Evolution New Edition

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1.C. In pairs, ask your partner about his/her routine:

a) What time do you get up?

b) What time do you start work/school?

c) What time do you go to bed?

d) What do you usually do on weekends?

e) How often do you go out with friends?

f) How often do you go to church?

1.D. Now, write about your routine. Follow the example. Try to use all the verbs or


I get up very early, at 6 a.m. Then I take a shower, and I have breakfast. I usually have bread, milk and

coffee for breakfast. After that, I brush my teeth and take the bus to work. I start work at 8 a.m. and have

lunch at noon. In the afternoon, I usually do chores and take a nap. In the evening, I prepare dinner and

watch TV. I always go to bed about 11 p.m.

2.A. Conversation II- Listen to the conversation between Jane and Paul and complete

the missing parts.

I think she likes poet.

Jane: Hi there.

Paul: Hey, what’s up?

Jane: Not much. What are you doing here?

Paul: Well, today is Claire’s birthday, and I know she ______________________

(1) reading. I think she __________________________(2) poetry.

Jane: Hm, I don’t think so. I know she ___________________(3) a lot, but I’m

pretty sure she _____________________(4) novels.

Paul: True. Any suggestions?

Jane: Um, she _______________________(5) Toni Morrison. You

should buy Sula.

Paul: Great idea! Thank you. You’re a life saver.

Jane: Anytime.

Paul: Hey, wait, what are you doing here?

Jane: My brother _______________________(6) here and I came

to visit him. See you soon.

Paul: See ya!


In English, one vowel can make various sounds. Also, one sound can be represented by various

vowels. Let’s look at the [i] sound. In English, [i] can be represented by an E, EE, or EA.




dizer, básico, sabe, se, esse eat, even, easy, each, mean,

please, need, she, he, be


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