Evolution New Edition

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3.B. Answer the questions below according to the dialogue in .

a) Is Michelle an only child?

b) Does Billy have a twin brother?

c) How many cousins does Billy have?

d) Does Billy have any aunt?

e) Does Billy have five uncles?

f) What does Billy’s grandmother like to do?

3.C. Grammar focus: To have and Possessive case



I have two brothers and one sister.

She has a twin brother and no sisters.


I don’t have many cousins.

She doesn’t have any pets.


Do you have any siblings?

Does she have any siblings?

Use don’t for I/You/We/They. Use doesn’t for He/She/It


The names of my parents = My parents’ names

The father of Peter = Peter’s father

The mother of Ann = Ann’s mother

V Now, complete the sentences with the verb to have. Use affirmative or negative


a) My father ___________ two sisters, but they don’t live with him.

b) My mother ___________ any siblings. She is an only child.

c) I ___________ any pets because I am allergic to them.

d) My sister ___________ many friends because she is very shy.

e) My brother ___________ many friends. He is very popular.

3.D. Complete the dialogue with the correct possessive case.

A: Are you wearing ________________(shirt/your mother)?

B: Yes, this is her shirt! Isn’t it beautiful? She wore it in the 80s.

A: And are those _______________(shoes/your sister)?

B: Yes, she let me borrow them! Aren’t they cool?

A: Yeah, they’re awesome! And whose earrings are those? They’re really cool!

B: They’re actually ______________(earrings/you)! I borrowed them last week, remember?

A: Oh, yeah! I forgot! I have great taste!

B: I agree! Our tastes are pretty similar!

A: Yeah, but don’t forget to get them back to me as soon as possible.

B: Sure! Don’t worry!


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