Línea SoldartS O L D A R TS h a p i n g t h e v i c t o r yCustom Trophies Trofeos PersonalizadosPág. 2Remember that we realize custom trophies at the customerrequest. You can view some examples at the pointed page.Check them out!Recuerde que realizamos trofeos personalizados a peticióndel cliente. Puede ver algunes ejemplos en la página indicada.No se los pierda!IndexSport Pages Sport PagesAcademic 247 Ice hockey 246Agility & beauty 232,249 Karting 225Allegorical 250----255 Literature 235,247,249Allegorical Rust Line 256 Martial arts 246,248American football 245 Mechanic 247Animals 249 Medal holder 247Anniversary / Wedding 244,247 Medicine 239,247Archery 227,246,249 Motorcycling 224,245,248Athletics 231,246,248 Motor racing 224,245,248Aviculture 247,249 Mountain bike 226,248Badminton 248 Music 236,247,249Baseball 245 Pachisi 246,249Basketball 230,245,248 Paddle pelota 246Basque sports 237 Paddle tennis 225,245,248BMX 246 Painting 235,247,249Bowling 237,245,248 Performing arts 234,247Boxing 248 Petanque 238,245,248Bricklayer 240,247 Photography 235,247,249Bullfighting 228 Plaques 244Canoeing 234,245,248 Pool 237,245,248Cards 236,246,249 Professions 239,240Carnival 243,247 Referee 229,245,248Chess 236,247,249 Roller hockey 230,245,248Climbing 232,246 Roller skating 246,249Cooking 241,247 Rowing 234,248Cricket 245 Rugby 229,245,248Cycling 226,245,248 Sailing 233,245,248Dancing 233,247,249 Scrabble 246Darts 237,249 Shooting/Hunting 228,246,249Diving 233,245 Singing 235,249Dominoes 236,246,249 Skateboarding 246Equestrian 225,247,249 Skiing 232,246,248Executive 242,247,249 Surf 245Fencing 231,246,248 Snowboarding 246,248Field hockey 248 Swimming 233,246,248Fishing 228,246,248 Table football 245Flowers 249 Table tennis 231,246,248Folklore 238 Tennis 226,245,248Football 229,245,248 Trekking 232,246,248Frontenis 246 Triathlon 231,248Fruits 249 Video 249Goalkeeper 248 Viticulture 242,247Golf 227,245,248 Volleyball 230,245,248Gymnastics 231,246,248 Water polo 230,246,248Handball 229,245,248 Weightlifting 248ÍndiceDeporte Páginas Deporte PáginasAcadémico 247 Gimnasia 231,246,248Agility & belleza 232,249 Golf 227,245,248Ajedrez 236,247,249 Halterofilia 248Animales 249 Hípica 225,247,249Aniversario / Boda 244,247 Hockey hielo 246Albañil 240,247 Hockey hierba 248Alegóricos 250----255 Hockey patines 230,245,248Alegóricos Óxido 256 Karting 225Árbitro 229,245,248 Literatura 235,247,249Artes marciales 246,248 Mecánico 247Artes escénicas 234,247 Medicina 239,247Atletismo 231,246,248 Motociclismo 224,245,248Automovilismo 224,245,248 Mountain bike 226,248Avicultura 247,249 Música 236,247,249Bádminton 248 Natación 233,246,248Baile 233,247,249 Oficios 239,240Baloncesto 230,245,248 Pádel 225,245,248Balonmano 229,245,248 Parchís 246,249Béisbol 245 Patinaje sobre ruedas 246,249Billar 237,245,248 Pelota Vasca 246BMX 246 Pesca 228,246,248Bolos 237,245,248 Petanca 238,245,248Boxeo 248 Pintura 235,247,249Canto 235,249 Piragüismo 234,245,248Carnaval 243,247 Placas 244Cartas 236,246,249 Portamedallas 247Ciclismo 226,245,248 Portero 248Cocina 241,247 Remo 234,248Críquet 245 Rugby 229,245,248Dardos 237,249 Scrabble 246Deportes Vascos 237 Skateboarding 246Dominó 236,246,249 Snowboard 246,248Ejecutivo 242,247,249 Submarinismo 233,245Escalada 232,246 Surf 245Esgrima 231,246,248 Tauromaquia 228Esquí 232,246,248 Tenis 226,245,248Excursionismo 232,246,248 Tenis de mesa 231,246,248Flores 249 Tiro con arco 227,246,249Folclore 238 Tiro/Caza 228,246,249Fotografía 235,247,249 Triatlón 231,248Frontón 246 Vela 233,245,248Frutas 249 Vídeo 249Fútbol 229,245,248 Viticultura 242,247Futbolín 245 Voleibol 230,245,248Fútbol Americano 245 Waterpolo 230,246,248223Full metal handcrafted trophies / Trofeos artesanales realizados en metal

