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334 niels Krabbe<br />

and most have no label <strong>da</strong>ta. Until reports of a recent sight‑<br />

ing (Pacheco and <strong>da</strong> Fonseca 2000, 2001), it was feared long<br />

extinct. The information that two of the three specimens col‑<br />

lected by Lund had eaten insects and that one gave an almost<br />

sparrow‑like chirp, as well as that they were taken at Rosário,<br />

adds to the little that is known about the species (Figure 2).<br />

Sporophila [bouvreuil] saturata was only known from 4<br />

specimens, the most recent collected in 1900, and was feared<br />

long extinct until reported by A. Ribeiro in 2007 (http://tinyurl.<br />

com/y862q9).<br />

Further notes on these and some other specimens are given<br />

in the species account (Appendix 1).<br />

ACKnoWLeDGMenTS<br />

The study was made possible with kind aid and economi‑<br />

cal support from the Brazilian embassy, Copenhagen, and the<br />

Zoological Museum, Copenhagen. Special thanks are owed to<br />

John P. o’neill and Thomas S. Schulenberg, Louisiana State<br />

University for help in identifying some specimens. Thanks<br />

to h.e. Mr. hélio A. Scarabôtolo, the Brazilian Ambassador<br />

in Copenhagen, for enthustiastically supporting the study in<br />

many ways, including the provision of old maps and literature<br />

and the reviewing the manuscript; to niels otto Preuss, Zoo‑<br />

logical Museum, Copenhagen for help in deciphering some<br />

hand‑written labels; to Jon Fjeldså, the director of the ornitho‑<br />

logical department in the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen,<br />

for kind gui<strong>da</strong>nce and the use of the facilities at the museum<br />

and for revising the manuscript; to José Fernando Pacheco<br />

for revising both early and late drafts of the manuscipt and<br />

providing useful comments, help in placing some localities,<br />

and sharing of unpublished observations; to José Maria Car‑<br />

doso <strong>da</strong> Silva for useful comments and help in placing some<br />

localities; to Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos for revising the<br />

manuscript and providing useful comments; to Frederik Bram‑<br />

mer for revising the manuscript and providing the first draft of<br />

the Portuguese abstract; and to Marcos Raposo, for providing<br />

label <strong>da</strong>ta from the collection in the Museu nacional, Rio de<br />

Janeiro.<br />

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