Evolution New Edition

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Naiara Sales Araújo




Reitor Prof. Dr. Natalino Salgado Filho

Vice-Reitor Prof. Dr. Marcos Fábio Belo Matos

Editora da UFMA

Diretor Prof. Dr. Sanatiel de Jesus Pereira

Conselho Editorial

Prof. Dr. Luís Henrique Serra

Prof. Dr. Elídio Armando Exposto Guarçoni

Prof. Dr. André da Silva Freires

Prof. Dr. Jadir Machado Lessa

Profª. Dra. Diana Rocha da Silva

Profª. Dra. Gisélia Brito dos Santos

Prof. Dr. Marcus Túlio Borowiski Lavarda

Prof. Dr. Marcos Nicolau Santos da Silva

Prof. Dr. Márcio James Soares Guimarães

Naiara Sales Araújo NEW EVOLUTION!


Profª. Dra. Rosane Cláudia Rodrigues

Prof. Dr. João Batista Garcia

Prof. Dr. Flávio Luiz de Castro Freitas

Bibliotecária Suênia Oliveira Mendes

Prof. Dr. José Ribamar Ferreira Junior

Associação Brasileira das Editoras Universitárias

Naiara Sales Araújo NEW EVOLUTION!


Naiara Sales Araújo

São Luís


Copyright © 2022 by EDUFMA


Projeto Gráfico



Stephane Serejo

Camila Cantanhede Vieira

Apoliana da Conceição dos Santos



Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP).

Araújo, Naiara Sales.

New evolution / Naiara Sales Araújo. — São Luís: EDUFMA, 2022.

104 p.: il

ISBN: 978-65-5363-104-5

1. Língua inglesa - ensino e aprendizagem I. Título

CDD 420

CDU 802.0: 371.3

Elaborada pela bibliotecária Luciana Palácio de Morais CRB 13 / 585

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EDUFMA | Editora da UFMA

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To be;

The alphabet;

Are you from Peru? Possessive Adjective. Numbers from 1 to 100;

Greetings; Countries and




What do you do?



Simple Present: Whquestions;

Do and

Family; Occupation.


To have; Possessive Stereotypes; family

Who lives with you? case.




Adverbs of frequency; Ordinal numbers;

I have to get up early. Frequency expressions. Months of the year;


Routine verbs.


Introducing yourself;

Talking about you; talking about

someone; Writing about you.

Talking about your family and

occupation; Reading and writing

about occupation.

Talking and listening about

stereotypes; Writing about your


Talking about routine; Talking about

holidays; Listening and writing about



I live in an apartment.



A long journey to




How was your




What are you doing


There to be;

Prepositions of place.

Prepositions: by, on,

in, at; Simple present x

simple past.

Simple past of to be;

Simple past with regular

and irregular verbs;

There to be in the past.

Simple present x

Present continuous;

Past continuous.

Parts of the house;

furniture; Places in town;

directions expressions.

How long / How far

/ How; Means of


Regular and irregular


Regular and Irregular

verbs; verbs in gerund.

Talking about houses and

neighborhood; reading and writing

about housing.

Talking about time, distance and

transportation; Reading about lunch

time; Writing about neighborhood in

the past.

Talking about the weekend; Talking

about childhood; reading and writing

about past event and famous people.

Talking about activities your are

doing now; Reading about what

people did to have fun;

Writing about significant figure in












PAGE 100

New Evolution!

New Evolution! What’s up? Contains eight regular units in the student book, eight units in the

workbook, and two review units. It can be used for either a 45 or 60-hour of class tutoring. The

teacher should when possible propose extra activities from the students as a way of enhancing the

program, taking into account the groups needs, purposes, and availability of time.

This book is meant to help you out give firm steps in the English learning process, and also to

prepare you to be ready to travel around the world feeling more integrated with the environment with

which you might come across as you venture into new possibilities in your life.

Special attention has been given in the communicative approach through the various activities

which have their foundation in the interaction of peers in the classroom. For this reason, every situation

can be used by the student as an input for him or her to transfer not only the situation but also the

vocabulary to his or her own personal experience. We also believe it is prominent that the students

enhance vocabulary through the reading of texts which deal with cultural issues as well as everyday

situations in the form of writing, such as journal entries, e-mails, as well as the narration of events.

Both the textbook and the workbook provide a variety of reading and writing exercises to reinforce the

grammar and vocabulary.

New Evolution! What’s up? Is a way of starting a conversation and in this way of interacting

with others. Thus, it is a way of getting to meet new people, making friends, learning about different

cultures, places, and ideas. Practice in each unit is designed to stimulate conversation and guide the

students in describing the scenes, speaking about their personal information, and expressing opinions

about various topics.

Some of the conventions used in the book are as follows: a slash mark as in “Yes, I do. /

No, I don’t.” indicates that students have an alternative and should give the information that is true

about them. The underlined words such as in “What’s your mother’s name?” indicate that they can be

substituted for other words, in this case “father’s”, “brother’s”, and so on. In other words, it is a way

of having you practice the language and therefore learn it in a creative and fun way.

We have intended to provide a basic resource of language and culture to be used in basic

level classes as a main text. It is our hope that our texts and conversations, along with the exercises

proposed and the illustrations will stimulate you and your students to enjoy and discuss each topic at

hand. We welcome you to share your ideas with us.

Have a great time,

Naiara Sales Araújo




Before you start!

Look at the pictures and ask questions about these famous places.

A: Where is Big Ben?

B: It’s in London.

A: What about the Taj Mahal? The Statue of Christ the Redeemer?

The Leaning Tower of Pisa? The Louvre Museum? The Colosseum?

1.A. Conversation I – I’m Peruvian.

A: Hey, are you the new student in our English class?

B: Yeah, hey, I’m Edison! What’s your name?

A: Hi, Edison. Nice to meet you, I’m Jackie. Where are you from?

B: I’m from Brasilia. I’m Brazilian. Where are you from?

A: Cool! I’m from Lima. I’m Peruvian.

1.B. Let’s practice! In pairs:

a) A: Are you a new student here?

B: Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

b) A: What’s your name?

B: I’m _______________. Glad to meet you, I’m _____________________!

c) A: Where are you from?

B: I’m from ________________. What about you?

d) A: Hi, _______________. Pleasure to meet you, I’m __________________.

B: Great to meet you too!

1.C. Now, introduce yourself to 3 different students:

A: Hey, are you the new student in our English class?

B: Yeah, I’m _____________! What’s your name?

A: Hi, ________________. Nice to meet you, _________________. Where are you from?

B: I’m from _________________. Where are you from?

A: Cool! I’m from _______________.


1.D. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: _________________________________________in our class?

B: Yes, I’m Jim. Happy to meet you!

b) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I am. I’m Peruvian.

c) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I’m Brazilian.

d) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: I’m from Salvador.

e) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: Tom.

f) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: No, I’m not. I’m from Santiago.




Are you the new student in our English class?

Are you from Peru? Are you Alex? Are you Brazilian?

2.A. Conversation II - I’m Dean Cooper.

Formal Conversation: Meeting the Dean of the University, Harold Cooper.

A: Good afternoon. I’m Dean Cooper. How are you doing today?

B: Hello, Dean Cooper. It’s a pleasure to meet you!

I’m great, how are you today?

A: Great as well. Are you Brazilian? What can I do for you today?

B: Would you be willing to do an interview for the university newspaper?

A: I would love to!

B: Thank you very much. I really appreciate it!

2.B. Let’s practice! In pairs:

V Imagine that you are talking to the director of a company:


a) A: Good afternoon. I’m __________________.

How are you doing today?

B: Hello, ______________. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

I’m great! How are you?

A: Great as well. What can I do for you today?

B: Would you be willing to do an interview for the city newspaper?

A: I would love to!

B: Thank you very much. I really appreciate it!


V Now, introduce a partner to your classmates:

b) A: Christine, this is Luís. He’s from Rio de Janeiro.

B: Nice to meet you.

C: Nice to meet you too.

c) A: Hi, Ann. This is my friend. His name is Peter.

B: Hello, Peter. Good to meet you!

C: Good to meet you, too!

2.C. Conversation III – What’s up?

An informal Conversation: Talking to your roommate, Julia.

A: Hey Julia, what’s up?

B: Not much, just studying for my test. How about you?

A: Nothing really. I should probably study, too.

B: Wanna study with me?

A: Sure, thanks, that would be awesome!

2.D. In pairs! Ask and answer “how are you?” in different ways:

a) A: Hey, what’s up?

B: Not much, just studying for my test. /

Having a great day! What about you? /

Ah, can’t complain!

b) A: How are you doing today?

B: I’m great, how are you?

c) A: How is everything?

B: Not bad! / I’m alright.

d) A: How is it going?

B: I’m doing well. / I’m good/Good, thanks.





Hey! / Hello! / Hi! What’s up?

How’s it going?/ How’s everything? /

How’s life? How are you doing? / What’s new?

Nothing much. / Fine, thanks and you?


Good morning. / Good afternoon.

Good evening.

How are you? How do you do?

How are you going?

I’m fine, thank you.


In English, one vowel can make various sounds. Also, one sound can be represented by various

vowels. First, let’s look at the [α] sound. In English, [α] can be represented by an A or an O.



amor, casa, mapa, cadeira, chá.


father, water, wander, spa, are,

hot, shop, pond, object.


3.A. Read the following dialogue, and practice the [α] sound.

A: What state are you from?

B: I’m from Florida.

A: Nice! What city are you living in?

B: Orlando. I moved there in March.

A: Is it hot there?

B: Sometimes. But I live by the beach.

When it’s hot, I go in the water!

A: Awesome!

3.B. In pairs, ask and say where you and your family are from.

1. A: Where are you from?

B: I’m from_______________. And you, are you from_______________, too?

A: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

2. A: Is your father from_______________?

B: No, he’s from_______________.

3. A: What about your mother? Where is she from?

B: She’s from _______________.

3.C. GRAMMAR FOCUS: To be and Possessive Adjectives.







you You are / You’re Your I’m from Brazil. I’m Brazilian.

My family is from Brazil.

He/She/It He is / He’s / She is / His/ Her/Its


She’s / It is / It’s


We are / We’re

Our He’s not from Japan. He isn’t

Japanese. His father is from


you You are / You’re Your INTERROGATIVE

they They are / They’re

Their Are you from São Paulo?

Are your parents from Bolivia?

Are their parents from Chile?

V Now, write sentences about your classmates:

- Jane and Clara are sisters. Their parents are Mexican.


- Peter is my best friend. His parents are from Mexico.

3.D. Answer the questions. Use possessive adjectives:

a) A: What is your first name?

B: ______________ first name is Joshua.

b) A: What are your parents’ names?

B: ______________ names are Rosa and Peter.

c) A: Is she Amanda?

B: No,______________ name is Jane.

d) A: Is he John?

B: No, ______________ name is Diego.

e) A: Is Shakespeare’s first name George?

B: No, ______________ first name is William.

f) A: What’s the name of the vice president of the United States?

B: ______________ name is Kamala Harris.

4.A. Think about some famous people and ask your partner about their nationalities:

a) A: Where’s John Bon Jovi from?

B: He’s from_________________________.

A: No, he is not. / Yes, he is.

b) A: Is Kamala Harris Swiss?

B: No, she isn’t. She is _________________.

A: I think she is from Canada.

c) A: Is Fadinha Argentinian?

B: No, she isn’t. She is _________________.

A: I think she is from Peru.

Kamala Harris - Billie Eilish - Dua Lipa - Mia Couto -

Shakespeare - Rodrigo Santoro - Picasso - Jorge Luis Borges -

Emmanuel Macron - Joe Biden - Roger Federer

Gustavo Lima - Joe Biden - The Williams Sisters - Rayssa Leal


4.B. Conversation IV: Read and practice. Then, Write down a similar conversation:


A: Excuse me, my name is Emma. I have an interview with Mr. Farias at 8:30.

B: Oh, yes. What’s your full name?

A: Emma Sousa Smith.

B: How do you spell your last name?

A: S - M - I - T - H.

B: How old are you, Ms. Smith?

A: I’m 18 years old.

B: Are you married?

A: Yes, I am.

B: Do you have any children?

A: No, I don’t.

B: What’s your phone number and email address?

A: It’s 4127775937 and my email is e.smith_10@gmail.com

B: Ok. Mr. Farias is waiting for you!

A: Thank you!

B: My pleasure!

4.C. In pairs! Practice with a partner using your own information:

B: Hi, I have an appointment at 2:30.

A: What’s your full name?

B: ____________________________________.

A: How do you spell your last name?

B: ____________________________________.

A: How old are you, Ms. Smith?

B: ____________________________________.

A: Are you married?

B: ____________________________________.

A: Do you have any children?

B: ____________________________________.

A: What’s your phone number and email address?

B: ____________________________________.

A: ____________________________________?

B: 5598, Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02116.

A: Ok. You can enter now! Good luck!

B: Thank you!

A: Sure!








Mr. - Men

Mrs. - Married/Divorced Women and Widows

Ms. - Women (single or unidentified marital status)

Miss. - Unmarried women


Vocabulary: Numbers

1 - one 2 - two 3 - three 4 - four 5 - five 6 - six 7 - seven 8 - eight

9 - nine 10 - ten 11 - eleven 12 - twelve 13 - thirteen 14 - fourteen

15 - fifteen 16 -sixteen 17 - seventeen 18 - eighteen 19 - nineteen 20 - twenty

21 - twenty-one 22 - twenty-two 23 - twenty-three 30 - thirty 40 - forty

50 - fifty 60 - sixty 70 - seventy 80 - eighty 90 - ninety 100 - one hundred

101 - one hundred one 200 - two hundred 300 - three hundred 1000 - one thousand



V e.smith_10@gmail.com (e dot smith underscore ten at gmail dot com)

V 08007245008 (zero eight zero zero seven two four five zero zero eight)

V Sometimes people replace the zero with the letter /o/ and normally say eight hundred instead of eight zero zero.

V 5598, Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02116 (number, street, city, State, Zip Code)


4.D. In pairs: Ask your partner his/her personal information:

a) A: What’s your last name? How do you spell that?

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

b) A: What’s your email address?

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

c) A: How do you spell your middle name?

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

d) A: Are you married? Do you have children?

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

e) A: How old are you?

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

f) A: Where are you from?

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

g) A: What is your address?

B: ____________________________________________________________________________


5.A. Writing! Read the text about Emma, answer the questions, and then write a similar

text about you:

Hi, my name is Emma. I’m from Colombia, but my father is from

Venezuela and my mother is from Mexico. They are both 54 years

old. I live in Lima. I’m 24 years old and I’m a student. I ‘m married but

I don’t have children. My husband ‘s name is Tiago. He is from Chile

but his parents are from Brazil so he speaks Portuguese very well.

a) Where are Emma’s parents from? _________________________


b) Is Emma single? ______________________________________


c) How old are Emma’s parents? ____________________________


d) Who is 24 years old? ___________________________________


e) Where’s Emma’s husband from? __________________________


f) Where are Tiago’s parents from? __________________________


5.B. Reading and speaking! Read the paragraph and highlight the words that you think

are important to understand that.

Issue nr. 18. July

Weekly News

English has become a universal language that is being taught all over the world.

The increasing demand for English-speaking applicants has made it an invaluable

skill to master in order to have more career opportunities. Taking these reasons into

account, one would understand the importance of being able to listen, read, write, and

speak English. All multinational companies rely on English to attract customers and

clients. Communicating formally over emails and phone calls will up your chances of

landing a high-profile job.


V Now, try to answer the questions using only words from the



a) What is the text about?

b) Why is it important to be able to listen, read, write, and speak


c) Why are you studying English?

5.C. Fill out the table below with the corresponding country or nationality:

























5.D. Watch the video and write down different ways of introducing people:

Nice to meet you! How to Introduce People in English


5.E. Watch the video again and complete the conversation:

A: Hi!


A: Welcome to the neighborhood!


A: I’m John, your neighbor next door!


A: This is my wife, Emma and these are my children.

B: ____________________________________________

A: We’re having a barbecue on Saturday and we thought you might like to come. Lots of the neighbors

will be there. I think it will be fun for you to meet them.

B: Thank you for the invitation. That’s very nice of you. We would love to come!

C: What can we bring?

A: Oh, you don’t need to bring anything! Don’t worry about that! ____________________________.




Before you start!

- Are you a student?

- What are you good at?

- What do you like to do in your free time?

- What do you do?

- Are your parents retired?

1.A. Conversation I – Do you work here?

Sara: Good Morning! Are you Jason?

Peter: No, I’m Peter. Why? Do you need any help?

Sara: I think so! Do you work here?

Peter: Yes, what do you need?

Sara: I have a job interview and I don’t know where

the manager’s office is.

Peter: Oh, look here! The manager’s office is over


Sara: Thanks. You’re a lifesaver!

