Evolution New Edition

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Americans love eating sandwiches for lunch. There really is no better food for lunch. They’re easy to

make, easy to take to work or school, and easy to eat. The basic idea of a sandwich is simple – take two

pieces of bread and put something in between them.

Americans start eating sandwiches for lunch when they’re young. One of the most common items school

children eat for lunch is a PB&J (peanut butter & jelly) sandwich. I can remember eating these almost

every day when I was in elementary school.

a) What time do people in your country have lunch?

b) Is it different from the USA?

c) Do you usually have sandwich for lunch?

d) Do you think it is important to have a time for lunch? Why?


4.B. Learn about opening and closing times in Brazil.

a) Post offices:

A: What time do the post offices open in Brazil?

B: Post offices open at ____________________________________.

A: What time do they close?

B: They close at ___________________

b) Banks

c) Schools

d) Shops

e) Bakeries

f) Colleges

g) Bars

V Do you think these times change in other countries?

4.C. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: Bars open at 6 p.m. in Brazil.

b) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: On weekdays, I wake up at 10.

c) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: I don’t work on weekends.

d) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: She takes about one hour to get home.

e) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: We never go to the beaches.


4.D. Listen to someone talking about lunch time in some countries and answer the


a) What time is lunch served in England?

b) What do they usually eat for lunch?

c) What time do Spanish people start pouring into restaurants for lunch?

d) What do they usually do after lunch?

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