City for Winners Cabreúva 2022

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul. ------- City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e
econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de
contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul.
City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.


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Medical Specialties Center

New Basic Health Unit

in Vale Verde

The Municipality of Cabreúva acquired a plot of land,

in the Vale Verde neighborhood, for the construction of

the new UBS in the locality.

The new building will be built on Rua Candeias and

will have a complete infrastructure for consultations,

and other routine procedures of a Basic Health Unit..

New equipment for health

promotion in the city

People have a lot to celebrate. The city of Cabreúva

recently received a van and three new ambulances, to

provide better and faster service to its population.

The van will be used to serve patients when they need

transport to carry out health treatments.

Health for pets

The Meu Pet Container Program, from the

Government of the State of São Paulo, will soon be

operating in the city.

Aimed at the veterinary care of dogs and cats, the

Program has a mini hospital structure, inside 4

containers. In it, calls and clinical examinations suitable

for the care of pets will be carried out.

The Medical Specialties Center (CEM), which was

renovated and reopened last year, is the newest health

care and promotion facility in Cabreúva.

The CEM, called Dr. Helaine Cristina Simionato

Zacchi Marchiori, brings together specialties such as

orthopedics, otorhinolaryngology, cardiology, urology,

neurology, ophthalmology and vascular, among others,

in a single place. In addition to nursing specialized in

stomatherapy, for ostomized patients, with acute and

chronic wounds.


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Located in the Jacaré district, between Avenida

Vereador José Donato and Rua Piraí, it has office rooms,

support rooms, procedures and dressing rooms, reception,

administrative area, pantry, laundry, bathrooms,

dressing room for employees and a small amphitheater

for training and events.

To be treated at the Medical Specialties Center of

Cabreúva, it is necessary to first go through a general

practitioner, in the Basic Health Units of the city..

The place for the installation of this device is Rua

Ademir dos Santos, s/n°, in the Colina da Serra

neighborhood. Construction is scheduled to begin in the

first half of this year.

Truck of “Mulheres de Peito” Program

The truck of “Mulheres de Peito” program, from the

Government of the State of São Paulo, was recently in

Cabreúva performing mammography exams, with the

purpose of eliminating the waiting list of the municipal

network. As well as early diagnosis of breast cancer.

This is an initiative of the State Department of

Health, with the support of the Department for the

Rights of Persons with Disabilities, through the Todas

in-Rede Program.


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