1.B. Listen to the conversation between Lisa and Jane and complete it.

Lisa: So, Jane, what do you __________________ ?

Jane: I study American Literature.

Lisa: Great! How do you __________________ it?

Jane: I just love it. How about you? ___________________?

Lisa: I ___________ Business Administration.

Jane: That sounds interesting!

1.C. In pairs, ask your partner these questions:


a) A: Do you work/study? What do you do?

B: _______________________________________

b) A: Where do you live?

B: _______________________________________

c) A: How do you like your job/school/course?

B: _______________________________________



1.D. Listen to the conversation between Lisa, Jane and Peter and fill in the blanks:

Jane: Hi, Lisa. What a surprise!

Lisa: Hello, Jane. Long time no see.

Jane: Lisa, this is Peter, we _______ in the

same class.

Peter: Nice to meet you.

Lisa: Nice to meet you, too.

Oh, do you go to school around here?

Jane: Yes, we ________________ to IMB.

Lisa: Really? My parents ______________ there.

They are teachers.

Jane: What are their names?

Lisa: William and Julia. They _____________


Jane: I think your father is our teacher.

Lisa: Sorry, but I __________ to go now.

Jane: It was great to see you again, Lisa. Bye.

Lisa: Bye. Have a nice day!


Parents: Mother / Father

Siblings: Sister / Brother

Children: Daughter / Son

Grandparents: Grandmother / Grandfather

Grandchildren: Granddaughter / Grandson

In-laws: Mother-in-law / Father-in-law /

Sister-in-law / Brother-in-law

Step family: Stepmother / Stepfather /

Stepdaughter / Stepson

Extended Family: Uncle / Aunt / Niece /

Nephew / Cousin
















Police Officer






Flight Attendant


Construction Worker


Librarian Cashier


2.A. In pairs: Look at the pictures, name the occupations, then write and answer questions

about them.

What does he do? He is a/an __________________. / He works as a/an ___________________.

Where does he work? He works in a _____________. / He works at _______________________.

(Specific place or company)



Affirmative Interrogative Negative

I/you/we/they study here. Do you/they study here? I do not (don’t) study here.

He/she studies here. Does he/she study here? He/she does not (doesn’t)

study here.

Wh - Questions

Where do you / they live?

Who do you / they live with?

W h e r e d o y o u w o r k ?

Where does he/she live?

Who does he/she live with?

Where does he/she work?

2.B. Read the texts, think of people you know, then write about their jobs.

a) I am a craftsman / an artisan. I use traditional methods to build the furniture or other products. I usually

sell my products on streets or open markets.

b) My parents are teachers. They teach in a public school. My mother teaches Portuguese and my father

teaches History.

c) My best friend is an engineer. He works for a big company. It is far from his house but he loves his job.

d) My sister is a dentist. She doesn’t live in Brazil. She lives in the United States. She usually comes to

Brazil on vacation.

e) ________________________________________________________________________

2.C. In pairs, look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions:

A: Do you work? A: Do you study?

B: Yes, I do / No, I don’t. B: Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

A: Where do you work? A: Where do you go to school?

B: I work at the Picasso store. B: I go to ____________.

2.D. Time to play!

Student A: Write the name of a famous person on a piece of paper and hide it.



Student B: Try to discover who this person is by asking about his / her nationality /

job / age.


1. Where’s she / he from?

2. Is she / he married?

3. What does she / he do?

4. Where does she / he live?

5. How old is she / he?

6. Does she / he have any children?

7. Is he /she still alive?

8. Is he/she an only child?

9. Does she/she have a twin brother or sister?

3.A. Conversation II: I don’t know what to study.

A: I don’t know what I should study at college.

B: Well, what are you good at?

A: I’m good at math and problem solving.

B: And what do you like to do in your free time?

A: I like to learn about computers and build small machines.

B: I think you should study engineering! You’d be a great engineer!

3.B. In pairs, practice the dialogue using your own information and sentences:

A: I don’t know what I should __________________________.

B: Well, what are you good at?

A: ________________________________________________.

B: And what do you like to do in your free time?

A: _________________________________________________.

B: I think you should __________________________________!

3.C. In pairs, ask your partner these questions:



a) Are you good at sports? What about music? Learning languages? Doing math?

b) What do you like to do on weekends?

c) Do you like to travel on holidays?

d) Do you like to go out with friends?

e) Do you like to stay home?

f) What job would you recommend for someone

who wants to help people?

g) What job would you recommend for someone

who is good at problem solving?

3.D. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present tense.

I _____________(want/wants) to be a painter because painters _____________(am/ is / are) free

to be creative and imaginative. Painters _________________(work/works) with many colors and

_________________(create/creates) beautiful designs. My dream job _____________(am/is/are) to be

a painter!

3.E. What is your dream job?

I want to be a ___________________ because they __________________________.


In English, one vowel can make various sounds. Also, one sound can be represented by various

vowels. Let’s look at the [o] sound. In English, [o] can be represented by an O, sometimes

followed by A or W.




você, avô, g star, tô, robô

home, snow, boat, show,

hello, no, go, so, open, own


4.A. Read the following dialogue, and practice the [o] sound.

A: Hello! Are you going to the show tonight?

B: No, I have to stay home.

A: Oh, why?

B: I’m babysitting my little bro.

A: Okay, well, have fun!

B: You, too! Enjoy the show!

4.B. Listen to the conversation and complete it:

A: Who’s that?

B: My husband. His name is Anderson. He is an _______________________.

A: Does he live here?

B: No, he lives in Manaus.

A: Why does he live there?

B: Because he works for the Amazon Preservation ______________________.

A: That’s nice. What about you? What do you do?

B: I’m a _______________________ I work at the University ___________________________.

What about you? What do you do?

A: I’m a _________________ but I don’t know what I want to study at college.

B: What are you good at?

A: I think I’m good at ___________ but my parents want me to be a _________________.

B: Hard decision! Be confident and follow your heart!

4.C. In pairs: Who am I?

V Now, you will be a famous person, but you don’t know who you are. Ask your partner questions like:

a) Am I a man/woman?

b) Am I Brazilian/American/Spanish?

c) Am I a singer/an actor/a sport player/a politician?

d) How old am I? Where do I live?

e) Am I married? Do I have children?


4.D. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: ______________________________________________

B: Yes, she is from Salvador.

b) A: _______________________________________________________

B: Yes, she does. She works in a hospital

c) A: _______________________________________________________

B: No, he doesn’t. He lives in New York.

d) A: _______________________________________________________

B: No, they don’t. They live in Tokyo.

e) A: _______________________________________________________

B: Yes, I am. I am John.


5.A. Complete the sentences with an occupation:

a) An __________________________ is someone who keeps or examines the records of money received,

paid, and owed by a company or person.

b) A __________________________ is a person who cuts people’s hair and styles it, usually working in

a special shop.

c) A __________________________ is someone who studies the human mind and human emotions and

behavior, and how different situations effect people.

d) An __________________________ is a person whose job is to design or build machines, engines, or

electrical equipment, or things such as roads, railways, or bridges, using scientific principles.

5.B. READING! Read the texts about some jobs in the United States and answer the


a) What does a software engineer do?

b) What does a carpenter do?

c) What does an esthetician do?

d) What does an early childhood education teacher do?


National average salary: $108,981 per year


National average salary: $36,707 per year

Primary duties: A software engineer builds

database programs, digital products and computer

systems for businesses, using a programming

language. Software engineers work closely with

clients to provide updates on the project’s status and

make requested modifications. Software engineers

may help developers design code for systems or

applications and recommend upgrades.

Primary duties: An esthetician helps clients clean and

beautify their face and skin to maintain health and

vitality. They address skincare concerns and provide

suggestions for treatments. They often work with other

healthcare professionals for long-term treatments and

refer clients to physicians for advanced treatments.


National average salary: $53,862 per year


National average salary: $35,953 per year

Primary duties: A carpenter measures, installs

and repairs structures made from wood or other

materials for buildings. They follow blueprints to

follow a client’s requests, determine necessary

project materials and estimate costs, operate hand

tools and assist with planning structural design and


Primary duties: An early childhood education teacher

specializes in the developmental needs of young

children to help them learn. Their job responsibilities

comprise creating lesson plans, leading daily

activities, engaging with students and monitoring

progress in development.


5.C. Now, write a text about the job of your dreams. Use the texts above as an example.

5.D. Watch the video and write down the 7 steps that you should follow when trying to

find a job.



How to Choose the Right Career Path in 7 Simple Steps





Before you start!

- Are you an only child?

- Are your grandparents alive?

- Do you live with your parents?

1.A. Conversation I.

A: Tell me about your family. Who lives with you?

B: My mom, my dad, my two brothers, and my two sisters.

A: Wow, that’s a big group!

B: Yeah, and my mom is pregnant, so soon I will have a

new sibling too!

A: Wow, your house will be like a zoo!

B: I know, right! What about you? Are you an only child?

A: Yes, but I’d love to have a brother.

1.B. In pairs, ask these questions to a partner:

a) Who lives with you?

b) Are you an only child?

c) Would you like to have a sibling / more sibling?

d) Is your family big/ small?

1.C. Complete the chart with other corresponding words. Then, write sentences using

this vocabulary.

mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather



V You can say... mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother. But you can also say... mom,

dad, bro, sis, grandma, grandpa, granny, paps. Children normally say… mommy, daddy.


In English, one vowel can make various sounds. Also, one sound can be represented by various

vowels. Let’s look at the [u] sound. In English, [u] can be represented by an O, a U, OO, OU, or





mudo, tudo, luto, escudo you, through, who, into, food,

choose, group, new, flew

Read the following dialogue, and practice the [o] sound.

A: Who do you live with?

B: With my two cousins and two siblings.

A: Are you cousins new in town!

B: Yeah, and my new siblings, too!

A: Wow, your house is like a zoo!

2.A. Listen to the conversation, complete it and practice it with a partner

Does she live with you?

Wade: Can you tell me about your family, Peter?

Peter: Of course. What _____________________ to know?

Wade: How many brothers and sisters ________________?

Peter: I have two brothers and one sister.

Wade: And _____________________ name?

Peter: Her name is Christina but you can call her Chris.

Wade: ______________________ with you?

Peter: No, she lives with my parents in Japan.

Wade: _______________________________?

Peter: No, but they work there.

Wade: _______________________________________?

Peter: Gary and Ann. I miss them.

2.B. In pairs. Ask your partner these questions. Don’t forget to ask him/her additional


a) A: Does your mother live with you?

B: Yes, she lives with me and my younger brother.

B: No, she doesn’t. She lives in another city because she works there.

b) A: Do you have many siblings?

B: ______________________________________________________

c) A: Do you have a big family?

B: ______________________________________________________

d) A: Do have any new friends at this school / in this course?

B: ______________________________________________________




2.C. Read the following stereotypes about American family members. Then, write two

stereotypes about Brazilian family members:

1. American dads make corny jokes.

2. American grandparents spoil their grandchildren with food and gifts.

3. American older brothers always protect their younger siblings.

4. American wives do not get along with their mothers-in-law.

About Brazilian families:

1- ______________________________________________________________________________

2- ______________________________________________________________________________

2.D. Speaking!



Watch the video and write down four stereotypes about Brazilians. Say to the class if you agree or disagree

with what is said in the video, and try to explain why.

Signs You're Brazilian:


1- ______________________________________________________________________________

2- ______________________________________________________________________________

3- ______________________________________________________________________________

3.A. Listen to the conversation and complete it:

I have a twin sister

Michelle: Billy, how many brothers and sisters do you have?

Billy: None. _________________________________________.

Michelle: Oh, cool I have a twin sister plus three brothers.

Billy: Really? ________________________________________________.

Michelle: That’s true. I also have a lot of relatives: four aunts, five uncles, and a total of twenty

three cousins.

Billy: I am jealous. I only have six cousins, one uncle on my father’s side, and two aunts and one

uncle on my mom’s side. But ________________________________.

Michelle: You have a nice family, Billy. Where do your grandparents live?

Billy: They live nearby. ____________________________________. My Grandpa tells jokes all the


Michelle: Cool.


3.B. Answer the questions below according to the dialogue in .

a) Is Michelle an only child?

b) Does Billy have a twin brother?

c) How many cousins does Billy have?

d) Does Billy have any aunt?

e) Does Billy have five uncles?

f) What does Billy’s grandmother like to do?

3.C. Grammar focus: To have and Possessive case



I have two brothers and one sister.

She has a twin brother and no sisters.


I don’t have many cousins.

She doesn’t have any pets.


Do you have any siblings?

Does she have any siblings?

Use don’t for I/You/We/They. Use doesn’t for He/She/It


The names of my parents = My parents’ names

The father of Peter = Peter’s father

The mother of Ann = Ann’s mother

V Now, complete the sentences with the verb to have. Use affirmative or negative


a) My father ___________ two sisters, but they don’t live with him.

b) My mother ___________ any siblings. She is an only child.

c) I ___________ any pets because I am allergic to them.

d) My sister ___________ many friends because she is very shy.

e) My brother ___________ many friends. He is very popular.

3.D. Complete the dialogue with the correct possessive case.

A: Are you wearing ________________(shirt/your mother)?

B: Yes, this is her shirt! Isn’t it beautiful? She wore it in the 80s.

A: And are those _______________(shoes/your sister)?

B: Yes, she let me borrow them! Aren’t they cool?

A: Yeah, they’re awesome! And whose earrings are those? They’re really cool!

B: They’re actually ______________(earrings/you)! I borrowed them last week, remember?

A: Oh, yeah! I forgot! I have great taste!

B: I agree! Our tastes are pretty similar!

A: Yeah, but don’t forget to get them back to me as soon as possible.

B: Sure! Don’t worry!


4.A. In pairs: Talk about your own family. Be sure to use plural subjects in your responses.

(Do your siblings…? Do they...? Are they...?).

1. So, tell me about your siblings/ cousins/ grandparents, etc.

2. What are their names?

3. How old are they?

4. Do you have nieces or nephews? How many?

What are their names?

5. Are your grandparents alive?

6. Where do they live?

7. Do you usually visit your relatives?

8. Do you have uncles and aunts? What about cousins?

4.B. Writing - Now, tell your classmates about your partner’s family:

__________________ family is very big. She / He has __________________________________________


4.C. Write questions according to the answers.

a) A: __________________________________? e) A: __________________________________?

B: He works for the government.

B: Four brothers and two sisters.

b) A: __________________________________? f) A: __________________________________?

B: My sister studies hotel management.

B: No, they aren’t. They are Chinese.

c) A: __________________________________? g) A: __________________________________?

B: No, I’m single.

B: No, he’s an only child.

d) A: __________________________________? h) A: __________________________________?

B: She is an architect.

B: Yes, she has a grandmother named Josephine.

4.D. Complete the conversation with the correct words:

Peter: What __________ your boyfriend ____________?

Clara: He is a salesperson.

Peter: What _______________ he ______________?

Clara: He sells medicine.

Peter: ____________ he ______________ in a drugstore?

Clara: Yes, he ______________ at Davis drugstore.

Peter: _______________ he like it?

Clara: I think so. He says it’s a good place to work and he’s making good money there.

5.A. Read the sentences about British stereotypes and write TRUE or FALSE, based on

what you think. Then, compare your answers with your partner:

There are so many stereotypes about Britain but how many of them are true?


1- ( ) There is tea etiquette.

2- ( ) Everyone lives in or near London.

3- ( ) The British love a queue. >>

4- ( ) Everyone has bad teeth.

5- ( ) Brits love sarcasm.

6- ( ) Everyone loves the queen.

7- ( ) There's always bad weather.

8- ( ) The British all have posh accents.

9- ( ) All telephone boxes are red.

10- ( ) Brits apologize a lot.

V Now, check if you are right at:


5.B. In pairs, transform the sentences above into interrogative sentences and ask them

to your partner. Follow the examples:

a) Is there tea etiquette in Britain?

b) Does everyone live in or near London?

c) Do Brits love a queue?

5.C. In Pairs, read the text about Christina, then ask your partner 10 questions about


Hi, my name is Christina, but you can call me Chris. I have a very big family. I have 2 brothers and 4

sisters. We live in a big house in Salvador. I’m Brazilian, but my father is Argentinian and my mother is

from Portugal. Their names are Pedro and Eliza. I am 18 years old and I like to play the guitar every morning.

I am single and I don’t have any children. I’m a student and my parents are salespeople. I go to college on

weekdays and in my free time, I like to read and play soccer with my friend Jason. He is my best friend. My

phone number is 33983-3277, you can call me any time.

a) What / Christina / nickname?

b) Family / small?

c) How many / siblings / have?

d) Where / live?

e) Where/ from/

f) Where/ parents/from?

g) What / names?

h) How old / she?

i) She / married?

j) What / she / do?

