Group 4 Death, Abortion, and Animal Welfare


THE HIGHER-BRAINDEFINITIONOF DEATHit is sometimes called the higherbrain-oriented definitionDefining exactly which functions arecritical is controversial. Some haveclaimed that the critical functionis the function of the cerebrum, butit is theoretically possible forsome motor functions to remain inthe cerebrum even though all sensoryfunction is lost.

THE HIGHER-BRAIN DEFINITIONOF DEATHThe so-called "higher brain death criteria" is based on theconcept as patients who are permanently unconscious have lostfunction of the upper brain (the cortex and associatedstructures), but not necessarily function of the lower brain(the brainstem)The higher-brain definition of death is not yet legal anywherein the world. But it is an idea that is debated increasingly.





it is sometimes called the higherbrain-

oriented definition

Defining exactly which functions are

critical is controversial. Some have

claimed that the critical function

is the function of the cerebrum, but

it is theoretically possible for

some motor functions to remain in

the cerebrum even though all sensory

function is lost.

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