Evolution New Edition

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1. Write at least two things you can do in each place.

a) post office______________________________________________________________________

b) restaurant_______________________________________________________________________

c) hotel___________________________________________________________________________

d) laundromat______________________________________________________________________

e) airport_________________________________________________________________________

2. Answer the questions about your neighborhood:

a) were there good schools in your neighborhood?__________________________________________

b) Did you know your neighbors?_______________________________________________________

c) Were they nice people?_____________________________________________________________

d) Was there any bank?______________________________________________________________

e) Were there big supermarkets?________________________________________________________

f) Was your neighborhood a safe place for someone to live in?_________________________________

g) Was there a shopping mall in your neighborhood?________________________________________

3. Complete the sentences with the right preposition (in, on, at, from, to, by).

a) Every day Laura goes to work__________foot but today she went__________taxi.

b) I take ten minutes to go__________home__________work.

c) In Brazil banks open__________10 a.m. and close__________4 p.m.__________Mondays


d) __________Mondays__________Saturdays my father gets up early but __________Sundays he

gets up__________11 a.m.

e) My mother usually goes to work__________car but this week she is going__________bus because

her car is __________ the garage.

f) Every day I have to get up__________5 a.m. I don’t like it very much, but I need the job.

4. Use the appropriate preposition to complete the short conversations.

a) A: Where do you live?

B: I live__________1987, Tiradentes Street.

A: I know where Tiradentes St is. Picanha Grill is there.

B: Oh, the restaurant is__________my apartment building.

b) A: Excuse me. Is there a drugstore near here?

B: Yes, there’s one__________the church.

A: What about the stationery store?

B: It’s__________the flower shop and the coffee shop. >>


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