5.D. Write questions about Christina, according to the answers:

a) A: ______________________________________________?

B: Yes, she has a very big family.

b) A: ______________________________________________?

B: He is from Argentina.

c) A: ______________________________________________?

B: Yes, she is from Portugal.

d) A: ______________________________________________?

B: Pedro and Eliza.




Before you start!

- What time do you get up every day?

- Do you go to bed early?

- What do you usually do on weekends?

- How often do you go out with friends?

1.A. Conversation I – Read and role-play the dialogue.


Jane: Paul, I had a great time tonight, but I really have to go now.

Paul: Why, Jane? The party is not over yet and it’s not even 10.

Jane: I know, but I have to get up early tomorrow morning.

Paul: Why? What do you have to do?

Jane: I’m a bus driver.

Paul: That sounds like an interesting job. What time do you start


Jane: At 5 a. m. from Monday to Friday.

Paul: Wow! That’s too early! And what time do you finish work?

Jane: About 2 p. m. It’s a stressful routine, but I always have fun

talking with the kids.

Thanks for the party, Paul!

Paul: Of course! Thanks for coming! See you soon!


a.m.: ante meridiem: before midday

p.m.: post meridiem: after midday

1.B. Answer the questions about the conversation. Use I think so / I don’t think so /

I don’t know / He didn’t say that, if necessary.


a) Why does Jane have to get up early?

b) What time does Jane start work?

c) What time does Jane finish work?

d) Is Jane’s routine stressful?

e) What does Paul think about Jane’s job?

f)) Does Jane like her job? Why?

g) Does Paul work?

1.C. In pairs, ask your partner about his/her routine:

a) What time do you get up?

b) What time do you start work/school?

c) What time do you go to bed?

d) What do you usually do on weekends?

e) How often do you go out with friends?

f) How often do you go to church?

1.D. Now, write about your routine. Follow the example. Try to use all the verbs or


I get up very early, at 6 a.m. Then I take a shower, and I have breakfast. I usually have bread, milk and

coffee for breakfast. After that, I brush my teeth and take the bus to work. I start work at 8 a.m. and have

lunch at noon. In the afternoon, I usually do chores and take a nap. In the evening, I prepare dinner and

watch TV. I always go to bed about 11 p.m.

2.A. Conversation II- Listen to the conversation between Jane and Paul and complete

the missing parts.

I think she likes poet.

Jane: Hi there.

Paul: Hey, what’s up?

Jane: Not much. What are you doing here?

Paul: Well, today is Claire’s birthday, and I know she ______________________

(1) reading. I think she __________________________(2) poetry.

Jane: Hm, I don’t think so. I know she ___________________(3) a lot, but I’m

pretty sure she _____________________(4) novels.

Paul: True. Any suggestions?

Jane: Um, she _______________________(5) Toni Morrison. You

should buy Sula.

Paul: Great idea! Thank you. You’re a life saver.

Jane: Anytime.

Paul: Hey, wait, what are you doing here?

Jane: My brother _______________________(6) here and I came

to visit him. See you soon.

Paul: See ya!


In English, one vowel can make various sounds. Also, one sound can be represented by various

vowels. Let’s look at the [i] sound. In English, [i] can be represented by an E, EE, or EA.




dizer, básico, sabe, se, esse eat, even, easy, each, mean,

please, need, she, he, be


V Read the following dialogue, and practice the [i] sound.

A: Can you help me, please?

B: Sure, what do you need?

A: I need a pen. I’m writing down the ingredients I need for dinner.

B: Oh, is it easy to prepare?

A: Yes, very easy. I’m making meatballs for me and my sister! She loves


B: Yum, delicious!

2.B. Read the conversation again and answer the questions:

Use I think so / I don’t think so / I don’t know / He didn’t say that, if necessary.

a) Why is Jane at the bookstore? ______________________________________________________

b) Whose birthday is it today? ________________________________________________________

c) What does Claire do a lot? _________________________________________________________

d) Does Paul work at the bookstore? ___________________________________________________

e) What does Paul think Claire likes? ___________________________________________________

f) Is he right?_____________________________________________________________________

g) Who works at the bookstore?_______________________________________________________

2.C. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adverbs of frequency.

always – almost always – usually – normally – often – sometimes –

occasionally – rarely – hardly ever – never

You say…

1. The position of these adverbs of frequency is before the main verb.

• My mother always gets up very early.

• Steven often goes to church on Sundays.

• Rebecca never returns my calls.

30 30

But you can say…

2. The adverbs sometimes and usually can be in the same position as the others,

but they can also be in the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

• My brother sometimes watches Sponge Bob. My brother usually watches Sponge Bob.

• Sometimes, my brother watches Sponge Bob. Usually, my brother watches Sponge Bob.

• My brother watches Sponge Bob sometimes. My brother watches Sponge Bob usually.

Other frequency expressions:

every night, every week, every month

once a month, twice a month,

on the weekends, on weekdays, on Sunday mornings, on Friday nights

most of the time, every now and then, more often than not, from time to time.

Note: These expressions cannot go in between the main subject and the main verb.

Correct options: Every day, I go to the gym. I go to the gym every day. I go every day

to the gym.

Incorrect option: I every day go to the gym.

3.A. Answer the questions using one of the adverbs of frequency.

a) A: How often do you go to the movies?


b) A: How often does your mother go to church?


c) A: What do you usually do after class / work?


d) A: Does your father usually watch the news?


e) A: How often does Sponge Bob exercise?


3.B. Form questions using the prompts and interview your partner asking about their

daily routine. When possible, use an adverb of frequency.

a) What time / get up on weekdays / on weekends?

b) What / do / in the morning?

c) Where / have lunch?

d) Like to read? What?

e) Like poetry?

f) Have dinner with your family?

g) Go to restaurants?

h) What / do in your free time?

3.C. Writing: Now, organize the information from the interview into a paragraph. Don’t

forget to provide a title. Then, read it aloud to your classmates.




3.D. Conversation III. Complete the dialogue and practice it:

A: Hey, Tim. How are you?

B: Good, and you?

A: Good, too, thanks. Listen, does your sister go to Atlantic


B: No, she ____________________. She goes to West

Side University.

A: What’s her phone number?

B: It’s _____________________________. Why?

A: Because I want to call her.

B: She _____________________________ a boyfriend.

She sees him every day.

A: Oh, what a shame!

31 31

4.A. Listen to the conversation and complete the missing parts:

Jane and Paul meet one more time

Jane: So, Paul, you said today is Claire’s birthday… When is your


Paul: My birthday is in _______________. It’s

________________. What about yours?

Jane: My birthday is on the _________ day of _______________.

Paul: That’s nice! My favorite holidays are in

__________________: Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Jane: Yeah, I love this month but I prefer ____________because it

is summer!

4.B. In pairs, ask your partner about holidays.

a) What is your favorite holiday? Why?

b) Where do you usually spend the holidays?

c) Do you usually travel for the holidays?

d) What do you usually do on Christmas Day?

e) What do you usually do on New Year’s Eve?


Months of the Year:













1st – first

2nd – second

3rd – third

4th – fourth

5th – fifth

6th – sixth

7th – seventh

8th – eighth

9th – ninth

10th – tenth

11th – eleventh

12th – twelfth

13th – thirteenth

Ordinal Numbers/Standard Form

20th – twentieth

21st – twenty-first

22nd – twenty-second

23rd – twenty-third

24th – twenty-fourth

30th – thirtieth

40th – fortieth

50th – fiftieth

60th – sixtieth

70th – seventieth

80th – eightieth

90th – ninetieth

100th – one hundredth

4.C. Interview your classmates about their birthdays and fill in the chart below:




4.D. In pairs. Ask your partner about his/her family’s birthday.

a) When is your mother’s birthday?

b) When is your father’s birthday?

c) When is your brother’s birthday?

d) When is your grandfather’s birthday?

5.A. Fill in the space with the correct ordinal number, written in full. Then, practice


a) Neil Armstrong was the ____________ man on the moon.

b) The _________ fastest runner gets a bronze medal.

c) Brazil’s Independence Day is September ___________.

d) English is my _____________ language.

e) Pisces is the ____________ and last zodiac sign.

5.B. Answer the questions using a negative and an affirmative sentence. Write the

numbers in full.

a) Are you 18? No, I’m not eighteen. I’m nineteen (19)

b) Do you have 12 cousins? No, ___________________________________________________ (15)

c) Is your ticket number 25? No, ___________________________________________________ (35)

d) Is your father 51 years old? No, __________________________________________________(60)

e) Do you always get home at 10 p.m.? No, ___________________________________________(11)

f) Does your aunt have 7 children? No, _______________________________________________(08)

5.C. Time to calculate:

a) 13 + 28 = _________ b) 44 + 51 = _________ c) 12 + 16 = _________

d) 62 - 14 = _________ e) 100 - 32 = _________ f) 5 x 9 = __________


+ (plus); - (minus); x (times); / (divided by); = (equals)

5.D. Reading. Read the text and answer the questions:

Christmas in Russia is normally celebrated on January

7th (but a few Catholics might celebrate it on December

25th). The date can vary because the Russian Orthodox

Church uses the old ‘Julian’ calendar for religious celebration

days. The Orthodox Church also celebrates Advent. But it

has fixed dates, starting on November 28th and going until

January 6th, so it’s 40 days long. The official Christmas and

New Year’s holidays in Russia last from December 31st to

January 10th.

a) When is Christmas normally celebrated in Russia?

b) Why is the date different for Catholics?

c) When is the official Christmas and New Year’s holiday period in Russia?





1. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: They are my friends.

b) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: No, he is my brother.

c) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: My father is from China and my mother is from Japan.

d) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: His last name is Parker.

e) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: That’s Jane.

f) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: I never go to the cinema.

g) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: She usually gets up at 6 a.m.

2. Complete the conversation. Then, practice it with a partner:

A: What ___________________________________ your sister_____________________________?

B: She is an arts teacher.

A: Where ________________________________she_____________________________________?

B: She works at Atlantic Elementary School.

A: _____________________________________________________________________________?

B: No, she isn’t, but she has a boyfriend.

A: _____________________________________________________________________________?

B: Daniel. Why are you asking so many questions?

A: Never mind!

3. Complete the text with one of the verbs in the box. You may use the verbs more than


Linda’s life in Brazil


Linda ______________ an American girl but she ______________ in Brazil. She ______________a

very hard routine. In the morning, she ______________a part time job. In the afternoon,

she______________. She _____________ to PUC and she_______________American Literature.

At night, she usually ________ home. On Saturdays, she always_____________ to church, and

_____________ on Sundays she_____________to the club. She_____________many friends.

4. Read the text about Linda again and write down five questions about her:

a) ______________________________________________________________________________

b) ______________________________________________________________________________

c) ______________________________________________________________________________

d) ______________________________________________________________________________

e) ______________________________________________________________________________

5. Form questions using the prompts and answer them. Use the verb TO BE.

a) Your parents / fine?_______________________________________________________________

b) Interesting / your job?_____________________________________________________________

c) At school / your siblings?___________________________________________________________

d) Married / you?___________________________________________________________________

e) cold / your hands? _______________________________________________________________

f ) Near here / the supermarket ?_______________________________________________________

6. Now, use DO or DOES to make questions. Then, answer the questions:

a) Your brother / work / where?________________________________________________________

b) To the movies / often / you / go?____________________________________________________

c) Often / rain / it / here?_____________________________________________________________

d) A bicycle/ you / ride?_____________________________________________________________

e) You / for breakfast / have / what?_____________________________________________________

f) Every morning / you / do / exercises?__________________________________________________

7. Interview your partner using the questions below:

a) How old are you? Where are you from?________________________________________________

b) How many brothers and sisters do you have? ___________________________________________

c) What are your siblings’ names?______________________________________________________

d) How old are they?________________________________________________________________

e) What do they do?________________________________________________________________

f) Where do you live? _______________________________________________________________

g) What school do you go to?_________________________________________________________

h) What are your parents’ names?______________________________________________________

i) Do you live in a house or in an apartment?_______________________________________________

j) Do you have many cousins?_________________________________________________________

k) When is your birthday? ____________________________________________________________

8. Write a paragraph talking about someone’s routine. Use the adverbs of frequency.









Before you start!

- Do you live in a house or in an apartment?

- Is your house comfortable?

- Is your neighborhood safe?

- Do you have your own bedroom?

1.A. Conversation I - There is a swimming pool in the building.

Betsy: Hi, Sarah.

Sarah: Hey, how are you doing?

Betsy: I’m doing great. How about you?

Sarah: I can’t complain!

Betsy: I’m living in a new apartment near here.

Sarah: Really? What is it like?

Betsy: It’s fantastic. I have my own bedroom and a

spectacular view of the river.

Sarah: That sounds interesting!

Betsy: It’s perfect. There is a swimming pool in the

building and there are beautiful trees on the street.

Sarah: Good. Welcome to our neighborhood.

Betsy: Thanks.

Sarah: Anytime!

1.B. Answer the questions:

a) Where is Betsy living now?

b) Does she like the apartment?

c) What is the apartment like?

d) What is there in her new apartment?

e) Do Betsy and Sarah live in the same neighborhood?

f) What about you? Do you have your own bedroom?

g) How many people do you live with?

h) Is there a swimming pool in your building?


1.C. GRAMMAR FOCUS: There + to be

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

There are a lot of plants here.

There is a dog in the garden

There aren’t any plants here.

There isn’t any dog in the


Are there any plants here?

Is there any dogs in the


How many bedrooms are there in your house?

How many students are there in your classroom?

V Now, observe your classroom and write down sentences using THERE TO BE.

1.D. In pairs, ask and answer these questions:

a) Do you live in a house or in an apartment?

b) What is your house/ apartment like?

c) Do you have your own bedroom?

d) How many bedrooms are there in your house?

e) How many bathrooms are there in your house?

f) Is there a big supermarket in your neighborhood?

g) Is there a hospital in your neighborhood?

2.A. Complete the conversation using the appropriate words:

Emma: Where you _____________, Ann?

Ann: I live in a big _____________ with my family.

Emma: Does your house _____________ many bedrooms?

Ann: Yes, I _____________ five bedrooms and _____________ a

bathroom in each bedroom.

Emma: What about a dining room?

Ann: Yes, a big dining room. You know, we live in an old house, and

old houses are sometimes too large.

Emma: Wow! My place is small and cozy, and I love it.

Ann: It must be a nice place. How many bedrooms does it have?

Emma: _____________ two bedrooms, _____________ a

balcony with a view of the beach, but_____________a separate

dining room. It’s on the 7th floor.

Ann: Cool!

2.B. Now, describe both Ann’s house and Emma’s apartment with your own words:

a) Ann lives in a big house with her family… ______________________________________________


b) Emma lives ____________________________________________________________________



2.C. In pairs: find people in the class who have a house or an apartment with:

1. How many bedrooms are there in your house / apartment?

2. Does your house have 3 bedrooms? A swimming pool? A yard? A garage for two cars?

3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms a swimming


a yard a garage a garden

V Now, report your findings for the class:

e.g. Jane’s house has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a yard but it doesn’t have a swimming pool.

2.D. Describe the house using 10 sentences with there is, there are, there isn’t and there

aren’t. Then, write a text about it.

What do you think is important and is missing in the

house? Give as much information as possible:

I think it is missing _____________________________












Dining room

Living room



Laundry room

Back yard

Front yard


Swimming pool





Living room Bathroom Kitchen Bedroom Dining room



Television (TV)

Coffee table



Rug / Carpet






Sink/Wash basin





Microwave oven








Chest of


Dressing table


Dining table


Laundry room:




3.A. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: _____________________________________________?

B: Yes, there is. There is a big yard in my house.

b) A: _____________________________________________?

B: No, there aren’t. There are two bathrooms in my house.

c) A: _____________________________________________?

B: Yes, it does. It has a beautiful view of the city.

d) A: _____________________________________________?

B: No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t have a garage.

e) A: _____________________________________________?

B: No, I don’t have my own bedroom.

3.B. Listen and complete it.

Vinny’s place

My cousin Vinny lives in _________________(1) which

has a beautiful view of the city. _________________(2)

swimming pool in the building, but _____________(3)

big garden. He lives alone but __________________(4)

bedrooms in his apartment. _______________(5) a lot of

pictures of his family in his bedroom but _______________

(6) any mirror. He needs to buy some _____________(7).

So, he is going to buy ______________(8) and some

____________(9) for the living room and ______________

(10) for the _______________(11). Vinny is a funny guy who loves to play the guitar and sing so he also

needs a _____________(12) to store his instruments.

