City for Winners Cabreúva 2022

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul. ------- City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e
econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de
contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul.
City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.


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nominations, offices, motions and proposals, adding up to

more than 1820 in total. Also as a councilor, he brought

many millions in amendments that benefited the city with

asphalt, park renovations, hospital equipment, vehicles and

administration costs. In 2020, I was elected mayor and

here we are working to bring a lot of news to the city. This

experience I have acquired over the years and the relationship

I have built with various government authorities give me

confidence that we can together raise the quality of life of

Cabreuvians, through infrastructure works, quality of health

care, investments in education, sports, culture and leisure.

Cabreúva has an enormous tourist potential, which our

management is giving due value. The industries also realized

the amount of advantages that our city offers. We have water,

energy, excellent logistics and many business opportunities,

which have brought investments to the city, generating jobs

and income. I usually say that Cabreúva has all the best and,

with good management, doing it right, our city will certainly

emerge among the best in the state of SP.

Throughout your experience in

politics, you had several important achievements.

Which ones do you highlight and what is the feeling

of seeing the city enjoy them?

Since the beginning of my political career, I managed to

bring parliamentary amendments that greatly helped the

public administration of Cabreúva. I believe that they were

all important, as they benefited the population in some way.

Whatever the destination of the money invested: health,

education, leisure, infrastructure or security, the important

thing is that it reached the population and brought benefits.

When I walk around the city there is always somewhere I

go and remember what was done there. Whether with the

help of government authorities or city entrepreneurs, who

often also help us through donations. I am a person who has

always actively participated in popular actions, I have always

been involved with people who get their hands dirty. It’s an

accomplishment to see the before and after. We have already

painted schools, arranged gardens, promoted championships

and many other things, which collaborate with our city

and the population that lives in it. Now, as mayor at the

beginning of his term, the number of amendments that

reached Cabreúva exceeded our expectations. Thanks to the

work we are developing, our city has everything to grow and

develop with quality. Some examples are: Casa da Juventude,

which will bring knowledge and opportunities to young

people seeking professional qualifications; the Elderly Day

Center, which will bring more quality to our senior citizens;

the long-awaited duplication of the Rodovia Vereador José

de Moraes, Serrinha, which thanks to the good relationship

with the state government, we managed to make this dream

a reality. Finally, we have many other achievements. We

asphalted entire neighborhoods and resurfaced streets and

avenues, in addition to the two side roads in Guacuri and in

the Caí neighborhood, adding up to more than 120 km of

asphalt. Many works will take place during my term, such as

You have an admirable trajectory in

public life. How was it until reaching the post of Mayor

of Cabreúva and what teachings were brought from

there to here?

I started my career as a Military Police in 1987. I came

to Cabreúva in 1988 where I worked for many years in the

corporation. Among my duties, as a policeman, were always

the matter of maintaining order and good coexistence in

the neighborhood. This is how my relationship with the city

began. I was very well received here. Cabreúva is a city that

takes care of its children at birth and also those at heart. In

2002 I participated in a PM program called Community

Policing. This program had the objective of bringing the

military police closer to the Cabreuvana families and, thus,

interceding in the neighborhood’s demands, making the

interface between the citizen and the public power. I also

participated coordinating another social program called

“Raio de Sol”, which aimed to take children and adolescents

off the streets, giving them the possibility of learning through

sport, culture and education.

I realized that I could go further and started to help these

families with other needs that the programs I participated

and coordinated did not address. That’s how I started the

desire to enter public life. I like people and am very happy to

help them. The feeling of seeing that you made a difference

in the lives of these people who need it most is priceless.

It’s very satisfying. I did it and continue to do it from the

heart, in addition to doing good for others, it’s good for me

too. I wake up every day with a lot of energy and I’m sure

the reason for that is satisfaction in making a difference

in people’s lives. I became well known for this and made

many friends, including here I met my wife Val Mangini

and we had three children: Gabriela, 26, Matheus, 22,

and Maria, 20. In 2004 I ran for councilor and was

elected to my first election and became mayor. Re-elected

councilor in 2016, I was the councilor who had the most


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