Evolution New Edition

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2.C. Listen to Tom and Sarah’s conversation and write (T) for true and (F) for false:

a) ( ) Sarah didn’t like New York.

b) ( ) Sarah liked New York.

c) ( ) There was a lot to do in Grey, a small town in Tennessee.

d) ( ) Sarah hated Grey but she loved New York.

e) ( ) Sarah liked Grey because her family lived there.

f) ( ) Sarah doesn’t feel happier now because she lives in New York.

g) ( ) Tom sent Sarah a letter yesterday.

h) ( ) Sarah got Tom’s letter yesterday.

2.D. Number the dialogue in the correct sequence:

a) A: How was the party?

B: It was terrific. ( )

b) A: Good morning, John.

B: Morning, Cely! ( )

c) A: What did you do?

B: I danced and ate a lot. ( )

d) A: Why? What happened?

B: Everybody was there. It was lots of fun. ( )

e) A: What about your parents? Were they there?

B: No, they weren’t. ( )

3.A. In pairs, ask your partner about his / her weekend and take notes.

a) How was your weekend?

b) What did you do?

c) Where did you go?

d) Were you at home?

e) How was the weather?

f) Where did you stay there?

g) Did you like it?

h) Did you go out with friends? / Who did you go with?

-Went to the movies

-Visited grandma

-Studied for a test

-Saw an interesting film

-Played cards

-Wrote e-mails

-Chatted with friends

-Stayed home

-Visited relatives

-Hanged out with friends

-Read a book

V Now, write a text about your partner’s weekend and read it aloud so that the other students can hear:

My partner _______________had a wonderful

weekend. On Saturday night he went to the movies

with his girlfriend and they saw Top Gun: Maverick. He

loved the movie. After that, they went to a restaurant.

They ate Pepperoni pizza because it was not so

expensive and they didn’t have a lot of money. In the

restaurant they met an old friend.


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