3.C. Now, ask and answer the questions according to the text:

a) Where / Vinny /live? ______________________________________________________________


b) There to be/ swimming pool? _______________________________________________________


c) Who/ live/ with? _________________________________________________________________


d) How many/ bedrooms?____________________________________________________________


e) How many/ pictures of his family?____________________________________________________


f) There to be/ chairs in the kitchen?_____________________________________________________


g) What / Vinny / like / do? ___________________________________________________________



3.C. Look at the picture and write the names of the furniture:

1 2 3










1- 4- 7- 10-

2- 5- 8- 11-

3- 6- 9- 12-

3.D. Read the text and answer the questions:

Why Your Home Interior Should Reflect Your Culture

When work is done and errands are complete,

there’s one destination that people seek— home

sweet home. No matter what your residence whether

it’s an apartment, house or mansion—home is a place

of refuge. For this reason, it’s imperative that the space

you inhabit exist as a reflection of your personality, taste

and style. Above all else, the interior décor you choose

for your home should be a testament to those that live underneath its roof. What does this mean? It means

that your home interior should reflect who you are and where you came from.



a) What is the text about?

b) Do you agree with the idea that “your home interior should reflect who you are and where you came

from”? Justify.

c) Does your home reflect your culture? How?

4.A. Conversation II- Listen and Complete:

Is Josh new in town?

Josh: Excuse me. Can you help me, please? _________________(1) a post office around here?

Ann: ______________(2) one on King Street across from the supermarket, only two blocks from here.

Josh: Ok. And ________________(3) a drugstore near here? I need to buy some medicine now.

Ann: Yes, _______________(4) some on Main

Street in front of the gas station. It’s very easy to

get there.

Josh: Thanks a lot!

Ann: Sure. Hey, _________________(5) need a

ride? I can take you there.

Josh: No, thanks. I’d rather walk to learn more

about the place.

Ann: Ok, bye.

4.B. GRAMMAR FOCUS: There + to be and Prepositions of place


On - There is a post office on King Street.

Across from - There are some bookstores across from the hospital.

In front of - There are some pay phones in front of the department store.

Next to - There is a bus stop next to the gym.

On the corner of - The bank is on the corner of Main and Third street.

More expressions to help you give directions:

Turn left...Turn right... Go straight...

It’s very near here. You can walk there.

It’s too far. You are going to have to drive there.

V Now, write 5 sentences about your city. Use There to be and prepositions of place.

4.C. In pairs, ask your partner these questions. Follow the model:

A: Is there a post office in your neighborhood?

B: No, there’s one on 5th Avenue across from the bank.

a) Schools/ near your house?

b) Good hospital/ in your city?

c) Movie theater/ downtown?

d) Supermarkets/ in your neighborhood?

e) Good restaurants/ in the shopping mall?


4.D. Writing! Write a text describing your neighborhood. Give as much information as

possible. Use there to be, prepositions of places and the vocabulary of places in town:

VOCABULARY: Places in town

bank airport museum hospital supermarket school fire station

hotel mall bus stop police station restaurant bakery

park bookshop library train station post office zoo pharmacy

5.A. Conversation III- Listen and complete:

Josh still needs directions

Josh gets to the drugstore and buys his medicine. However,

he still needs help to get to the post office. He is now at

the drugstore talking to the clerk.

Josh: Can you please tell me how to get to

___________________ post office?

Clerk: Oh, are you new here? Well, I know the post office is

_____________ King Street.

Josh: Yes, I know that. But how do I get to King Street


Clerk: Umm, well, it’s not very far. This is Main Street. Go down ______________, turn left, then go down

________________ and you will be _________________ King and Hampton, and you’ll see the post

office. It’s right _______________ “China Buffet”.

Josh: Perfect. I’m getting hungry. I appreciate your help. Bye now.

Clerk: Good luck!

5.B. Answer the questions about the conversation:

a) What does he still need?

b) What does he ask the drugstore clerk about?

c) What will happen once Josh is on the corner of King and Hampton?

d) Where is “China Buffet”?

5.C. What can you do in these places? See the example:

bank - I can change money in a bank.

a) barber shop

b) drugstore

c) restaurant

d) laundromat

e) Post office

f) Bus station


g) Bookstore

5.D. Reading and discuss!


According to the U.S. Census bureau, 29,780,000 people in the U.S. moved from 2019–2020. That’s

9.3% of the U.S. population of 321.6 million residents. And while 85% of movers stay in state, 15%

move to other states.

So, why are Americans so much more geographically mobile

than residents of other countries? As it turns out, there are

several core reasons why Americans, especially young

professionals, move so often. More temperate climates,

better housing options, and better job opportunities are all

significant factors in people’s moving decisions. In short,

polls indicate that Americans by and large are looking for a

happier work-life balance.

Americans Move for Better Housing

Whether up the road or across the country, almost half

(40.2%) of Americans who moved last year did so for better

housing options.

>14.57% – Wanted newer/better/larger house or apartment

> 7.82% – Went from renting to owning

> 6.64% – Wanted more affordable housing

> 4.14% – Wanted a better neighborhood or less crime

> 0.64% – Foreclosure/eviction

> 6.34% – Other housing reason

a) Compared to your country, are there any differences?

b) When do people from your country move from their parents’ home?

c) What are the main reasons that people from your country move to other cities/states?



5.E. Watch the video and write TRUE or FALSE:

Where and Why Do People Move? Crash Course Geography


a) ( ) According to the video, in 2021 there were over 20 million people from India and Indian

descent living outside India.

b) ( ) People have been migrating and transplanting since before recorded history.

c) ( ) Understanding the reason people migrate can help explain some of the cultural, and ever

economic and political patters we see around the world.

d) ( ) People moving from one location to another at any scale is called immigration.

e) ( ) Migration and how population grow and change is a key part of population geography

which studies the composition of plants and animals.




Before you start!

- Do you think you have a long journey to school / work?

- How do you go to school / work?

- How long does it take for you to get to school / work?

1.A. Conversation I - After work

David invites Sara for dinner

1.B. Answer the questions about the conversation:

a) Did Sara accept David’s invitation? Why?

b) How long does Sara take to get home?

c) What time does she usually get home in the evening?

d) Does she go home by car?

e) Are David and Sara in a bar?

1.C. In pairs. Ask these questions to your partner:

David: Would you like to have dinner with me?

Sara: What time?

David: 7:30.

Sara: I’m sorry. It’s too late. I have a long journey to get


David: How long do you take to get home?

Sara: About 3 hours.

David: Really? That’s a long journey. What time do you

get home in the evening?

Sara: About 10:30 p.m.

David: How do you usually go home?

Sara: I usually go by bus. Look, my bus is coming.


a) Do you work/study too far from your house?

b) How long do you take to get home?

c) What time do you usually get home?

d) Do you drive to school/work?

e) How far is it from your house to work/ school?



1.D. Communication Focus: How long / How far / How - Prepositions

How long - How far - How

A: How long do you take to get home /


B: About 3 hours.

A: How far is it?

B: It’s about 3 Km.

A: How do you go to work / school?

B: By bus.

Means of Transportation










V Now, write 5 questions by using How far, how long and how. Then, answer them.

2.A. Conversation II - Listen and complete the missing fields:

A picnic by the lake

It’s Saturday morning and David and Sara are having a picnic by the lake.

David: So, you always come here ____________________(1)?

Sara: Yes, but only _____________________(2). I’m off today. What about you? Why do you still work

_____________________________________(3) It takes up your whole day.

David: I know. I’m trying to find a better job, but the money I

make there is pretty good. Well, I think we should eat now.

Sara: Sure. We have sandwiches _____________________


David: Yummy! I bet they are delicious. This tea tastes so good.

Sara: I agree. It’s Indian tea. I walked ten blocks to get to the

store and buy it.

David: Good girl. These fruits and this cake look good, too.

Sara: Perfect.

Sara and David: (laugh).

2.B. Answer the questions about the texts:

a) What are David and Sara doing by the lake?

b) What does Sara do on weekends?

c) Does David go to work on foot?

d) Where does David work?

e) Is he happy with his job?

f) What is David trying to do?

g) What do they have for eating?

h) Are they enjoying the picnic?

i) What about you? How often do you go on a picnic?


2.C. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Prepositions

Prepositions: by, on, in, at

BY – I go to work by bus / train / underground / subway / plane / boat.

ON – She goes to school on foot, on weekends, on Sundays.

IN – Peter watches TV in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.

I live in Teresina / in New York.

AT – They start work at 3 o’clock in the morning.

Jane works at night.

V Write four sentences using prepositions.

2.D. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Don’t forget to use prepositions in your


a) How do you go to school/ work?

b) How often do you go to the supermarket?

c) Do you always go to work/school on foot?

d) What time do you usually watch TV?

e) Where do most of your relatives live?

f) When do you normally go to the beach?



3.A. Complete these short conversations with the appropriate prepositions:

a) A: What time does your mother get up________the morning________weekdays?

B: She gets up________6 o’clock.

b) A: Do you take the bus to go to school?

B: No, I go________ foot. It’s only three blocks from my house.

c) A: When do you take English classes?

B: ________ Mondays and Wednesdays.

d) A: Does Sue always go to work________bus?

B: No, sometimes she goes________foot.

e) A: Does your father live________New York?

B: Actually, he lives in New Jersey, but he works there. He goes to work________subway.

3.B. David is asking Sara questions about her brother Peter and his wife Joan. Write

questions according to the answers:


David: ____________________________________________________?

Sara: No, Peter doesn’t live in the suburbs. He lives downtown with his family.


Sara: He goes to work before noon. He leaves to work with Joan, my sister-in-law.

David: __________________________________?

Sara: They take either the bus or the subway.

David: __________________________________?


Sara: It’s about three kilometers.

David: _____________________________________________?

Sara: It takes about an hour. Why do you ask so many questions

about my brother?

David: Because I think he is a nice guy.

Sara: I agree. He and Joan have been married for a year. They are

very young but very responsible.

David: Yes, that’s Peter. We were classmates in High School.

3.C. In pairs, ask and say the time:

What time is it?

1:00 – It’s one o’clock / It’s one a.m./ It’s one in the morning. / It’s one p.m./ It’s one in the afternoon.

2:10 – It’s two ten. / It’s ten past two.

2:20 – It’s two twenty. / It’s twenty past two.

3:30 – It’s three thirty / It’s half past three.

3:40 – It’s three forty / It’s twenty to four.

4:50 – It’s four fifty / It’s ten to five.

2:55 – It’s five to three.

3:05 – It’s three oh five.

3.D. In pairs, ask these questions to your partner:

a) What time does your class start?

b) What time does it finish?

c) What time do you start work/school?

d) What time does your mother go to bed?

e) What time do you usually have lunch?

f) What time do supermarkets open in your city?

4.A. Reading. Read and answer the questions:

Lunch time in the USA

What and where people eat lunch depends on the

day of the week. From Monday to Friday, most

people get a lunch break in the middle of the day.

Usually this is about an hour long. Students typically

eat in the school cafeteria. Their parents might pack

a lunch for them, or they eat whatever is on the menu

at school.

Adults tend to eat at or near their workplace. Some

people bring a bagged lunch from home while others

choose to eat out. Those who are short on time may

order takeout or have something delivered.



Americans love eating sandwiches for lunch. There really is no better food for lunch. They’re easy to

make, easy to take to work or school, and easy to eat. The basic idea of a sandwich is simple – take two

pieces of bread and put something in between them.

Americans start eating sandwiches for lunch when they’re young. One of the most common items school

children eat for lunch is a PB&J (peanut butter & jelly) sandwich. I can remember eating these almost

every day when I was in elementary school.

a) What time do people in your country have lunch?

b) Is it different from the USA?

c) Do you usually have sandwich for lunch?

d) Do you think it is important to have a time for lunch? Why?


4.B. Learn about opening and closing times in Brazil.

a) Post offices:

A: What time do the post offices open in Brazil?

B: Post offices open at ____________________________________.

A: What time do they close?

B: They close at ___________________

b) Banks

c) Schools

d) Shops

e) Bakeries

f) Colleges

g) Bars

V Do you think these times change in other countries?

4.C. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: Bars open at 6 p.m. in Brazil.

b) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: On weekdays, I wake up at 10.

c) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: I don’t work on weekends.

d) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: She takes about one hour to get home.

e) A: _______________________________________________________?

B: We never go to the beaches.


4.D. Listen to someone talking about lunch time in some countries and answer the


a) What time is lunch served in England?

b) What do they usually eat for lunch?

c) What time do Spanish people start pouring into restaurants for lunch?

d) What do they usually do after lunch?

5.A. Conversation III- Read and practice. Then, answer the questions:

My old neighborhood

Tom misses his old neighborhood.

Sarah: Do you like to live in the suburbs?

Tom: It’s ok. But it was better in the past.

Sarah: Why? What happened?

Tom: When I was a child, there weren’t many

buildings and traffic. We could play on the street.

Sarah: Are there many stores near your house now?

Tom: Yes, and restaurants, supermarkets,

drugstores, banks, hospitals, and so on.

Sarah: So, it was a good change.

Tom: Yes, but I miss my old quiet neighborhood.

a) What kind of changes happened in Tom’s neighborhood?

b) Did he like the changes?

c) Do you prefer to live in the suburbs or downtown?

d) What are the advantages of living downtown?

5.B. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Simple Present x Simple Past



- I am a child.

I was so busy last week.

- There are many stores here. There were many stores here.

- They are great.

They were great.

- I live here.

I lived here in 2002.

- I feel happy.

I felt happy last night.

V Now, come up with sentences of your own. Follow the examples:

I live in New York but I lived in Rio de Janeiro.

I work in a supermarket but I worked in a drugstore.

5.C. Complete the text using the verbs in the past tense.

Live - there to be - travel - to be - lose - find - give

Some years ago, I_______in a very small town called Green City. _________big store or supermarkets.

People ________________to other cities to do their shops. It ____________ very quiet.

It_____________so dangerous and everybody ___________happy. One day I___________my pocket in

the square and someone____________it and ____it back to me.________________ten dollars in it.

5.D. Writing! Write about your neighborhood some years ago. Mention the changes,

advantages and disadvantages.




Before you start!

- Where were you born?

- Did you have a happy childhood?

- What did you like to do when you were a child?

1.A. Conversation I – Read and practice.

David’s bad weekend

David: Hi, Sara. How was your weekend?

Sara: It was great. I went to the beach.

David: Really? Where did you go?

Sara: I went to Florida. There are beautiful beaches there. We visited so

many beautiful places. I’ll show you the pictures.

David: Who did you go with?

Sara: I went with Mercedes and Louise, two girls from work.

David: Did your brother go, too?

Sara: No, he stayed home. He said he was too tired to do anything.

What about you? Tell me what you did.

David: My weekend was terrible. I was sick and...

Sara: Were you sick? Why didn’t you tell me about it?

David: Well, I’m sorry I didn’t do that because I didn’t want to

bother you with my problems.

Sara: Don’t be ridiculous, David.

David: Sorry, honey! I promise this won’t happen again.

Sara: So, did you stay home or went to the hospital?

David: I stayed home and took some medicine.

I’m going to see my doctor tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Sara: Please let me know what he says.

1.B. Answer the questions according to the conversation:


a) How was Sara’s weekend?

b) What did Sara do?

c) How was David’s weekend?



1.C. In pairs, ask and answer these questions to your partner. Give as much information

as possible:

a) How was your weekend?

b) What did you do yesterday

c) Where did you go last weekend?

d) Did you visit any friends?

e) Did you watch any film/series this week?

1.D. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Simple Past of To Be


I was sick.

You were there.

It was great.

It wasn’t a good party.

They weren’t happy at all.

There weren’t students here.

How was your weekend?

Were you there?

Were they at the party?

My weekend was terrible.

He was stressed out.

It was not a happy weekend.

They weren’t at my birthday


How was your weekend?

How was everything with the


V Now, come up with sentences of your own. Follow the examples:

Yesterday I was in my aunt’s house. Were you in your parents’ house yesterday?

2.A. Complete the dialogues with the past tense of to be, then practice them with your


1. A: Were you at the meeting yesterday?

B: No, I ___________. I_____________at the hospital with my sister.

A: How ___________she?

B: Yesterday she___________very well but now she is ok.

2. A: Why___________ your parents at school last night?

B: I don’t know. I didn’t know they___________there.

A:___________ you there, too?

B: No. I ___________in a snack bar next to school.

2.B. Now, create your own sentences in the past.

a) When I was a Child I ______________________________________________________________

b) Last Year, I _____________________________________________________________________

c) When I was in elementary school I____________________________________________________

d) My friends were__________________________________________________________________

e) My parents were _________________________________________________________________

f) My best friend wasn’t______________________________________________________________

g) My house wasn’t_________________________________________________________________

h) My neighborhood was_____________________________________________________________

51 51

2.C. Listen to Tom and Sarah’s conversation and write (T) for true and (F) for false:

a) ( ) Sarah didn’t like New York.

b) ( ) Sarah liked New York.

c) ( ) There was a lot to do in Grey, a small town in Tennessee.

d) ( ) Sarah hated Grey but she loved New York.

e) ( ) Sarah liked Grey because her family lived there.

f) ( ) Sarah doesn’t feel happier now because she lives in New York.

g) ( ) Tom sent Sarah a letter yesterday.

h) ( ) Sarah got Tom’s letter yesterday.

