Evolution New Edition

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4. Read the texts and complete them with the right form of the verbs:

a) I ______________(be) a craftsman / an artisan. I ___________(use) traditional methods to build the

furniture or other products. I usually __________(sell) my products on streets or open markets.

b) My mother______________(be) a craftsman / an artisan. She ___________(use) traditional

methods to build the furniture or other products. She usually __________(sell) her products on streets

or open markets.

c) My parents __________(be) teachers. They __________(teach) in a public school. My mother

____________(teach) Portuguese and my father ______________(teach) History. They ___________

(love) to teach. They _________(be) really happy.

d) My best friend __________(be) an engineer. He _____________(work) for a big company. It

___________(be) far from his house but he _____________(love) his job but he ___________ (not

-like) to work far from his house.

e) My sister ____________(be) a dentist. She ___________ (not-live) in Brazil. She ___________

(live) in the United States. She usually ____________(come) to Brazil on vacation.

5. Use the words to write questions. Then, answer the questions:

a) Where / your mother / from?

b) Your brother / married?

c) What / father / do?

d) Where / your brother / live?

e) How old / your friend?

f) Your sister / have /any children?

g) what / you /good at?

h) What / you / like / do in your free time?

6. Answer these questions using your own information:

a) Are you good at sports? Music? Languages? Math?

b) What do you like to do on weekends?

c) Do you like to travel on holidays?

d) Do you like to go out with your friends?

e) Do you like to stay home?

f) What is the job of your dreams?

7. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: __________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I’m really good at sports.

b) A: __________________________________________________?

B: I usually stay home on weekends.

c) A: __________________________________________________?

B: No, I don’t like to travel at all.

d) A: __________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I usually go out with friends on Saturdays.



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