemele asistate <strong>de</strong> calculator convenţionale vor fi<br />

inlocuite <strong>de</strong> sisteme asistate <strong>de</strong> Realitate Virtuală, care vor<br />

introduce noi metafore <strong>de</strong> interacţiune om – maşină, astfel<br />

încât domeniile cunocute sub <strong>de</strong>numirea generică <strong>de</strong> CAX<br />

(Computer Ai<strong>de</strong>d...) vor evolua în VRAX (Virtual Reality<br />

Assisted...). Acesta constituie un obiectiv al programului<br />

FP6 precum şi FP7 adoptat <strong>de</strong> către Comisia Europeană pentru<br />

perioada 2007-2013.<br />

Istoria <strong>de</strong>zvoltării infrastructurii<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Cybercarpet pentru navigareînCAVE<br />

Un laborator <strong>de</strong>zvoltat exclusiv prin proiecte şigranturi<br />

câştigateprin competiţie<br />

Propunerea <strong>de</strong> proiecte şi granturi a constituit singura<br />

sursă <strong>de</strong> finanţare şi <strong>de</strong> aceea o prioritate permanentă a centrului<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare. Infrastructura s-a <strong>de</strong>zvoltat în directă relaţie<br />

cu dimensiunile proiectelor <strong>de</strong> cercetare câştigate, în<br />

special pe plan european. În continuare se prezintă principalele<br />

proiecte <strong>de</strong> cercetare <strong>de</strong>rulate pe plan naţional şi european,<br />

care au jalonat <strong>de</strong>zvoltarea infrastructurii <strong>de</strong><br />

cercetare.<br />

2002: FP5 IRMA -A Configurable Virtual Reality System<br />

for Multi-Purpose Industrial Manufacturing Applications<br />

(2002-2005, 46.000 euro). În contextul unui parteneriat<br />

internaţional <strong>de</strong> prestigiu coordonat <strong>de</strong> British Nuclear Fuel<br />

Company (incluzând centre <strong>de</strong> excelenţă din UE, Elveţia şi<br />

Japonia), echipa <strong>de</strong> cercetare română a <strong>de</strong>zvoltat un pachet<br />

<strong>de</strong> programe pentru diferitele faze ale simulării comportamentului<br />

structurilor metalice în timpul cutremurelor înregistrând<br />

în acelaşi timp şi „botezul” internaţional într-un<br />

parteneriat <strong>de</strong> mare avergură. În cadrul acestui proiect au<br />

fost achiziţionate primele dispozitive <strong>de</strong> Realitate Virtuală<br />

pentru vizualizare (5DT HMD) şi tracking (un dispozitiv<br />

magnetic „Flock of Birds”) care au <strong>de</strong>schis seria <strong>de</strong> achiziţii<br />

<strong>de</strong> tehnică <strong>de</strong> vârf din anii următori.<br />

nical engineering is the expression of the massive expansion<br />

of the informatics component in all the engineering domains.<br />

This approach corresponds to the recent mo<strong>de</strong>rnization<br />

ten<strong>de</strong>ncies of computational interfacing in the engineering<br />

domain, by replacing the traditional mouse-2D display system<br />

with 3D immersive visualization systems, haptic <strong>de</strong>vices,<br />

voice communication etc. Practically, the systems<br />

assisted by a conventional computer will be replaced by the<br />

systems assisted by the Virtual Reality, that will introduce<br />

new human-machine interactions metaphors, and thus the<br />

domains known un<strong>de</strong>r the generic name of CAX (Computer<br />

Ai<strong>de</strong>d..) will evolve into VRAX (Virtual Reality Assisted..).<br />

This is an aim of the FP6 program and also of the FP7 program<br />

adopted by the European Commission for 2007-2013.<br />

Haptic glove <strong>de</strong>veloped at RRV<br />

Presentation of the Developed<br />

Research Infrastructure<br />

Alaboratory that was exclusively <strong>de</strong>veloped through the<br />

projects and grants won in competition<br />

As it was the only funding source, the proposal of projects<br />

and grants was a permanent priority of the research center.<br />

The infrastructure itself has <strong>de</strong>veloped in relation with<br />

the dimensions of the research projects won, especially at<br />

the European level. Next, we present the main research projects<br />

performed at national and European levels, that staked<br />

the <strong>de</strong>velopment of research infrastructure.<br />

2002: FP5 IRMA – A Configurable Virtual Reality System<br />

for Multi-Purpose Industrial Manufacturing Applications<br />

(2002-2005, 46.000 euro). Into the context of a<br />

prestigious international partnership, coordinated by the<br />

British Nuclear Fuel Company (including centers of excellence<br />

in the UE, Switzerland and Japan), the Romanian research<br />

team has <strong>de</strong>veloped a package of programs for the<br />

different phases of simulating the behavior of metallic structures<br />

during an earthquake. This was at the same time the<br />

international “baptism” in a large scale partnership. During<br />

this project the first Virtual Reality <strong>de</strong>vices were acquired:<br />

viewing (5DT HMD) and tracking (a magnetic <strong>de</strong>vice<br />

“Flock of Birds”) <strong>de</strong>vices, that opened the series for the acquiring<br />

of the latest technical equipments.<br />

Robotics and Virtual Reality<br />


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