Povesti de succes - uefiscdi

Povesti de succes - uefiscdi

Povesti de succes - uefiscdi


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Activitatea <strong>de</strong> cercetare a fost finanţată prin granturi sau<br />

contracte: 16 naţionale şi 18 internaţionale. Au fost publicate<br />

mai mult <strong>de</strong> 200 <strong>de</strong> articole în jurnale şi la conferinţe in<strong>de</strong>xate<br />

IEEE.<br />

Rezultate-prototipuri funcţionale:<br />

Aplicaţie <strong>de</strong> calibrareacamerelor pentrustereoviziune<br />

<strong>de</strong> acurateţe ridicată<br />

- suportă concepte mo<strong>de</strong>rne <strong>de</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>lare geometrică şi<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>larea distorsiunilor camerelor<br />

- proces rapid <strong>de</strong> calibrare prin extragerea datelor <strong>de</strong><br />

calibrare parţial automată<br />

- suportă setări <strong>de</strong> stereoviziune binoculară şi trinoculară<br />

Sistem <strong>de</strong> stereoviziune trinoculară<br />

- achiziţia simultană a câte trei imagini<br />

- mo<strong>de</strong>larea geometriei trinoculare<br />

- reconstrucţia punctelor <strong>de</strong> muchie din scenă in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

<strong>de</strong> orientare.<br />

Senzor <strong>de</strong> stereoviziune <strong>de</strong> mare acurateţe pentru asistenţă<br />

conducătorilor pe autostradă<br />

- rază <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>tecţie: 5-120 m<br />

- câmp <strong>de</strong> ve<strong>de</strong>re: 30 gra<strong>de</strong><br />

- viteză maximă: 180 km/h<br />

- rată <strong>de</strong> procesare: 10 fps, procesări software<br />

Abilităţi <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>tecţie: <strong>de</strong>tecţie şi urmărire cu înaltă acurateţe<br />

a parametrilor 3D ai drumului; <strong>de</strong>tecţia şi urmărirea<br />

obiectelor până la distanţe mari.<br />

Sistem <strong>de</strong> stereoviziune pentruasistenţa conducerii urbane<br />

- raza <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>tecţie: 0-50 m<br />

- câmp <strong>de</strong> ve<strong>de</strong>re: 72 gra<strong>de</strong><br />

- viteza maximă <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>plasare: 80 km/h<br />

- rata <strong>de</strong> procesare: 20 fps, procesare mixtă hardware/<br />

software<br />

Abilităţi <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>tecţie: <strong>de</strong>tecţia şi urmărirea 3D a drumului<br />

marcat şi nemarcat în mediu urban, <strong>de</strong>tecţia şi urmărirea<br />

obstacolelor generice, recunoaşterea pietonilor.<br />

Sistem <strong>de</strong> achiziţie, procesare, stocare şirecuperare a<br />

imaginilor medicale:<br />

- standard DICOM<br />

- acces distribuit<br />

- aplicaţie <strong>de</strong> diagnoză computerizată: clasificarea bolilor<br />

difuze bazată pe analiza texturală, <strong>de</strong>tecţia automată a<br />

tumorilor maligne <strong>de</strong> ficat din imagini ecografice, <strong>de</strong>tecţia<br />

cancerului <strong>de</strong> prostată din imagini ecografice.<br />

The research activity has been financed by 16 national<br />

and 18 international grants or contracts. More than 200 papers<br />

were published in journals and proceedings of IEEE<br />

Conferences.<br />

Results–working prototypes:<br />

Camera Calibration Tools for High Accuracy Stereovision<br />

- Supports state of the art camera geometry and distortion<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ling<br />

- Fast calibration process by using partly automated extraction<br />

calibration data<br />

- Supports binocular and trinocular stereovision setups<br />

Trinocular stereovision system<br />

- Acquisition of synchronized images from three digital<br />

cameras<br />

- Mo<strong>de</strong>ling of the trinocular geometry<br />

Aplicaţia <strong>de</strong> asistenţă a conducerii în<br />

traficul urban bazată pestereoviziune<br />

Stereovision application for urban driving<br />

assistance<br />

- 3D reconstruction of most of the edge points of the<br />

scene, regardless of their orientation<br />

High Accuracy Stereovision Sensor for Highway<br />

Driving Assistance<br />

- Detection range: 5 to 120 m<br />

- Field of view: 30 <strong>de</strong>grees<br />

- Maximum traveling speed: 180 km/h<br />

- Processing rate: 10 frames/second, all processing in<br />

software, single core P3<br />

Detection capabilities: high accuracy 3D lane <strong>de</strong>tection<br />

and tracking; far distance obstacle <strong>de</strong>tection and tracking.<br />

Stereovision Sensor for Urban Driving Assistance<br />

- Detection range: 0 to 50 m<br />

- Field of view: 72 <strong>de</strong>grees<br />

- Maximum traveling speed: 80 km/h<br />

- Processing rate: 20 frames/second, mixed software/<br />

hardware processing<br />

Detection capabilities: 3D lane <strong>de</strong>tection and tracking<br />

for marked and unmarked city roads, generic obstacle <strong>de</strong>tection<br />

and tracking, pe<strong>de</strong>strian recognition.<br />

Medical Image Acquisition, Processing, Storing and Retrieval<br />

System<br />

- DICOM compliant<br />

- Distributed access<br />

- Tools for computerized medical diagnosis: diffuse illness<br />

classification based on texture analysis, automatic malignant<br />

liver tumor <strong>de</strong>tection from ultrasound images, recognition<br />

of prostate a<strong>de</strong>nocarcinoma from ultrasound images.<br />

Artificial Vision - a Vision of the Future<br />


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