Group 4 Death, Abortion, and Animal Welfare


SPONTANEOUSABORTION/MISCARRIAGEThreatenedSmall falls, injuries orstress during the firsttrimester of pregnancy cancause threatened miscarriageImminent (Inevitable)Symptoms cannot be stoppedand a miscarriage willhappen.IncompleteThe pregnancy is lost andthe products of conceptiondo not leave the body.CompleteAll of the products(tissue) of conceptionleave the body.MissedThe pregnancy is lost andthe products of conceptiondo not leave the body.RecurrentThe women who had threespontaneous miscarriages thatoccurred at the samegestational age were called“habitual aborters.”

Also known as ElectiveTermination of PregnancyINDUCEDABORTIONIt is a procedureperformed to end apregnancy before fetalviability.Such procedures are alsoreferred to as medicallyand surgically inducedabortion.Abortion

Also known as Elective

Termination of Pregnancy



It is a procedure

performed to end a

pregnancy before fetal


Such procedures are also

referred to as medically

and surgically induced



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