2.D. Number the dialogue in the correct sequence:

a) A: How was the party?

B: It was terrific. ( )

b) A: Good morning, John.

B: Morning, Cely! ( )

c) A: What did you do?

B: I danced and ate a lot. ( )

d) A: Why? What happened?

B: Everybody was there. It was lots of fun. ( )

e) A: What about your parents? Were they there?

B: No, they weren’t. ( )

3.A. In pairs, ask your partner about his / her weekend and take notes.

a) How was your weekend?

b) What did you do?

c) Where did you go?

d) Were you at home?

e) How was the weather?

f) Where did you stay there?

g) Did you like it?

h) Did you go out with friends? / Who did you go with?

-Went to the movies

-Visited grandma

-Studied for a test

-Saw an interesting film

-Played cards

-Wrote e-mails

-Chatted with friends

-Stayed home

-Visited relatives

-Hanged out with friends

-Read a book

V Now, write a text about your partner’s weekend and read it aloud so that the other students can hear:

My partner _______________had a wonderful

weekend. On Saturday night he went to the movies

with his girlfriend and they saw Top Gun: Maverick. He

loved the movie. After that, they went to a restaurant.

They ate Pepperoni pizza because it was not so

expensive and they didn’t have a lot of money. In the

restaurant they met an old friend.



I stayed at home.

Debby saw a movie.

They went out.


Did you stay home?

Did Debby see the movie?

Did they go out?


I didn’t stay home.

She didn’t see the movie.

They didn’t go out.

Int. pron. + aux. + subject + verb + compl. + question mark.

Where did you go last night?

Which movie did you see?

V Regular verbs ending in e take /-d/ in the simple past;


V Regular verbs ending in a vowel + y take /-ed/ in the simple past;

Play - played

V Regular verbs ending in a consonant + y take /-ied/ in the simple past;

Study - studied

V All the other regular verbs take /-ed/ in the simple past.

work - worked cheat – cheated clean - cleaned

V Think about what you did yesterday and write down 5 sentences. Do not repeat verbs.

3.C. Complete these childhood memories with a verb from the box in the past.

drink - try on - have - cry - play - wear

When I was a child...

a) I __________ my mother’s shoes.

b) I __________ my dad’s clothes.

c) I __________ a lot because I lost my siblings on the beach.

d) I __________ poor grades in Math.

e) I __________ on the street with my friends.

f) I __________ a lot of milk.

3.D. Write questions to the answers below:

a) A: _____________________________________________________?

B: No, there weren’t. There was only one car in the garage.

b) A: _____________________________________________________?

B: I visited my friend, Bob. He just arrived from Rio.

c) A: _____________________________________________________?

B: No, they didn’t. They stayed home and played video games.

d) A: _____________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I was. I was studying for my English test

e) A: _____________________________________________________?

B: Yes, it rained a lot last night.





There is a tree in front of my house. There was a tree in front of my house.

There are good schools in my town.

There were good schools in my town.

4.A. Read the text and answer the questions.

Van Gogh Museum

The Van Gogh Museum was opened in 1973.

The building, designed by the Dutch architect

Gerrit Rietveld, houses the world’s largest selection

of Van Gogh’s works. The collection comprises

over 200 paintings, 500 drawings and 700 letters

by the master, as well as his collection of Japanese

prints. The artist produced some 900 paintings and

1200 drawings. The museum also contains works

by his contemporaries, Toulouse-Lautrec, Gaugin, Monet, Bernard and Monticelli. In 1999, the museum

was completely renovated with addition of a new exhibition wing, designed by the Japanese architect Kisho


a) When was the Van Gogh Museum opened?

b) Who designed the building?

c) How many works did Van Gogh produce?

d) When was the museum renovated?

e) Who was Toulouse-Lautrec?

f) What happened in 1999?

By Toulouse-Lautrec

4.B. Now, find out more about Van Gogh’s life and answer the questions:

a) Where was Van Gogh born?

b) Did he marry anybody?

c) When did he die?

d) How did he die?



4.C. In Pairs. Ask your partner questions about his / her childhood.

a) Did you like your city when you were a child?

b) Did you like your school?

c) Did you have many friends at school?

d) Were there many buildings in your neighborhood?

e) Were you shy? Happy? Popular?

f) Who was your best friend? Tell me about him/ her?

g) Were you a good student?

h) Were you good at sports?

i) Did you have many friends in your neighborhood?

My city..

my school...

my neighborhood...

4.D. Complete the conversation between Jane and Clara:

Jane: Do you like to live in Tokyo?

Clara: Yes, it is fine, but it___________better in the past.

Jane: Why? What________________?

Clara: When I__________a child. It__________a very

quiet city. Now__________many buildings and traffic.

Children can not play on the street.

Jane:____________many______________ near your

house now?

Clara: Yes, a lot. _____________

restaurants,__________, drugstores, __________,

hospitals and so on.

Jane: It _________a good change.

Clara: Yes, but I miss my old quiet neighborhood.

5.A. Listen and complete:

I stayed up all day long.

David: Uff! I am very tired, Brian.

5.B. Answer the questions according to the conversation:

Brian: Why? _________________________(1)?

David: I ______________(2) too much today. I

_____________________(3) time to have lunch. I can’t believe I

________________(3) up all day long.

Brian: _______________(4) you have lunch?

David: No, not even the sandwich I _____________(5) with me

today. What about you? How was your day?

Brian: It _____________(6) very good. I _____________(7)

home all day long. In the morning I ___________________(8) TV

and ___________________(9).

David: I wish my days ______________(10) like yours.

Brian: It is not always like this. I _________________(11) the

day off.

a) Why was David so tired?

b) What did he take with him to eat?

c) Does Brian work?

d) What did Brian do in the morning?

e) Who slept in the afternoon?

f) Why did Brian stay home all day long?

g) Who had the best day? Why?

h) Did David like his weekend? Why? Why not?

i) Why was Brian’s day so good?




5.C. In pairs: Take turns asking your partner about his / her schedule yesterday:

- What time / get up?

- Where / go?

- Go shopping?

- Who / go with?

- Clean the house?

- What / do?

- What / have for lunch?

- Talk to friends?

- See any film?

- Read the newspaper?

A: What time did you get up?

B: I got up at 6 o’clock

V Now, tell your classmates what your partner did yesterday.

Yesterday my partner got up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Then, he took a shower and ______


5.D. Writing: What about you? What did you do yesterday? Write about things you did

yesterday. Use then, after that, etc.

Yesterday I got up at about 7 a.m. Then, I took a shower .






VOCABULARY: Regular and Irregular Verbs


Study – studied Dance – danced

Live – lived

Cook – cooked

Work – worked Clean – cleaned

Play – played Brush – brushed

Watch – watched Wait – waited

Stay – stayed Stop – stopped

Love – loved Move – moved

Like – liked

Accept – accepted

Enjoy – enjoyed Invite – invited

Talk – talked

Open – opened


Go – went

Have – had

Do – did

Get up – got up

See – saw

Think – thought

Speak – spoke Say – said

Come – came Sleep – slept

Drink – drank Meet – met

Take – took

Wake up – woke up

Read – read

Feel – felt

Forget – forgot Fall – fell

Eat – ate

Begin – began

56 56



Before you start!

- What are you doing now?

- What were you doing yesterday this time?

- Are you enjoying your weekend?

1.A. Read and practice the conversation.

I’m having a good time.

Josh: Hi, Marcos. What a surprise! What’s up?

Marcos: Not much! What are you doing here?

Josh: I’m working. I have a part time job at the library. What about you?

Marcos: I’m starting my graduation course.

Josh: Oh, great! What are you studying?

Marcos: Business Administration.

Josh: Are you enjoying it?

Marcos: Yes, I love attending my university!

1.B. In pairs: Ask and answer these questions. Give as much information as possible:


A: What are you doing now?

B: I’m studying English.

b) A: What do you think your parents are doing now?

B: They are___________________________________.

c) A: What is your best friend doing now?

B: __________________________________________.

d) A: What are you studying at the university?

B: __________________________________________.

e) A: Where are you working?

B: __________________________________________.

f) A: Are you living with your parents?

B: __________________________________________.




1.C.GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present Continuous x Simple Present

V Use present continuous for actions that are happening now or are temporary.

V Use simple present for actions that happen regularly.


Josh works at the library.

I live in Brazil.

Jane studies History.

What do you do?

Do you study here?

Does Josh work at the library?


Present Continuous

Marcos is studying at Harvard.

She is living in Pittsburg.

They are enjoying the course.

What are you doing?

Are you studying here?

Is Josh working at the library?


I am having a good time.

You are doing your best.

She is looking for a job.

Am I having a good time?

Are you doing your best?

Is she looking for a job?

I’m not having a good time.

You are not doing your best.

She is not looking for a job.


Present Continuous is formed by verb To be + verb + ING.

Have - having go - going live - living

Study - studying play - playing lie - lying

Say - saying work - working watch - watching

V Look at your classmates and write sentences about them by using the present continuous.

1.D. Look at the pictures and write sentences using the present continuous:

2.A. Listen and complete the conversation:

Josh: Hello, Sandra. It’s Josh.

Sandra: Hi, Josh. What’s up?

Josh: I________________________(1) the new Spider man movie. Would you like to go?

Sandra: Sorry, Josh. I_____________________(2) to finish my essay.

Josh: _______________________(3) that yesterday?

Sandra: Yes, I ________________________(4) that but I stopped because I was too tired.

58 >>

Josh: I understand!

Sandra: Listen! I ________________________(5) about going to

the Natural History Museum this weekend. Would you like to go?

Josh: Sandra, you know I don’t like this kind of program….

Sandra: Okay Josh. Have fun!

2.B. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past Continuous

Present continuous

Past Continuous

I am trying to finish my essay.

I was trying to finish my essay.

Jane is talking to her professor.

Jane was talking her the professor.

Past Continuous



A: Were you studying yesterday?

A: What were you doing last night?

B: Yes, I was. / No, I was not.

B: I was studying for a test.

A: Were your friends with you?

A: Who were you talking with?

No, they were not. / Yes, they were.

B: I was talking to my neighbor.

V Come up with sentences by your own.

2.C. In pairs: Ask and answer these questions.

a) What were you doing yesterday night?

b) Were you tired this morning?

c) Were you busy yesterday afternoon?

d) What were your parents / siblings doing yesterday night?

e) Were you with your friends yesterday? What were they doing?

2.D. Imagine that each sentence is the beginning of a story. Write two sentences in the

past continuous to give background information:

My mother was very busy. She was cleaning the house and she was making lunch at the same time.

a) My house was a mess. ____________________________________________________________


b) My friend wanted to buy his mother a gift. ______________________________________________


c) I saw a terrible accident yesterday. ___________________________________________________




d) The kids were really hungry. ________________________________________________________


e) Yesterday I went to a party. _________________________________________________________


3.A. Listen to the conversation and complete it:

I was just stressed out

Sara: Hello. David. _________________? I called

you yesterday night. _______________________


David: I’m good. Thanks for asking. I was really

busy. I was trying to fix my laptop. It doesn’t

work anymore. I’ll have to buy a new one.

Sara: Hey. Tell me, tell me.

_______________________ with the doctor?

David: Thank God it was fine. Let me tell you: the

doctor is a beautiful woman from Brazil.

Sara: That sounds interesting. ____________________________________?

David: She got here about three years ago as a graduate student. She liked it here so much that

she decided to stay.

Sara: That’s cool. ___________________________________?

David: No, not yet! But I have her phone….

3.B. Complete the chart with sentences from the conversation and write the verb tense

of each.


Verb tense

a) I called you yesterday.







3.C. Reading. Read the text and answer the questions:


Toni Morrison was born in 1931 in Lorain (Ohio), the second of four children in a black workingclass

family. Displayed an early interest in literature. She studied humanities at Howard and Cornell

Universities and followed by an academic career at Texas Southern University, Howard University and

Yale. She was a chair at Princeton University and also worked as an editor for Random House as a critic.


Morrison gave numerous public lectures, specializing in African-

American literature. She made her debut as a novelist in 1970, soon

gaining the attention of both critics and a wider audience for her

epic power, unerring ear for dialogue, and her poetically-charged

and richly-expressive depictions of Black America. In 1981, she

became a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters,

she awarded a number of literary distinctions, among them the

Pulitzer Prize in 1988. In 1993, she received the Nobel Prize for

Literature. Toni Morrison died on 5 August 2019. Morrison wrote

more than 10 novels and a great number of short fictions, and

plays, among others.

Adapted from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Toni-Morrison

a) When was Toni Morrison born?

b) How many siblings did she have?

c) Where did she study?

d) Where did she work?

e) When did she start writing novels?

f) When did she become a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters?

3.D. Now, underline the verbs from the text and complete the chart:

Present | Past | Present | Past

is was make









4.A. Complete the text using the past tense of TO BE:

When I ______________a child my favorite

hobby ________________playing video

games. I ___________ very good at video

games. My best friends ______________

my neighbors. They ___________ from

Bolivia and their parents _____________

entrepreneurs. They ____________very nice

and we _____________always together. We

______________really happy.


4.B. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: I was born in Bogotá.

b) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: My favorite hobby was hopscotch.

c) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I was. I was at home.

d) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: My best friend was my cousin John.

e) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: My favorite subject was Biology. That’s why I am a Biologist.

f) A:____________________________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, they were. They were at home yesterday night.

g) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: It was fine.

4.C. Use the words to write questions. Then, answer the questions.

a) be / you / college yesterday?

A: ____________________________________________________________________________

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

b) be / you / your parents last night?

A: ____________________________________________________________________________

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

c) be / you/ good / at math / child/ when?

A: ____________________________________________________________________________

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

d) be/ popular / at school/ when /child?

A: ____________________________________________________________________________

B: ____________________________________________________________________________

4.D. Reading. Read the text and discuss with your partner:

What did people do in the past for fun?


How do you spend your spare time? Do you play video

games? How about board games? Do you like to read?

In the past, people had fun in many of the same ways we

do today. They played games, told each other stories, and

played music. In fact, music has always been one of our

most popular hobbies!

Human beings have played music for 43,000 years. Isn’t

that a long time? Music has changed over the years, but

people are still just as interested in it today. Have you ever heard music at a concert or festival? People in


the past listened to it the same way. Early humans used music to bring

their communities together. In that way, they were a lot like us.


a) What did people do in the past for fun?

b) How do you spend your spare time nowadays?

c) In your opinion, what is the biggest difference between the present and

the past when it comes to having fun?

d) Do you agree with the sentence: “People in the past listened to music

in the same way”?

5.A. Complete the chart with the verbs from the text.

Present | Past | Present | Past











5.B. Listen to someone talking about Margaret Atwood and write (T) for true and (F) for


a) ( ) Margaret Atwood was born on November 18th, 1938.

b) ( ) She is best known for her prose fiction and for her feminist perspective.

c) ( ) She began writing at age nine.

d) ( ) Atwood earned a master’s degree in English literature from Radcliffe College.

e) ( ) The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) is constructed around the written record of a woman living in sexual

slavery in a repressive Christian theocracy

f) ( ) The TV series based on The Handmaid’s Tale was cowritten by Atwood.

5.C. Unscramble the words and use them to write questions using the past of to be

(was / were) and the words below. Then, answer the questions with your own words:

a) late / you / this afternoon / why?

b) easy / your exam?

c) last night / where / you and Sarah?

d) angry / the teacher / yesterday / why?

e) you / away / how long?

f) you / at 6 p.m. / where / yesterday?


A: Why were you late this afternoon?

B: Because I missed the bus.

5.D. Writing. Write about a very famous and significant figure in history.

William Shakespeare - Abraham Lincoln - George Washington.

Adolf Hitler - Aristotle - Albert Einstein - Isaac Newton




1. Write at least two things you can do in each place.

a) post office______________________________________________________________________

b) restaurant_______________________________________________________________________

c) hotel___________________________________________________________________________

d) laundromat______________________________________________________________________

e) airport_________________________________________________________________________

2. Answer the questions about your neighborhood:

a) were there good schools in your neighborhood?__________________________________________

b) Did you know your neighbors?_______________________________________________________

c) Were they nice people?_____________________________________________________________

d) Was there any bank?______________________________________________________________

e) Were there big supermarkets?________________________________________________________

f) Was your neighborhood a safe place for someone to live in?_________________________________

g) Was there a shopping mall in your neighborhood?________________________________________

3. Complete the sentences with the right preposition (in, on, at, from, to, by).

a) Every day Laura goes to work__________foot but today she went__________taxi.

b) I take ten minutes to go__________home__________work.

c) In Brazil banks open__________10 a.m. and close__________4 p.m.__________Mondays


d) __________Mondays__________Saturdays my father gets up early but __________Sundays he

gets up__________11 a.m.

e) My mother usually goes to work__________car but this week she is going__________bus because

her car is __________ the garage.

f) Every day I have to get up__________5 a.m. I don’t like it very much, but I need the job.

