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Jurnalul Român <strong>de</strong> Psih<strong>of</strong>armacologie<br />

Romanian Journal <strong>of</strong> Psychopharmacology<br />

Vol. 6, Nr. 1, 2<br />


F.D. Popescu 1 , Florica Popescu 2 , I. Udriştoiu 2<br />

1 Universitatea <strong>de</strong> Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila” Bucureşti,<br />

2 Universitatea <strong>de</strong> Medicină şi Farmacie Craiova<br />

Rezumat<br />

Disfuncţia sistemului neuronal histaminergic este implicată în fiziopatologia<br />

schiz<strong>of</strong>reniei, a condiţiilor legate <strong>de</strong> stres şi a altor afecţiuni psihiatrice. Nivelurile<br />

N-tele-metilhistaminei, un metabolit histaminic cerebral major, sunt crescute la<br />

schiz<strong>of</strong>renici, iar situsurile <strong>de</strong> legare ale receptorilor H1 sunt reduse la aceşti<br />

pacienţi. Multe antipsihotice atipice cresc turnover-ul histaminei. Afinităţile <strong>de</strong><br />

receptor ale antipsihoticelor atipice pentru receptorii histaminergici H1 par a fi un<br />

factor <strong>de</strong> corelare important pentru sedarea şi creşterea pon<strong>de</strong>rală ca efecte<br />

adverse. Nu toate antipsihoticele atipice au acelaşi efect sedativ, care este legat <strong>de</strong><br />

doze şi <strong>de</strong> afinitatea pentru receptorii histaminergici H1. În ceea ce priveşte<br />

afinitatea medicamentelor antipsihotice pentru receptorii histaminergici H1 cerebrali<br />

la om, olanzapina are cea mai mare afinitate pentru aceşti receptori, urmată <strong>de</strong><br />

clozapină. Mai mult, inducerea secreţiei <strong>de</strong> leptină poate avea un impact<br />

semnificativ asupra creşterii în greutate la pacienţii trataţi cu antipsihotice atipice.<br />

Datorită acţiunilor antagoniste pe receptorii H1, unele antipsihotice atipice au un<br />

potenţial terapeutic în alte afecţiuni, cum ar fi anemia din bolile cronice.<br />

Cuvinte cheie: receptor histaminergic H1, antipsihotice atipice, schiz<strong>of</strong>renie.<br />


Abstract<br />

The dysfunction <strong>of</strong> the histamine neuron system is implicated in the pathophysiology<br />

<strong>of</strong> schizophrenia, stress-related conditions and other psychiatric diseases. The levels<br />

<strong>of</strong> N-tele-methylhistamine, a major brain histamine metabolite, are elevated in the<br />

cerebrospinal fluid <strong>of</strong> schizophrenics and H1 receptor binding sites are <strong>de</strong>creased in<br />

these patients. Many atypical antipsychotics increase histamine turnover. The<br />

receptor affinities <strong>of</strong> the atypical antipsychotics for histamine H1 receptors appear to<br />

be an important correlate factor <strong>of</strong> sedation and bodyweight gain as adverse effects.<br />

Not all atypical antipsychotics have the same sedative effect, which is related to<br />

dosage and affinity for histamine H1 receptors. Regarding the affinity <strong>of</strong><br />

antipsychotic medications for the histamine H1 human brain receptors, olanzapine<br />

has the highest affinity for these receptors, followed by clozapine. Furthermore, the<br />

induction <strong>of</strong> leptin secretion may have a significant impact on bodyweight gain in<br />

patients treated with atypical antipsychotics. Due to their H1 receptor antagonist<br />

actions, some atypical antipsychotic may have a therapeutical potential in other<br />

diseases, such as anemia <strong>of</strong> chronic disease.<br />

Key words: histamine H1 receptor, atypical antipsychotics, schizophrenia.<br />


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