City for Winners Cabreúva 2022

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul. ------- City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.

A City For Winners é um veículo que reflete as várias faces do cenário político, social e
econômico do país, focando principalmente as metas, realizações e prestação de
contas, servindo assim como um canal de comunicação entre o governo e a sociedade. Contando com uma equipe formada por profissionais altamente qualificados, como jornalistas, publicitários, consultores, diagramadores e especialistas em produção gráfica, há 18 anos divulga as melhores cidades e fomenta negócios em todo o Brasil e Mercosul.
City For Winners is a vehicle that reflects the several faces of the country's political, social and economic scenario, focusing mainly on the goals, achievements and accounting, thus serving as a communication channel between government and society. Counting on a team formed by highly qualified professionals, such as journalists, publicists, consultants, graphic designers and specialists in graphic production, it has been promoting, for 18 years, the best cities and business throughout Brazil and Mercosur. We work with a segmented audience, composed of opinion makers, professionals and executives, which guarantees the return to our advertisers.


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Val Mangini

President of Social Solidarity Fund of Cabreúva

“Our mission is to keep

our eyes focused

on others”

In this interview, Val Mangini, the first lady and

president of the Social Solidarity Fund of Cabreúva,

takes stock of the challenges faced throughout this

period of pandemic, highlights the commitment of the

municipal government to carry out actions on all fronts

and says, with all the letters, that the main mission is to

keep our eyes focused on others, on people’s needs, on the

reception that they eventually need and on the affection

that only a human being can transmit to another. Check

it Social Solidarity Fund of Cabreúva out.

what is your assessment of the

Social Fund’s performance in recent years?

In March, we completed fifteen months of work –

and challenges that have multiplied, mainly because of

the covid-19 pandemic. What I always say is that our

main mission is to have our eyes permanently focused

on the next. We need to anticipate ourselves, we have

to put ourselves in the other’s shoes, get to know our

citizens, even the most needy and vulnerable, to offer

them the conditions in which they not only improve

their self-esteem but are also able to meet their needs

and the needs of their family members. “We know each

other”, is a motto of this management. And it’s true,

because we know each one of the Cabreúva citizens,

and we’re very proud of it’.

you mentioned problems arising

from the pandemic…

They never end, they seem to have no end! We

lost loved ones, as happened everywhere, some

better known, others not so much… And these losses

brought demands that we seek to help. Fathers and

mothers of families are gone, and the Social Fund,

not wanting to replace these people, because they are

irreplaceable, but the Social Fund was present at all

times. We established partnerships with numerous

companies, with Ciesp and Fiesp, with the State

Social Fund, in the person of First Lady Bia Doria,

who also always helped us, and in this way we

managed to reduce the pain of these families a little,

with the delivery of baskets basic items, clothing and

hygiene kits. Sebrae and Senac have also helped us

a lot and offered numerous specialization courses to

our users, creating employment and entrepreneurship

opportunities. We are very grateful to all our partners,

the municipality was able to serve thanks also to so

many people who believe, trust and are by our side

helping others.

In addition to the pandemic, the

Social Fund has permanent campaigns?

Campaigns are permanent because the need is

permanent. People need both material and social

support, a look with affection, a word of encouragement

and support. We don’t just stop at giving, we want

people to have food on the table and also to regain

their self-esteem and, if necessary, change their lives

and resume their development, their course, their

joy, get a job. … In this sense, there are numerous

programs, some maintained in partnership with the

State Government, as is the case of ‘Bolsa Trabalho’, to

provide income and provide professional qualifications

that, in the very near future, will help that person to get

out of the situation of vulnerability she currently finds

herself in. Through the program, we selected almost

one hundred people who, through grants of R$ 540,

carry out activities in public offices, for four hours a

day. It is a great help. Every Friday, these people also

participate in vocational courses given in a virtual

format, by Univesp, lasting 80 hours. It is a program

that guarantees income for five months, time for people

to learn a trade and return to the job market..


Does Cabreúva have a homeless

Thank God, no, but it is still necessary and we have a

place, a shelter, to be able to give some comfort to those

who are in this situation. We recently met five people

who were homeless. They thanked us for our attention,

but chose not to go to our shelter. People respect. In this

case, the help was with blouses, socks, blankets, hygiene

kits and food – the minimum to alleviate the situation

of these people..

And the specific work for women in

vulnerability, how is it carried out?

One of the great novelties of this management is that

the City Hall instituted a service that did not exist before,

which was the Patrulha Guardiã Maria da Penha,

through the Municipal Guard. Unfortunately, as in many

municipalities, there are also records of cases of domestic

violence in Cabreúva. As we cannot be inside every

house, we can at least try to follow up on the cases that

we are aware of, monitor and try to provide some kind of

security for the battered women. The Municipal Guard

has a psychologist and a service where one of the officers

is always in contact with the battered women, after they

request a protective measure. The Maria da Penha Patrol

itself gives all the guidance for this and, then, follows up,

goes to the woman’s house, checks if everything is ok and

imposes itself, so that the aggressor understands that there

is protection and surveillance there and the aggressions

are not repeated. Also in this regard, I participated in

a meeting in São Paulo, with Governor João Doria,

government secretaries, members of the Judiciary,

activists, in which we discussed public policies in favor of

combating violence against women. I am convinced that,

all together, we will be able to overcome this challenge

more and guarantee full protection to women, assaulted

solely for being a woman, which cannot be accepted..

Anyway, working with the female

audience also has its moments of joy, doesn’t it?

Oh, we have many permanent actions and two

occasions will be marked. One was International

Women’s Day, when we promoted a day of beauty, joy

and care for women from Cabreúva. Whoever wanted

to cut their hair, did a manicure and pedicure… They

all came out powerful! These actions are only possible

because we have wonderful support from countless

companies, such as the Avon Institute and Avon itself.

We also count on the support of Mirra Cosméticos,

which, together with Avon, has been fundamental in

carrying out these projects. Before that, we promoted

a Pink October which was another wonderful event,


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