4. Use the appropriate preposition to complete the short conversations.

a) A: Where do you live?

B: I live__________1987, Tiradentes Street.

A: I know where Tiradentes St is. Picanha Grill is there.

B: Oh, the restaurant is__________my apartment building.

b) A: Excuse me. Is there a drugstore near here?

B: Yes, there’s one__________the church.

A: What about the stationery store?

B: It’s__________the flower shop and the coffee shop. >>


c) A: Is there a gas station around here? My car is running out of gas.

B: Yes, there’s one ____________Second Street and Fourth Ave.

A: Good. And the shopping mall?

B: It’s__________the Japanese restaurant,__________Tiradentes St.

A: Thanks a lot.

B: Of course.

5. Write questions to the answers to have a conversation:


Chris: I usually go there to buy cards.


Chris: Yes, there’s one across from the supermarket.


Chris: I go to the bank twice a week.


Chris: To send letters.


Chris: In a supermarket. What about you,______________________________________?

You: At Kroger drugstore.

6. Write questions according to the answers:

A: ___________________________________________________________________?

B: My parents went to Salvador. They always go there when they have a chance.

A: ___________________________________________________________________?

B: They loved it.

A: ___________________________________________________________________?

B: No, I didn’t. I bought an apartment.

A: ___________________________________________________________________?

B: It was sunny. We actually had a great time at the beach.

A: ___________________________________________________________________?

B: It was great.

A: ___________________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I did.

7. Complete the conversation using the simple past of the verbs:

A: Hi, Jim! Where were you? I_________________(look) for you everywhere.

B: I_________________(be) tired so I (go) to that empty room and_________________(sleep) a little.

A:_________________you_________________(sleep)? I can’t believe it.

B: Yes, there was nobody in there and I laid down on the sofa. And you? What _________________(do)

during this time?

A: I_________________(buy) some souvenirs for my relatives.

B: Oh, let me see. How much_________________(be) it?


A: This one was only a dollar and that one… There is General Dollar down the road. Don’t you want buy


B: Nah! I didn’t bring money for gifts. Besides, I spent all I had last night.

A: Jim, you’re nuts

B: Whatever….

8. Answer the questions below by writing a composition about yourself:

a) Where were you born?

b) Were you a good student when you were in elementary school?

c) Did you study English in high school?

d) Did you have many friends when you were in high school?

e) What school did you go to last year?

f) Did you travel last vacation? Went out last weekend? Where to? who with?

g) How did you like it?

h) Did you see Harry Potter? When? who with?

9. Complete the text with the appropriate verbs, you may use the verbs more than



Mary_________________a nice woman. She_________________ a nurse and_________________

in a big hospital. Mary_________________two young children and they_________________very

intelligent. Their names_________________“Jack” and “Julie”. Jack_________________soccer

and Julie_________________movies. Jack_________________to be a soccer player and

Julie_________________to be a movie star. Mary_________________to be with her children when

she_________________working - they_________________card games together. Mary’s family’s very

happy, especially when Jake, Mary’s husband, is at home with them.

10. Look at the pictures and write sentences about what these people did yesterday.

1 2



3 4



1. Complete the conversation.

A: Hey,_________________________________ in our English class?

B: Yeah, hey, I’m Jane! ____________________________________?

A: Hi, Jane. Good to meet you, I’m Jackie.______________________?

B: I’m from Peru. I’m Peruvian. ______________________________?

A: Cool! I’m from São Paulo. I’m Brazilian.

2. Answer these questions about you:

a) A: Are you a new student here?

B: ______________________________________________________________________.

b) A: What’s your first name?

B: ______________________________________________________________________.

c) A: Where are you from?

B: ______________________________________________________________________.

d) A: Are you a university student?

B: ______________________________________________________________________.

e) A: How are you doing today?

B: ______________________________________________________________________.

f) A: Are you from New York?

B: ______________________________________________________________________.

3. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: _____________________________________________________________in our class?

B: Yes, I’m Paul. Nice to meet you!

b) A: ______________________________________________________________________?

B: No, I am not. I’m Peruvian.

c) A: ______________________________________________________________________?

B: No, I’m Brazilian.

d) A: ______________________________________________________________________?

B: I’m from Praia - Cape Verde.

e) A: ______________________________________________________________________?

B: Ben.

f) A: ______________________________________________________________________?

B: No, I’m not. I’m from Columbus - USA.


4. Complete the short dialogues with the verb to be.

a) A: Christine, this _________ John. He ____________from Rio de Janeiro.

B: Nice to meet you._______ you in my English class?

b) A: Hi, Ann. This ___________ my friend. His name _________ Peter.

B: Hello, Peter. Good to meet you! Where ___________ you from?

c) A: How ___________ you doing today?

B: I_______________ great, how ______ you?

d) A: How _____________ everything?

B: I____________ alright.

e) A: How ____________ it going?

B: I_____________ doing well.

f) A: What state ____________ you from?

B: I__________ from Florida

A: Nice! What city __________ you living in?

5. Answer these questions.

a) Where are you from? __________________________________________________

b) Where are your parents from? ___________________________________________

c) Where is your best friend from? __________________________________________

d) Where is your grandfather from? _________________________________________

e) Is your teacher from New York? __________________________________________

f) Is your neighbor from London? ___________________________________________

6. Answer the questions. Use possessive adjectives:

a) A: What’s your last name?

B: ___________last name is Souza.

b) A: What are your parents’ names?

B: __________names are Helen and Thatcher.

c) A: Is she Sofia?

B: No,___________name is Brooke.

d) A: Is he Jeremy?

B: No,____________name is Carlos.

e) A: Is Joyce’s first name George?

B: No, _______ first name is James.

f) A: What’s the middle name of the vice president of the United States?

B: _________middle name is Devi.

g) A: What are your cousins’ names?

B: _________names are Bill and Tom.

h) A: Is that Jane’s car?

B: No, I think ______car is blue.

i) A: Is that Peter’s father?

B: No, _________ father is over there.


7. Complete the conversation:

Looking for a job

A: Excuse me, my name is Benjamin. I have an interview with Mr. Harris at 8:30.

B: Oh, yes. ______________________________________?

A: Benjamin Johnson.

B: _____________________________________________?

A: J-o-h-n-s-o-n.

B: _____________________________________________?

A: I’m 18 years old.

B: _____________________________________________?

A: Yes, I am.

B: _____________________________________________?

A: No, I don’t.

B: _____________________________________________?

A: It’s 4127775937.

B: _____________________________________________?

A: My email is Johnson.b@gmail.com.

B: _____________________________________________?

A: It’s 5557 Beacon St, Pittsburgh, PA.


A: My zip code is 15217-1903.

B: Ok. Mr. Harris is waiting for you!

A: Thank you!

B: My pleasure!

8. Answer these questions using your own information:

a) A: What’s your full name?

B: ___________________________________________________________________________

A: How do you spell your last name?

B: ___________________________________________________________________________

A: How old are you?

B: ___________________________________________________________________________

A: Are you married?

B: ___________________________________________________________________________

A: Do you have any children?

B: ___________________________________________________________________________

A: What’s your phone number? And email address?

B: ___________________________________________________________________________

A: What’s your zip code?

B: ___________________________________________________________________________


9. Write the numbers in full:

5 31

9 42

11 55

12 68

15 71

19 86

20 101

10. Complete the text about Brooke with the verb to be:

My name ___________Brooke. I_________a Swedish

girl but my father _____________ from Venezuela

and my mother ________________ from switzerland.

They _____________ 57 years old. I live in Geneva. I

_________ 24 years old and I_________ a student. I

_________not married and I don’t have children. My

boyfriend ‘s name ___________ Tiago. He _________

from Chile but his parents ________ from Brazil so he

speaks Portuguese very well.

11. Fill out the table below with the corresponding country or nationality:






















V Now, write sentences using countries and nationalities. Follow the example:

Pablo is from Mexico. He is Mexican.






1. Complete the conversation with the write question:

Do you work here - Do you need any help - Are you Jason - what do you need

Sara: Good Morning! __________________________________?

Peter: No, I’m Peter. Why? ______________________________?

Sara: I think so! ______________________________________?

Peter: Yes, __________________________________________?

Sara: I have a job interview and I don’t know where the manager’s office is.

Peter: Oh, look! The manager’s office is over there.

Sara: Thanks. You’re a lifesaver!

2. Answer these questions:

a) A: Do you work/study? What do you do?

B: _______________________________________

b) A: Where do you live?

B: _______________________________________

c) A: How do you like your job/school/course?

B: _______________________________________

d) A: Who do you live with?

B: _______________________________________

e) A: What does your mother do?

B: _______________________________________

f) A: What does your father do?

B: _______________________________________

g) A: Where do your parents live?

B: _______________________________________

3. Look at the pictures, name the occupations, then write and answer questions about


1 2 3 4 5


1- He is a/an __________________. He works at _________________and he _________________





4. Read the texts and complete them with the right form of the verbs:

a) I ______________(be) a craftsman / an artisan. I ___________(use) traditional methods to build the

furniture or other products. I usually __________(sell) my products on streets or open markets.

b) My mother______________(be) a craftsman / an artisan. She ___________(use) traditional

methods to build the furniture or other products. She usually __________(sell) her products on streets

or open markets.

c) My parents __________(be) teachers. They __________(teach) in a public school. My mother

____________(teach) Portuguese and my father ______________(teach) History. They ___________

(love) to teach. They _________(be) really happy.

d) My best friend __________(be) an engineer. He _____________(work) for a big company. It

___________(be) far from his house but he _____________(love) his job but he ___________ (not

-like) to work far from his house.

e) My sister ____________(be) a dentist. She ___________ (not-live) in Brazil. She ___________

(live) in the United States. She usually ____________(come) to Brazil on vacation.

5. Use the words to write questions. Then, answer the questions:

a) Where / your mother / from?

b) Your brother / married?

c) What / father / do?

d) Where / your brother / live?

e) How old / your friend?

f) Your sister / have /any children?

g) what / you /good at?

h) What / you / like / do in your free time?

6. Answer these questions using your own information:

a) Are you good at sports? Music? Languages? Math?

b) What do you like to do on weekends?

c) Do you like to travel on holidays?

d) Do you like to go out with your friends?

e) Do you like to stay home?

f) What is the job of your dreams?

7. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: __________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I’m really good at sports.

b) A: __________________________________________________?

B: I usually stay home on weekends.

c) A: __________________________________________________?

B: No, I don’t like to travel at all.

d) A: __________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I usually go out with friends on Saturdays.



e) A: __________________________________________________________________________?

B: I recommend this person to work as a nurse.

f) A: __________________________________________________________________________?

B: No, Jane is not good at sports.

8. Complete the sentences with the right profession:

a) A__________________________ builds database programs, digital products and computer systems

for businesses, using a programming language.

b) An ________________________ specializes in the developmental needs of young children to help

them learn.

c) An _________________________ helps clients clean and beautify their face and skin to maintain

health and vitality.

d) A _________________________ measures, installs and repairs structures made from wood or other

materials for buildings.

9. Read the text and answer the questions:

Who is Billie Eilish?

Billie Eilish is an American songwriter and singer who was born in Los Angeles,

California on December 18, 2001. She is the daughter of actress and teacher

Maggie Baird and actor Patrick O'Connell, both of whom are also musicians and

work on Eilish's tours. Eilish is of Irish and Scottish descent. Her middle name,

Eilish, was originally meant to be her first name, while Pirate was to be her middle


Eilish and her brother Finneas were homeschooled by Baird, a decision their parents

made to spend time with them and give them the freedom to pursue their interests. Her fans love everything

about her. They all know how much she loves to perform and that performing passion is one of the reasons

that she got fit. Billie Eilish also loves to do 2 other things to get her body fit and keep her healthy.

Adapted from https://www.health-yogi.com/billie-eilish-workout/

a) What does Billie Eilish do? ____________________________________________

b) Who is Maggie Baird? What does she do?________________________________

c) What does Billie Eilish’s father do?______________________________________

d) What does Finneas do?_______________________________________________

e) What does Eilish like to do?___________________________________________

10. Now, it is your turn. Think about a famous person and write as much information as

possible. Then, write 5 questions and answer according to your text:







1. Answer these questions about you and your family. Give as much information as


a) Are you an only child? _______________________________________________

b) Are your grandparents alive? __________________________________________

c) Do you live with your parents? _________________________________________

d) Is your family big? __________________________________________________

e) Would you like to have a sibling / more sibling? ___________________________

f) How many brothers and sisters do you have?______________________________

2. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: I have two brothers and two sisters.

b) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: No, not so big. I have only one sister.

c) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I am an only child.

d) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I would love to have another brother.

e) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: My mother has two siblings.

f) A:____________________________________________________?

B: No, my father is an only child.

g) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: Her name is Christina but you can call her Chris.

h) A: ___________________________________________________?

B: No, she lives with my parents in Japan.

i) A:____________________________________________________?

B: She is an architect.

3. Answer these questions about your mother. Then, write a text about her.

a) Is your mother an only child?__________________________________________

b) Does she have a twin brother?_________________________________________

c) How many cousins does she have?_____________________________________

e) Does she have any aunt? _____________________________________________

f) Where is she from? _________________________________________________

g) What does she like to do? ____________________________________________

V My mother is ______________________________________________________



4. Now, complete the sentences with the verb to have. Use affirmative or negative


a) John ___________ two sisters, but he doesn’t live with them.

b) My father ___________ any siblings. He is an only child.

c) My grandparents ___________ any pets because they are allergic to them.

d) I ______________ many friends because I am very shy.

e) My brother _____________ many friends because he is very friendly.

5. Write questions according to the answers.

a) A: __________________________________?

B: They work for the government.

b) A: __________________________________?

B: My friend studies hotel management.

c) A: __________________________________?

B: No, I’m married.

d) A: __________________________________?

B: I am an architect.

e) A: __________________________________?

B: Four siblings.

6. Complete the text with an appropriate verb:

My name ___________ Lucy, but you can call me Lu. I ___________ a very

big family. I ____________ 2 brothers and 4 sisters. We _____________ in

a big house in Salvador. I________ Brazilian, but my father ______________

Argentinian and my mother _____________ from Mexico. Their names

______________ Carlos and Julia. I ___________ 20 years old and I

_____________ to play the piano every morning. I _____________ single

and I ____________ any cousins. I_____________ a student and my parents

______________ salespeople. I ______________ to college on weekdays

and in my free time, I __________ to read and play soccer with my friend Jason. He _______________

my best friend. My phone number is 33983-3277, you can call me any time.

7. Complete the conversation with the correct words:

Peter: What __________ your parents ____________?

Clara: They are teachers.

Peter: What _______________ they ______________?

Clara: My mother teaches math and my father teaches history.

Peter: Nice! ____________ they ______________?

Clara: They work in a public school.

Peter: _______________ they like their job?

Clara: I think so.


8. Write questions and answer them:

a) What / nickname?

b) Family / small?

c) How many / siblings / have?

d) Where / live?

e) Where/ from/

f) Where/ parents/from?

g) What / names?

h) How old / she?

i) She / married?

j) What / she / do?

9. Read the text about Usain Bolt and answer the questions:

Usain Bolt

Despite retiring from the track and field, Usain Bolt remains the world’s

fastest man to date. The 8-time Olympic champion still holds the

100m and 200m world record, with few to no athletes having come close

to beating the legend. Popularly known as a Lightning Bolt, the athlete has

shown his interest in other fields like football and music. Post-retirement,

the star athlete even released his debut dancehall album ‘Country Yutes’,

which gained immense popularity worldwide. The 35-year-old is a proud

father to three adorable toddlers. However, in a recent interview, Bolt

revealed the reason why he does not want to have more kids. Usain Bolt

has three kids; a daughter named Olympia Lightning Bolt, and 2 twins

named Thunder Bolt and Saint Leo Bolt. However, he has made it clear

that does not intend on having more kids.

“That’s me, I’m finished – I don’t want any more now. Being a dad

keeps me busy, but I wouldn’t say fit. It keeps me busy and my

hands are always full,” said the track and field icon.


a) Is Bolt still a track and field athlete?

b) Which sports has Bolt shown interest after retiring?

c) How is Bolt popularly known?

d) How old is Usain Bolt?

e) How many children does he have?

f) What are his children’s names?

