Povesti de succes - uefiscdi

Povesti de succes - uefiscdi

Povesti de succes - uefiscdi


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Cercetarea se <strong>de</strong>sfaşoară folosind echipamente <strong>de</strong> ultimă<br />

oră:<br />

- Sistem stereo Vi<strong>de</strong>re Design<br />

- Unitate <strong>de</strong> poziţionare cu controlul azimutului şi al<br />

elevaţiei <strong>de</strong> tip Directed Perception<br />

- Sistem <strong>de</strong> camere stereo Tyzx cu distanţa <strong>de</strong> bază <strong>de</strong> 20<br />

mm , cu <strong>de</strong>clanşator global şi camere monocrome<br />

- Sistem <strong>de</strong> camere stereo Tyzx cu distanţa <strong>de</strong> bază <strong>de</strong><br />

20 mm, cu <strong>de</strong>clanşator global şi camere color<br />

- Sistem <strong>de</strong> reconstrucţie stereo Tyzx DeapSea<br />

- Robot mobil Activrobots Pioneer AT3<br />

- Camere <strong>de</strong> înaltă rezoltuţie şi răspuns dinamic larg JAI<br />

şi PULNIX<br />

- Sisteme <strong>de</strong> achiziţie Micro Enable<br />

- Scanner laser IBEO Lux<br />

- Mediu software propriu pentru <strong>de</strong>zvoltarea aplicaţiilor<br />

<strong>de</strong> stereoviziune<br />

- Cluster <strong>de</strong> server IBM Bla<strong>de</strong><br />

- Unitate <strong>de</strong> stocare 7,3 TB<br />

Resursa umană implicată<br />

Membrii echipei <strong>de</strong> cercetare au fost selectaţi din cei<br />

mai buni absolvenţi ai secţiei <strong>de</strong> Calculatoare. Momentan<br />

echipa este formată în majoritate din doctoranzi.<br />

Prof. Dr. Ing. Sergiu Ne<strong>de</strong>vschi – conducatorul echipei.<br />

Interesele sale <strong>de</strong> cercetare includ: procesarea imaginilor, recunoaşterea<br />

formelor, viziune artificială, maşini inteligente<br />

şi arhitectura calculatoarelor. A condus 50 <strong>de</strong> proiecte <strong>de</strong><br />

cercetare naţionale şi internaţionale, a publicat 200 <strong>de</strong> lucrări<br />

tehnice şi a editat peste 12 volume <strong>de</strong> cărţi şi lucrări<br />

publicate la conferinţe.<br />

Asist. prof. dr. ing. Mariţa Tiberiu – interesele sale <strong>de</strong><br />

cercetare includ meto<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> calibrare a camerelor, stereoviziune,<br />

aplicaţii <strong>de</strong> viziune artificială pe autovehicule şi imagistică<br />

medicală.<br />

Asist. ing. drd. Radu Danescu: interesele sale <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

includ extragerea trasaturilor marcajelor <strong>de</strong> trafic, <strong>de</strong>tecţia<br />

drumului cu meto<strong>de</strong> bazate pe mo<strong>de</strong>l, estimarea<br />

probabilistică a curbelor, urmărire.<br />

The research infrastructure is based on state of the art<br />

equipment:<br />

- Vi<strong>de</strong>re Design stereo-head<br />

- Directed Perception Pan and Tilt unit<br />

- Tyzx 20 mm Stereo Head with global shutter grey<br />

cameras<br />

- Tyzx 20 mm Stereo Head with global shutter color<br />

cameras<br />

- Tyzx DeapSea Stereo Processor<br />

- Activrobots Pioneer AT3 mobile robot<br />

- JAI and PULNIX high resolution and high dynamic<br />

range grey level and color cameras<br />

- Micro Enable stereo frame grabbers<br />

- IBEO Lux laserscanners<br />

- Self <strong>de</strong>veloped software environments for assisting<br />

stereovision based applications <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

- IBM computer cluster based on Bla<strong>de</strong> technology<br />

- 7,3 TByte storage unit.<br />

Human Resources<br />

The research team was selected from the high quality<br />

graduates of the Computer Science study programs. Now the<br />

team consists mainly of PhD stu<strong>de</strong>nts.<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Sergiu Ne<strong>de</strong>vschi – the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the team.<br />

His research interests inclu<strong>de</strong> image processing, pattern<br />

recognition, computer vision, intelligent vehicles and computer<br />

architecture. He has lea<strong>de</strong>d more than 50 national and<br />

international research projects, published nearly 200 technical<br />

papers and has edited over twelve volumes including<br />

books and conference proceedings.<br />

Assist. prof. dr. eng. Marita Tiberiu – His research interests<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong> camera calibration, stereovision, vision based<br />

automotive applications and medical imaging.<br />

Assist. eng. Radu Danescu – He is currently Ph.D. stu<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

His research interests inclu<strong>de</strong> road marking features<br />

extraction, mo<strong>de</strong>l-based and freeform lane <strong>de</strong>tection, curves<br />

probabilistic estimation, tracking.<br />

Computerul folosit pentruprocesarea imaginilor,<br />

la bordul vehiculului <strong>de</strong> test<br />

Image processing computer on board ofatest vehicle<br />

Artificial Vision - a Vision of the Future<br />


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