Group 4 Death, Abortion, and Animal Welfare


INDUCED ABORTIONMedical Induced AbortionSurgical Induced AbortionCertain drugs are taken tocause termination ofpregnancy such asMifepristone (600mg PO) andMisoprostol (400mcg PO or800mcg vaginal dose)The medications are takenanytime within the 7 weeksof gestation.It involves several differenttechniques depending on thegestational age at the time thetermination is performed.1. Menstrual Extraction2. Dilatation & Curettage (D&C)3. Dilatation & VacuumExtraction (D&E)4. Prostaglandin or SalineInduction5. Hysterectomy

MENSTRUALEXTRACTIONThis involves the use ofsuction or vacuumaspiration to terminatevery early pregnancy.Lining of the uterus thatsheds during menstruationis suctioned and removed bymeans of the vacuum ofsyringe.It is performed within 5 to7 weeks after LMP.Surgical Induced Abortion



This involves the use of

suction or vacuum

aspiration to terminate

very early pregnancy.

Lining of the uterus that

sheds during menstruation

is suctioned and removed by

means of the vacuum of


It is performed within 5 to

7 weeks after LMP.

Surgical Induced Abortion

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