10. Look at the picture and write a text about the "Little Skateboard Fairy”:

Rayssa Leal went viral at age seven for skateboarding in a fairy

costume. Now she’s an Olympic medalist.



1. Answer these questions about your daily routine.

a) What time do you get up every day? ________________________________________

b) Do you go to bed early? __________________________________________________

c) What do you usually do on weekends? ______________________________________

d) How often do you go out with friends? ______________________________________

e) What do you usually do in the morning? _____________________________________

f) How often do you go to the movies? ________________________________________

2. Complete the text with the right verb:

My routine

I ____________ very early, at 6 a.m. then I ____________ a shower and I __________ breakfast. I

usually _____________ bread, milk and coffee for breakfast. After that, I ____________ my teeth and

take the bus to work. I ___________work at 8 a.m. and ______________ at noon. In the afternoon, I

usually ___________ the chores and _________ a nap. In the evening, I ______________ dinner and

__________ TV. I always ___________ to bed about 11 p.m.

3. Now, think about your mother’s routine and answer the questions.

a) What time does your mother get up? _____________________________________________

b) What time does she start work? _________________________________________________

c) What time does she finish work? ________________________________________________

d) Is your mother’s routine stressful? _______________________________________________

e) Does your mother make lunch every day? _________________________________________

f)) What does she usually do in the afternoon? ________________________________________

g) What time does she usually go to bed? ____________________________________________

h) What does she usually do on weekends? ___________________________________________

4. Read the text and find out 10 mistakes, then rewrite it correctly:

Lucia is a hardworking girl. She get up very early, at 6 a.m. then she take a shower and have breakfast.

She don’t have bread, milk and coffee for breakfast, she take orange juice. After that, she brush your teeth

and take the bus to work. She don’t start work at 8 a.m. She start at 9 a.m. and have lunch at noon.









5. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: _______________________________________________________________________?

B: I usually get up at 6 a.m.

b) A: _______________________________________________________________________?

B: She usually gets up at 6 a.m.

c) A: _______________________________________________________________________?

B: They finish work at 6 p.m.

d) A: _______________________________________________________________________?

B: He finishes work at 8 p.m.

e) A: _______________________________________________________________________?

B: I never go to the beaches.

f) A:________________________________________________________________________?

B: She goes to school by car.

g) A: _______________________________________________________________________?

B: John often goes out with his friends.

6. Answer the questions using one of the adverbs of frequency.

Always - Almost always - usually - normally - often - sometimes -

occasionally rarely - hardly ever - never

a) A: How often do you go to the church?

B: _______________________________________________

b) A: How often do your parents go to a club?

B: _______________________________________________

c) A: What do you usually do after class / work?

B: _______________________________________________

d) A: Does your friend usually watch the news?

B: _______________________________________________

e) A: How often do you exercise or go to the gym?

B: _______________________________________________

f) A: How often do you cook for your family?

B: _______________________________________________


7. Form questions using the prompts and answer them.

a) What time / get up on weekdays / on weekends?

b) What / do / in the evening?

c) Where / have lunch?

d) Like to play sports? What?

e) Good at languages?

f) Have fun with your family?

g) Go to a Chinese restaurant?

h) What / do in your free time?

8. Complete the sentences using an adverb of frequency:

a) Jane hates watching TV. So, she___________sees the news.

b) My sister loves soap operas. She watches them___________.

c) My brother___________goes to the movies with his girlfriend. He prefers to stay home.

d) I love Anitta. So, I____________listen to her songs.

e) My parents love the Beatles. So, they listen to their songs___________.

f) My family___________goes to a new restaurant on weekends. We love to visit different places

g) I___________call my friends when I have good news.

9.Complete the text with one of the verbs from the box:

make - get up - start - do - get - have - prepare - be

- go - play

Silvia’s daily routine

Silvia____________________a housewife.

She_____________________early and___________

coffee for her husband. About 7:30 she___________

to clean the house. After that she___________lunch

and_____________the dishes. Her husband___________

home about 1 p.m., when they lunch together. Sometimes

she ______________ to the shopping mall with her friend

Emilia, with whom she also ___________ cards. Silvia is

always busy and happy about her life.

10. Write the ordinal numbers in full:


















1. Answer these questions

a) Do you live in a house or in an apartment? __________________________________

b) Is your house comfortable? _______________________________________________

c) Is your neighborhood safe? _______________________________________________

d) Do you have your own bedroom? __________________________________________

e) What is your house/ apartment like? ________________________________________

f) Do you have your own bedroom? __________________________________________

g) How many bedrooms are there in your house? ________________________________

h) How many bathrooms are there in your house? _______________________________

i) Is there a big supermarket in your neighborhood? _____________________________

j) Is there a hospital in your neighborhood? ____________________________________

2. Complete the conversation with the right question:

What is it like - How are you doing - How about you

Betsy: Hi, Sarah.

Sarah: Hey,________________________________?

Betsy: I’m doing great.________________________?

Sarah: I can’t complain!

Betsy: I’m living in a new apartment near here.

Sarah: Really?______________________________?

Betsy: It’s fantastic. I have my own bedroom and a

spectacular view of the river.

Sarah: That sounds beautiful!

Betsy: It’s perfect. There is a swimming pool in the

building and there are beautiful trees on the street.

Sarah: Good. Welcome to our neighborhood.

Betsy: Thanks.

Sarah: Anytime!

3. Complete the chart with furniture you use in each room:


81 81

4. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A:______________________________________________________?

B: Yes, there are. There are good schools in my neighborhood.

b) A:______________________________________________________?

B: No, there isn’t. But there is a post office.

c) A:______________________________________________________?

B: Yes, it does. It has a front and a back yard.

d) A:______________________________________________________?

B: No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t have a swimming pool.

e) A:______________________________________________________?

B: No, she doesn’t have her own bedroom.

5. Use the words to ask and answer the questions:

a) Where / your father /live?__________________________________________________________


b) There to be/ swimming pool? ______________________________________________________


c) Who/ live/ with? ________________________________________________________________


d) How many/ bedrooms?___________________________________________________________


e) How many/ pictures of your family?__________________________________________________


f) There to be/ chairs in the living room? ________________________________________________


h) Your brother / work / where? _______________________________________________________


6. Look at the pictures and write the names of the furniture:













1- 4- 7- 10-

2- 5- 8- 11-

82 82

3- 6- 9- 12-

7. Use the words to ask question. Then ask your partner:

a) Museum / near your house?

b) Big supermarkets / in your city?

c) Bookshop / downtown?

d) Train station / in your neighborhood?

e) Shopping mall / near your house?

f) How many/ airports / in your town?

g) Bakery / your street?



8. What can you do in these places?

a) Police station.

b) Drugstore.

c) Mall.

d) Park.

e) Bank.

9. Read the text and underline and write the sentences with there to be.

My dream city

In my dream city, there is greenery all around us. The atmosphere is fresh and clean air, and everybody is

able to breathe with ease. There are animals in their barns and not roam around on the roads. There are

clean streets, and everybody uses only public mode of transportation. There are clean and new buses and

the buses run on clean energy generated from the Solar panels set up all around the city. There is not sound

pollution as there is not any cars honking on the street

nor loud music being played. There are good public

schools for everybody, even for those who live in the

suburbs. There is no one in the hospital corridors

because there are good public hospitals for the entire

population. People walk peacefully on the streets

because there are no bandits or violence.







10. Writing! Now, write about the city of your dreams.








1. Answer the questions. Give additional information:

a) Do you think you have a long journey to school / work?____________________________


b) How do you go to school / work?__________________________________________

c) How long does it take for you to get to school / work?___________________________


d) Do you work/study too far from your house? _______________________________


e) What time do you usually get home?_____________________


f) Do you drive to school/work?___________________________


g) How far is it from your house to work/ school? _____________


2. Complete the conversation with the right questions:

David invites Sara for dinner...

David: Would you like to have dinner with me?

Sara: _________________________________?

David: 7:30.

Sara: I’m sorry. It’s too late. I have a long journey to get home.

David: _______________________________________?

Sara: About 3 hours.

David: Really? That’s a long journey.________________________________________?

Sara: About 10:30 p.m.

David: _________________________________________________________?

Sara: I usually go by bus. Look, my bus is coming now.

How do you usually go home - How long do you take to get home - What time µ

What time do you get home in the evening -

3. Write and answer questions. Don’t forget to use prepositions in your answers:

84 84

a) How / go to school/ work?

b) How often / your mother / go to the supermarket?

c) Your brother / go to school by car?

d) What time / watch TV?

e) Where / your cousin / live?

4. Complete these short conversations with the appropriate prepositions:

a) A: What time do you get up ____________weekdays?

B: I normally get up 5 o’clock because I got to work ______bus.

b) A: Do you go to your grandmas’s house ________foot?

B: It depends. ______weekdays I go ________bike but ______weekends I go ______foot.

c) A: Does your mother drive you to college?

B: No, I usually go _____car with my friends.

d) A: Does your father live_______São Paulo?

B: Actually, he lives _______ Rio de Janeiro, but he works ________São Paulo. Everyday he travels

______ plane from Rio to São Paulo.

5. What time is it?











1- 4- 7- 10-

2- 5- 8- 11-

3- 6- 9- 12-

6. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: It starts at 8 a.m.

b) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: My classes finish at 15 p.m.

c) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: She starts work at 7 a.m

d) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: They usually go to bed before midnight.



e) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: We have lunch at noon.

f) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: Supermarkets open at 7:30 a.m.

g) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: Bars open at 6 p.m. in Brazil.

h) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: On weekdays, I wake up at 10.

i) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: I don’t work on weekends.

j) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: She takes about one hour to get home.

k) A: _________________________________________________________________________?

B: We never go to the beaches.

7. Complete the conversation with the past tense of to be and there to be.

Sarah: So, Tom, tell me about your childhood.

Tom: It __________great. I _________a very happy and funny


Sarah: Funny?__________you funny?

Tom: Of Course, I __________. When I ___________ a child,

_____________ many buildings and traffic. We could play on the


Sarah: _________________ many stores near your house in

the past?

Tom: No, ______________. It __________really safe for

children to play on the streets.

Sarah: ___________you popular at school.

Tom: Yes, I __________really popular and I had lots of friends.

8. Complete the chart by changing the sentences into the simple past:


I am a happy child.

There are many stores here.

They are great.

She is my friend.

There are good schools in town.

John is my best friend.

There are five girls in my classroom.

These is not a hospital in my neighborhood.




My friends are very nice.

9. Answer the questions about your childhood:

a) Were you a happy kid? __________________________________________

b) Were your teachers nice? _________________________________________

c) Was your house big? ____________________________________________

d) Were you popular at school? ______________________________________

e) Was your neighborhood safe? _____________________________________

f) Were there many stores near your house? ____________________________

10. Writing! Write about your childhood. Follow the example:

When I was a child, I was a very happy kid. I had many friends

and I was very popular at school. The teachers were very nice

and friendly. They were always smiling. I think they were very

happy too. The students were obedient and respectful. My

parents were pretty docile and affectionate. I was an only child

but I had a lot of cousins. They were like siblings to me.







11. Look at the pictures and write sentences using the simple past:

1 2

3 4




1. Answer the questions:

a) Where were you born?

b) Did you have a happy childhood?

c) What did you like to do when you were a child?

d) Were you shy? Talkative? Popular?

e) Were your teachers nice?

f) Were you good at sport? Math?

2. Complete the conversation with the right question.

Did your brother go - Who did you go with - How was your weekend -

Where did you go - Were you sick

David’s bad weekend

David: Hi, Sara._________________________________________(1)?

Sara: It was great. I went to the beach.

David: Really? __________________________________________(2)?

Sara: I went to Florida. There are beautiful beaches there.

We visited so many beautiful places. I’ll show you the


David: ____________________________________(3)?

Sara: I went with Mercedes and Louise, two girls from work.

David: _________________________________(4), too?

Sara: No, he stayed home. He said he was too tired to do

anything. What about you? Tell me what you did.

David: My weekend was terrible. I was sick and...

Sara: ____________________________(5)? Why didn’t

you tell me about it?

David: Well, I’m sorry I didn’t do that because I didn’t want to bother you with my problems.

Sara: Don’t be ridiculous, David.

3. Ask and answer these questions to your partner.

a) How / your weekend?

b) What / you do yesterday

c) Where / you go last weekend?

d) you / visit any friends?

e) you / watch any film/series this week?

f) you/ at school yesterday?


4. Complete the dialogues with the past tense of to be, then practice them with your


a) A:__________________________you at Peter’s birthday party?

B: No, I______________. I at the hospital. I _________not feeling well.

b) A: Why______________your parents at school yesterday?

B: I don’t know. I didn’t know they______________there.

c) A:______________you at home yesterday night?

B: Yes, I ____________. Why?

A: I called you so many times. I ______________really bad.

B: Sorry. I think I ____________sleeping.

5.Use the clues to ask and answer these questions in the past.

a) How / your weekend?__________________________________________________________

b) What / do? _______________________________________________________________

c) Where / go? __________________________________________________________________

d) Go out with friends? _______________________________________________________

e) You at home yesterday?________________________________________________________

f) How / the weather?____________________________________________________________

g) Where / stay in Fortaleza?_______________________________________________________

h) like it? __________________________________________________________________

6. Write questions to the answers below:

a) A: _____________________________________?

B: No, there was not, but there was a bus stop.

b) A: _____________________________________?

B: I stayed home. I was really tired.

c) A: _____________________________________?

B: No, she didn’t. She stayed home and rested.

d) A: _____________________________________?

B: Yes, I did. I visited him in the hospital.

e) A: _____________________________________?

B: No, because it rained a lot last night.

f) A: _____________________________________?

B: No, there weren’t. There were few people in the party.

7. Unscramble the questions and answer them.

a) when – like – your – you – city – you – were a child – did?


b) like – you – your school – Did?


c) friends – you – have – many – at school – Did?




d) Many – buildings – in your – there – neighborhood – Were?


e) friend – was – your best – Who?


8. Take turns asking your partner about his / her schedule yesterday:


-What time / go to bed?

-What / do/ in the afternoon?

-Where / buy / your shoes?

-What / do / before going to bed?

-Stay home?

-Watch any series?

-What / have for lunch?

-Go out with friends?

-Help your mother?

- Read a book?

9. Based on your partner’s answers write down a text about what he did yesterday.

Yesterday my partner had an excellent day. He_____________________________________________





10. Complete the text with the past tense of the verbs in parentheses:

Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize


Marie Curie __________(be) born Marie Sklodowska

in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. A brilliant student, she

______________(dream) of studying at the Sorbonne in

Paris. It __________(take) eight years of saving before she

_____________(can) afford to go, and despite very poor living

conditions, as well as a lack of French she _________________

(graduate) in physics in 1893 and mathematics in 1894.

While searching for a Parisian laboratory to continue her

experimentation, she _____________(be) introduced to Pierre

Curie, a highly regarded professor at the School of Physics. At 35

years old, Pierre _____________(be) already an internationally

recognised physicist and though his papers had been well

received by distinguished colleagues, he ____________(be)

still an outsider in the French academic community. Like Marie

he _____________(not-care) for outward distinctions or a

career. The two _____________(marry) in July 1895.




1. Answer these questions

a) What are you doing now? ______________________________________________

b) What were you doing yesterday this time? _________________________________

c) Are you enjoying your weekend?_________________________________________

d) What is your best friend doing now?____________________________________________

e) Are you living with your parents?________________________________________

2. Complete the conversation with the right questions:

I’m having a good time.

Josh: Hi, Marcos. What a surprise! _____________________________________________?

Marcos: Not much!_________________________________________________________?

Josh: I’m working. I have a part time job at the library._______________________________?

Marcos: I’m starting my graduation course.

Josh: Oh, great!____________________________________________________________?

Marcos: Business Administration.


Marcos: Yes, this university is really good!

What about you - What are you doing here - What’s up -

What are you studying - Are you enjoying that

3. Look at the pictures and write 6 sentences using the present continuous:

4. Unscramble and answer these questions:

a) were – doing – yesterday night – what – you? __________________________________________


b) this morning – you – tired – were? ___________________________________________________


c) busy – yesterday – you – afternoon – were? ____________________________________________




d) your parents – were – doing – yesterday night – What? ___________________________________


e) with – your friends – you – yesterday – were? __________________________________________


5. Imagine that each sentence is the beginning of a story. Write two sentences in the past

continuous to give background information:

a) I had a terrible dream. _______________________________________________


b) My parents had an accident. ___________________________________________


c) Yesterday. I had a stomachache_________________________________________


d) I think I saw your sister yesterday. ______________________________________


e) Last night I didn’t sleep well. __________________________________________


6. Read the text and complete it with the past tense of the verbs in parentheses:

Barack Obama elected as America’s first Black president

Obama __________(be) born in 1961 in Hawaii. He ______________

(graduate) from Harvard Law School and ______________(be) a law

professor at the University of Chicago before launching his political career in

1996, when he ______________(be) elected to the Illinois State Senate. He

___________(be) re-elected to that post in 1998 and 2000. In March 2004,

he shot to national prominence by winning the U.S. Senate Democratic primary

in Illinois, and that July he ______________(gain) further exposure when

he ____________(deliver) the keynote address at the Democratic National

Convention in Boston, which ____________(include) his eloquent call for unity among “red” (Republican) and

“blue” (Democratic) states. That November, Obama ____________(be) elected to the U.S. Senate in a landslide.

