City for Winners Cabreúva 2022

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul. ------- City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e
econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de
contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul.
City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.


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Arena Cabreúva

Clube Atlético Cabreuvano

The Cabreúva City Hall took over the management

of Clube Atlético Cabreuvano. From now on, the

traditional club is available to the city for 20 years,

with the possibility of renewing the agreement signed

for another 20 years.

After undergoing renovations and restructuring,

the site will be used by the population for sports. The

intention is to offer different modalities for a varied

audience. The renovation is expected to be completed

by the second half of this year. “It will be a milestone

for the sport of our city”, commented Mayor Mangini,

alongside the secretary of Sports Tatiana Tais, the

secretary of Works Maxwell Rodrigues and the club’s

board of directors.

Sports School

The Sports School of Cabreúva offers several modalities

for children, adolescents and adults. Maintained by the

City Hall, through its Municipal Sports Department, it

attracts many participants. Among the activities offered

to the public are: volleyball, athletics and gymnastics.

Classes take place in various parts of the city. As in the

Cabreúva Arena, the Sílvia Covas Culture and Leisure

Center, the Senior Citizens Association and Sovacão.

Parque Dona Palmira

Pereira Monteiro

Located at Rua Líbano, at nº 500, in the Vilarejo

district; the new city park has 24 thousand m² and a

complete infrastructure for the practice of sports and

leisure, for the citizens.

The park has a soccer field, sand volleyball court,

walking track, exercise equipment and toys for children.

In addition to a memorial for the victims of Covid-19.

Now, Cabreúva has yet another space that, in addition

to bringing benefits to the population, also beautifies

the city.

Cabreuvano sport is in celebration. Recently, the Arena Cabreúva was inaugurated in the same place where the

“Tatarugão” used to be, which was demolished for the construction of this new space. It now has a court with official

measures, which makes it possible for the city to host national-level competitions. In addition to a grandstand for

300 people seated. To inaugurate the new arena, which is located at Avenida Vereador José Donato, 852, in the

Jacaré neighborhood, the public watched a futsal match with the Brazilian and São Paulo and Down teams.


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Revitalization of the city’s soccer fields

The fields of Waldomiro Teixeira, from Bananal,

Antônio Adnir Federsoni, Botafogo and Mauro Véio,

from Vale Verde were revitalized. The works were

carried out mainly in the changing rooms, fences and

other points. Now, these important places of Cabreúva

sport are already available to the population.

Parque Roque Rari

Located in the city center, Parque Roque Rari was

reopened to the population. In a joint action between the

City Hall and volunteer citizens, the park was revitalized.

In addition to the repairs to the toys and its structure, the

place received a colorful painting, which brought the park

to life.


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