City for Winners Cabreúva 2022

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul. ------- City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e
econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de
contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul.
City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.


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Social Actions

XIII Social Assistance Conference

Distribution of clothes and shoes

The Social Solidarity Fund periodically distributes

clothes and shoes to people in socially vulnerable

situations. These are donations collected through

campaigns produced by the team itself, which result in

a positive impact for those who need it most.

Community gardens

Through the initiative of the Social Solidarity Fund

of Cabreúva, community gardens are now part of the

revitalization of the old Barracão, which became known

as the Urban Services Center. A vast land, which until

then was useless, has been used for the cultivation of

vegetables such as iceberg lettuce, cabbage, arugula,

chives and coriander.

The local production serves the employees of the

general services and for students of the Municipal

Education Network.

Todas in-Rede

In order to debate, evaluate and propose actions

to strengthen the Unified Social Assistance System

(SUAS), the Municipality of Cabreúva, through its

Social Assistance and Development, held the XIII Social

Assistance Conference.

Convivência Project

Convivência Project is an important initiative, which

carries out activities with the elderly in Cabreúva. It

was born out of the need to offer a better quality of life

to this part of the population, as well as to encourage

conviviality and affection between them.

Cabreúva Mothers Maternity Kit

Early childhood is the stage that requires special

protection and a safe, welcoming and stimulating

environment for the child. Thinking in this way, the

Social Solidarity Fund of Cabreúva launched the

project ‘Amor de Mãe’. All mothers who give birth to

their babies at Santa Casa receive a maternity kit with

essential items such as disposable diapers, cotton wool,

moisturizing antiseptic gel, cotton swabs, diaper rash

cream, liquid soap, baby wipes and a blanket.

The city of Cabreúva joined the Toda in-Rede

Program, run by the São Paulo State Secretariat for the

Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Program aims

to give voice to women with disabilities in favor of

their autonomy, in several areas, such as work, income,

exercise of affective rights, violence prevention, selfesteem

and leadership.

To participate, simply register on the website: www.

todasinrede.sp.gov.br and from there have access to

exclusive content and exchange of experiences with

several women with disabilities. In addition to

improving the quality of life, social inclusion and

promoting empowerment.

The theme of the event was “Social Assistance: people’s

right and the State’s duty, with public funding, to face

inequalities and guarantee social protection”. The

initiative, which took place at the headquarters of the

Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional

(APAE), in Cabreúva, was a success.


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Among the activities proposed by the Program is

functional gymnastics classes, which is the result of a

partnership between the Municipal Departments of

Social Assistance and Development and Sports. The

gym classes are held on Tuesdays, at three different

times: 8:00 am, 9:00 am and 10:00 am. The activities

are carried out at the Social Assistance Reference Center

(CRAS) Vilarejo. To participate in the Convivência

Project, you must be 60 years of age or older and also

attend one of the CRAS units in the city, to make the

Single Registry.


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