On February 10, 2007, in Springfield, Illinois, Obama officially_________________ (announce) his candidacy for

president. On November 4, Obama __________(be) elected the president of the United States. On November 6,

2012, he ____________(defeat) Republican challenger Mitt Romney to win a second term in the White House. He

_____________(leave) office in January, 2017.

Adapted from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Toni-Morrison


7. Read the text about Barack Obama again and write 5 questions according to the text:






8. Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: ______________________________________________________________?

B: I was born in London.

b) A: ______________________________________________________________?

B: No, I didn’t. I forgot.

c) A: ______________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, he was. I talked to him.

d) A: ______________________________________________________________?

B: I saw a nice movie.

e) A: ______________________________________________________________?

B: I was sleeping.

f) A: ______________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, they were. They were watching the news.

g) A:______________________________________________________________?

B: It was really good. I loved it.

9. Use the words to write questions. Then, answer the questions.

a) go / college yesterday?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: ________________________________________________________________

b) be / your parents’ house last night?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: ________________________________________________________________

c) What / be / do / yesterday night?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: ________________________________________________________________

d) be/ neighborhood / quiet / when /child?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: ________________________________________________________________

e) When/ you / be / born?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: ________________________________________________________________

10. Look at the pictures and write sentences comparing the PAST with the PRESENT.







4.B. Listen to the conversation and complete it:

A: Who’s that?

B: My husband. His name is Anderson. He is an engineer

A: Does he live here?

B: No, he lives in Manaus.

A: Why does he live there?

B: Because he works for the Amazon Preservation company.

A: That’s nice. What about you? What do you do?

B: I’m a Psychologist I work at the University hospital. What about you? What do you do?

A: I’m a student but I don’t know what I want to study

B: What are you good at?

A: I think I’m good at sports but my parents want me to be a lawyer.

B: Hard decision! Be confident and follow your heart!


2.A. Listen to the conversation, complete it and practice it with a partner:

Does she live with you?

Wade: Can you tell me about your family, Peter?

Peter: Of course. What do you want to know?

Wade: How many brothers and sisters do you have?

Peter: I have two brothers and one sister.

Wade: And what’s your sister’s name?

Peter: Her name is Christina but you can call her Chris.

Wade: Does she live with you?

Peter: No, she lives with my parents in Japan.

Wade: Are your parents Japanese?

Peter: No, but they work there.

Wade: What are your parents’ names?

Peter: Gary and Ann. I miss them.


3.A. Listen to the conversation and complete it:

I have a twin sister

Michelle: Billy, how many brothers and sisters do you have?

Billy: None. I am an only child.

Michelle: Oh, cool I have a twin sister plus three brothers.

Billy: Really? You have a big family.

Michelle: That’s true. I also have a lot of relatives: four aunts, five uncles, and a total of twenty

three cousins.

Billy: I am jealous. I only have six cousins, one uncle on my father’s side, and two aunts and one

uncle on my mom’s side. But I love them all.

Michelle: You have a nice family, Billy. Where do your grandparents live?

Billy: They live nearby. My Grandma loves to cook. My Grandpa tells jokes all the time.

Michelle: Cool!


2.A. Conversation II- Listen to the conversation between Jane and Paul and complete it.

I think she likes poetry.

Jane: Hi there.

Paul: Hey, what’s up?

Jane: Not much. What are you doing here?

Paul: Well, today is Claire’s birthday, and I know she loves reading. I think she likes poetry.

Jane: Hm, I don’t think so. I know she reads a lot, but I’m pretty sure she prefers novels.

Paul: True. Any suggestions?

Jane: Um, she loves Toni Morrison. You should buy Sula.

Paul: Great idea! Thank you. You’re a life saver.

Jane: Anytime.

Paul: Hey, wait, what are you doing here?

Jane: My brother works here and I came to visit him. See you soon.

Paul: See ya!

4.A. Listen to the conversation and complete it:

Jane and Paul meet one more time

Jane: So, Paul, you said today is Claire’s birthday… When is your birthday?

Paul: My birthday is in March. It’s on March 27th. What about yours?

Jane: My birthday is on the first day of December.

Paul: That’s nice! My favorite holidays are in December: Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Jane: Yeah, I love this month. but I prefer July because it is summer!



3.B. Listen to the text and complete it.

Vinny’s place

My cousin Vinny lives in an apartment which has a beautiful view of the city. There is no swimming pool

in the building, but there is a big garden. He lives alone but there are two bedrooms in his apartment. There

are a lot of pictures of his family in his bedroom but there isn’t any mirror. He needs to buy some furniture.

So, he is going to buy a sofa and some chairs for the living room and a table for the kitchen. Vinny

is a funny guy who loves to play the guitar and sing so he also needs a closet to store his instruments.

4.A. Conversation II- Listen and Complete:

Is Josh new in town?

Josh: Excuse me. Can you help me, please? Is there a post office around here?

Ann: There’s one on King Street across from the supermarket, only two blocks from here.

Josh: Ok. And is there a drugstore near here? I need to buy some medicine now.

Ann: Yes, there are some on Main Street in front of the gas station. It’s very easy to get there.

Josh: Thanks a lot

Ann: Sure. Hey, do you need a ride? I can take you there.

Josh: No, thanks. I’d rather walk to learn more about the place.

Ann: Ok, bye

5.A. Conversation III- Listen and complete:

Josh still needs directions

Josh gets to the drugstore and buys his medicine. However, he still needs help to get to the post office.

He is now at the drugstore talking to the clerk.

Josh: Can you please tell me how to get to the nearest post office?

Clerk: Oh, are you new here? Well, I know the post office is on King Street.

Josh: Yes, I know that. But how do I get to King Street from here?

Clerk: Umm, well, it’s not very far. This is Main Street. Go down ten blocks, turn left, then go down two

blocks and you will be on the corner of King and Hampton, and you’ll see the post

office. It’s right across from “China Buffet”.

Josh: Perfect. I’m getting hungry. I appreciate your help. Bye now.

Clerk: Good luck!


2.A. Listen and Complete:


A picnic by the lake

It’s Saturday morning and David and Sara are having a picnic by the lake.

David: So, you always come here on weekends.

Sara: Yes, but only on Saturdays. I’m off today. What about you? Why do you still work at McDonald’s ?

It takes up your whole day.

David: I know. I’m trying to find a better job, but the money I make there is pretty good.

Well, I think we should eat now.

Sara: Sure. We have sandwiches for lunch.

David: Yummy! I bet they are delicious. This tea tastes so good.

Sara: I agree. It’s Indian tea. I walked ten blocks to get to the store and buy it.

David: Good girl. These fruits and this cake look good, too.

Sara: Perfect.

Sara and David: (laugh).

4.D. Listen to someone talking about lunch time in some countries and answer the


1- Lunch in England is served between the hours of 12-1:30 pm. It's usually a hot meal — bring on the

fish and chips.

2- Spanish are all about eating late (probably because they go out so late). People start pouring into

restaurants for lunch between the hours of 2-3 pm. They usually take their time and enjoy it before taking

a siesta (aka food coma).

3- India is a huge country, so there are different customary times to eat for different regions. Lunch is

typically served four hours after breakfast and if you try to grab lunch after 4 pm, you might as well have



2.C. Listen to Tom and Sarah’s conversation and write (T) for true and (F) for false:

Tom wants to know how happy Sarah is about living in noisy New York City.

Tom: So, how do you like New York City?

Sarah: Oh, I love it. I lived all my life in Grey, our small town in Tennessee where there was nothing to do.

I didn’t hate it, because I had my family with me, but I can say I feel happier now that I’m in the Big Apple.

Tom: I’m glad to know you’re fine. Please come visit me when you have a chance.

Sarah: I promise I will. Tom, thanks for the letter, I got it yesterday.

Tom: Anytime. I have to go now, dear.

Sarah: Ok. Bye.

Tom: Bye.


5.A. Listen and complete:

I stayed up all day long

David: Uff! I am very tired, Brian.

Brian: Why? What happened?

David: I worked too much today. I didn’t have time to have lunch.

I can’t believe I stayed up all day long.

Brian: Didn’t you have lunch?

David: No, not even the sandwich I took with me today. What about you? How was your day?

Brian: It was very good. I stayed home all day long. In the morning I watched TV and slept.

David: I wish my days were like yours.

Brian: It is not always like this. I took the day off.


2.A. Listen and complete the conversation:

Josh: Hello, Sandra. It’s Josh.

Sandra: Hi, Josh. What’s up?

Josh: I’m planning to watch the new Spider-man movie. Would you like to go?

Sandra: Sorry, Josh. I’m trying to finish my essay.

Josh: Weren’t doing that yesterday?

Sandra: Yes, I was doing that but I stopped because I was too tired.

Josh: I understand!

Sandra: Listen! I was thinking about going to the Natural History Museum this weekend. Would you like

to go?

Josh: Sandra, you know I don’t like this kind of program….

Sandra: Okay Josh. Have fun!

3.A. Listen to the conversation and complete it:

I was just stressed out

Sara: Hello. David. How’s everything? I called you yesterday night. What were you doing?

David: I’m good. Thanks for asking. I was really busy. I was trying to fix my laptop. It doesn’t work

anymore. I’ll have to buy a new one.

Sara: Hey. Tell me, tell me. How was everything with the doctor?

David: Thank God it was fine. Let me tell you: the doctor was a beautiful woman from Brazil.

Sara: That sounds interesting. When did she come to the US?

David: She got here about three years ago as a graduate student. She liked it here so much that

she decided to stay.

Sara: That’s cool. Did you invite her to go out?

David: No, not yet! But I have her phone...



1. Read the text below and answer the questions. (5.0 = 1,0 each)

Cameron Michelle Diaz (born August 30, 1972) is a retired American actress, writer and former model.

Her parents’ names are Billieand Emilio Diaz. Cameron Diaz has a sister, Chimene Diaz, who has

a doughter named Chloe Armstrong. Her father's family is Cuban. Cameron is married toBenjamin Levi

Madden since 2015. He is a singer and a guitar player.She has frequently appeared in comedies throughout

her career, while also earning critical recognition in dramatic films. Her accolades include four Golden Globe

Award nominations, three Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, and a New York Film Critics Award.

Cameron’s best work is as voicing the character of Princess Fiona in the Shrek series (2001–2010), but

After appearing in Will Gluck's 2014 film adaptation of Annie, Diaz confirmed she was formally retiring from

acting. Diaz is the author of two health books: The Body Book (2013), a New York Times bestseller, and

The Longevity Book (2016).

a) What are Cameron’s Family member’s names?


b) What does Cameron’s husband do?


c) What is Cameron’s Husband’s middle name?


d) Is Cameron’s family Cuban?


e) Does Cameron’s sister have a child? If yes, what is her/his name?


2. Write questions according to the answers. (5.0 = 1.0 each)

a) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: We rarely go to the beach.

b) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: She always wakes up about 7 o’clock.

c) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: He goes to the shopping mall every weekend.

d) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: I visit my grandparents once a week.

e) A: ___________________________________________________________________________?

B: Her parents go to the restaurant only on Sundays.


3. Write appropriate answers to the questions about your life (use adverbs of frequency

if necessary). Give full answers. (5.0 = 1.0 each)

a) How often do you go out with your friends? ____________________________________________

b) Do you always have dinner with your parents? __________________________________________

c) Where does your best friend work/study? ______________________________________________

d) When is your mother’s birthday? ____________________________________________________

e) Do you and your sister/brother watch movies every Sunday? _______________________________

4.A. Write a PARAGRAPH about your own routine from Monday to Friday. Use the

adverbs of frequency. (Minimum 8 lines) (5.0)

4.B. Complete the sentences. (5.0 = 1.0 each)

Alex: Good morning, Ms. Chris Anderson, I have few questions. _________________________?

Chris: No, I don’t. I live with my husband and my two children.

Alex: Oh, I see. ___________________________________________?

Chris: We live in Monte Castelo, near by IFMA School.

Alex: Really! And___________________________________________?

Chris: My husband’s names is Richard Anderson.

Alex: _______________________________________________?

Chris: He is a history teacher at IFMA.

Alex: Nice! What about your children, ____________________________________?

Chris: Yes, they do.

Alex: Thank you for your time.

Chris: You’re welcome.

5. Make a DIALOGUE between you and a friend. Talking about family, days of week,

occupations and jobs. Use the adverbs of frequency. At least 15 lines (5.0)


1. Read the text about “Addams’family” below and answers the questions. (5.0= 1.0


Gomez Addams is a rich man and the family head. He is married with Morticia Addams and they have

two children. Their names are Wednesday Friday Addams and Pusgley Addms. Addms’family live in

a big castel, almost in remains, in 000 North Cemetery Ridge and is composed of strange people and

creatures. Gomez and Morticia are very lovers. Addam’s couple is always declaring their love. Morticia is

an excellent housewife. She always cut the rose bush to let only the thorns. Mr. and Mrs. Addams’ children

never go to school because her mother doesn’t want that they listen about Fairy tale. Wednesday like to play

with his brother of various tips of agonizing experience as put him on the electronic chair. His brother likes

to criate strage animals as spiders. Gomez’ brother is Faster Addams. He loves to sleepind of head down.

Althoug Addam’s family is very dark and sinister, but they are so happy.

a) Who are Fester’s nephew and niece? __________________________________________________

b) What are Wednesday and Pusgley’parents’names? _______________________________________

c) What does Gomez’ wife do?_________________________________________________________

d) What does Gomez and Morticia’s daughter like to do? _____________________________________

e) How often do Gomez and Morticia’s children go to shcool? _________________________________


2. Write a PARAGRAPH talking about your daily routine. Use the adverbs of frequency.

At least 8 lines. (5,0).

3. Complete the text with one of the verbs from below. (5.0 = 0.5 each)


Gabriel_______ a dentist. On Sundays, he _______early and ________ hot chocolate for his mother.

About 7:30 he _________ to clean the house. After that he ___________ lunch and ___________ the

dishes. His mother __________ of the church 1 p.m., when they __________ lunch together. Then,

Gabriel has the day for himself. Sometimes goes to the pub with his friends Darlyson and Jorge. They

always _______ beer and listen music. Gabriel always _________ to watch movie with his mother.

4.A. Write questions according to the answers: (5.0 = 1.0 each)

a) _____________________________________________________________________________?

They are builders.

b) _____________________________________________________________________________?

Cintia likes reading novel books.

c) _____________________________________________________________________________?

Her birthday is on March 1st.

d) _____________________________________________________________________________?

No, she doesn’t. Eduarda usually goes to church on Sundays.

e) _____________________________________________________________________________?

Vanessa usually watches “La casa de papel” .

4. B. Answer the questions about your best friend. Give complete answers. (5.0 = 1.0


a) What does she like to do? _________________________________________________________

b) How often does she go to the church? ________________________________________________

c) Do you and your friend usually go out together? _________________________________________

d) What are her/his parents from? ______________________________________________________

e) Does she/he work? If yes, where does she/he work? ______________________________________

5. Create a DIALOGUE meeting a new friend in the party. Use the verb To Be, possessive

adjective, subject pronouns and simple present tense, adverbs of frequency etc. Use at

least 15 lines! (5,0).



Naiara Sales Araújo

Was born in Magalhães de Almeida, Maranhão, Brazil.

She is a professor of Language and Literature at Federal University of Maranhão; At UFMA, she coordinates

language projects such as Language and Culture of Maranhão (CLC) and Foreign Languages courses

(NCL). As an English specialist she designs and delivers content-based EFL instruction and teaching

materials. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from London Metropolitan University, a Master

of Research (MRes) from London Metropolitan University and a Master of Languages from the Federal

University of Piauí.

E-mail: naiara.sas@ufma.br

Realizado o Depósito legal na Biblioteca Nacional

conforme Lei nº 10.994, de 14 de dezembro de 2004.



Projeto Gráfico


New Evolution!

Naiara Sales Araújo

Camila Cantanhede Vieira

Apoliana da Conceição dos Santos


Páginas 104

21 x 29 cm


Futura e Swiss

Papel | Miolo | Capa

Papel Offset 75gr

Edição 2 a edição Junho de 2022



200 exemplares

Editora da Universidade Federal do Maranhão



Halley S.A.


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