Evolution New Edition

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V Read the following dialogue, and practice the [i] sound.

A: Can you help me, please?

B: Sure, what do you need?

A: I need a pen. I’m writing down the ingredients I need for dinner.

B: Oh, is it easy to prepare?

A: Yes, very easy. I’m making meatballs for me and my sister! She loves


B: Yum, delicious!

2.B. Read the conversation again and answer the questions:

Use I think so / I don’t think so / I don’t know / He didn’t say that, if necessary.

a) Why is Jane at the bookstore? ______________________________________________________

b) Whose birthday is it today? ________________________________________________________

c) What does Claire do a lot? _________________________________________________________

d) Does Paul work at the bookstore? ___________________________________________________

e) What does Paul think Claire likes? ___________________________________________________

f) Is he right?_____________________________________________________________________

g) Who works at the bookstore?_______________________________________________________

2.C. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adverbs of frequency.

always – almost always – usually – normally – often – sometimes –

occasionally – rarely – hardly ever – never

You say…

1. The position of these adverbs of frequency is before the main verb.

• My mother always gets up very early.

• Steven often goes to church on Sundays.

• Rebecca never returns my calls.

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But you can say…

2. The adverbs sometimes and usually can be in the same position as the others,

but they can also be in the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

• My brother sometimes watches Sponge Bob. My brother usually watches Sponge Bob.

• Sometimes, my brother watches Sponge Bob. Usually, my brother watches Sponge Bob.

• My brother watches Sponge Bob sometimes. My brother watches Sponge Bob usually.

Other frequency expressions:

every night, every week, every month

once a month, twice a month,

on the weekends, on weekdays, on Sunday mornings, on Friday nights

most of the time, every now and then, more often than not, from time to time.

Note: These expressions cannot go in between the main subject and the main verb.

Correct options: Every day, I go to the gym. I go to the gym every day. I go every day

to the gym.

Incorrect option: I every day go to the gym.

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