Motor racingAutomovilismoSoldart Line224-06171 19 cm224-06172 22 cm224-06173 25 cm224-0701AU1 18 cm224-0701AU2 20 cm224-0701AU3 22 cm224-0100AU1 11 cm224-0100AU2 13 cm224-0100AU3 15 cm224-06151 20 cm224-06152 22 cm224-06153 24 cm224-06161 23 cm224-06162 25 cm224-06163 29 cm224-06141 30 cm224-06142 34 cm224-06143 38 cm224-06131 26 cm224-06132 29 cm224-06133 32 cm224-0250AU1 22 cm224-0250AU2 25 cm224-0250AU3 28 cm224-04811 36 cm224-04812 41 cm224-04813 46 cmMotorcyclingMotociclismo224-06191 21 cm224-06192 25 cm224-06193 28 cm224-05781 16 cm224-05782 18 cm224-05783 20 cm224-05791 21 cm224-05792 24 cm224-05793 27 cm224-05771 15 cm224-05772 16 cm224-05773 17 cm224

Línea Soldart


S h a p i n g t h e v i c t o r y

Custom Trophies Trofeos Personalizados

Pág. 2

Remember that we realize custom trophies at the customer

request. You can view some examples at the pointed page.

Check them out!

Recuerde que realizamos trofeos personalizados a petición

del cliente. Puede ver algunes ejemplos en la página indicada.

No se los pierda!


Sport Pages Sport Pages

Academic 247 Ice hockey 246

Agility & beauty 232,249 Karting 225

Allegorical 250----255 Literature 235,247,249

Allegorical Rust Line 256 Martial arts 246,248

American football 245 Mechanic 247

Animals 249 Medal holder 247

Anniversary / Wedding 244,247 Medicine 239,247

Archery 227,246,249 Motorcycling 224,245,248

Athletics 231,246,248 Motor racing 224,245,248

Aviculture 247,249 Mountain bike 226,248

Badminton 248 Music 236,247,249

Baseball 245 Pachisi 246,249

Basketball 230,245,248 Paddle pelota 246

Basque sports 237 Paddle tennis 225,245,248

BMX 246 Painting 235,247,249

Bowling 237,245,248 Performing arts 234,247

Boxing 248 Petanque 238,245,248

Bricklayer 240,247 Photography 235,247,249

Bullfighting 228 Plaques 244

Canoeing 234,245,248 Pool 237,245,248

Cards 236,246,249 Professions 239,240

Carnival 243,247 Referee 229,245,248

Chess 236,247,249 Roller hockey 230,245,248

Climbing 232,246 Roller skating 246,249

Cooking 241,247 Rowing 234,248

Cricket 245 Rugby 229,245,248

Cycling 226,245,248 Sailing 233,245,248

Dancing 233,247,249 Scrabble 246

Darts 237,249 Shooting/Hunting 228,246,249

Diving 233,245 Singing 235,249

Dominoes 236,246,249 Skateboarding 246

Equestrian 225,247,249 Skiing 232,246,248

Executive 242,247,249 Surf 245

Fencing 231,246,248 Snowboarding 246,248

Field hockey 248 Swimming 233,246,248

Fishing 228,246,248 Table football 245

Flowers 249 Table tennis 231,246,248

Folklore 238 Tennis 226,245,248

Football 229,245,248 Trekking 232,246,248

Frontenis 246 Triathlon 231,248

Fruits 249 Video 249

Goalkeeper 248 Viticulture 242,247

Golf 227,245,248 Volleyball 230,245,248

Gymnastics 231,246,248 Water polo 230,246,248

Handball 229,245,248 Weightlifting 248


Deporte Páginas Deporte Páginas

Académico 247 Gimnasia 231,246,248

Agility & belleza 232,249 Golf 227,245,248

Ajedrez 236,247,249 Halterofilia 248

Animales 249 Hípica 225,247,249

Aniversario / Boda 244,247 Hockey hielo 246

Albañil 240,247 Hockey hierba 248

Alegóricos 250----255 Hockey patines 230,245,248

Alegóricos Óxido 256 Karting 225

Árbitro 229,245,248 Literatura 235,247,249

Artes marciales 246,248 Mecánico 247

Artes escénicas 234,247 Medicina 239,247

Atletismo 231,246,248 Motociclismo 224,245,248

Automovilismo 224,245,248 Mountain bike 226,248

Avicultura 247,249 Música 236,247,249

Bádminton 248 Natación 233,246,248

Baile 233,247,249 Oficios 239,240

Baloncesto 230,245,248 Pádel 225,245,248

Balonmano 229,245,248 Parchís 246,249

Béisbol 245 Patinaje sobre ruedas 246,249

Billar 237,245,248 Pelota Vasca 246

BMX 246 Pesca 228,246,248

Bolos 237,245,248 Petanca 238,245,248

Boxeo 248 Pintura 235,247,249

Canto 235,249 Piragüismo 234,245,248

Carnaval 243,247 Placas 244

Cartas 236,246,249 Portamedallas 247

Ciclismo 226,245,248 Portero 248

Cocina 241,247 Remo 234,248

Críquet 245 Rugby 229,245,248

Dardos 237,249 Scrabble 246

Deportes Vascos 237 Skateboarding 246

Dominó 236,246,249 Snowboard 246,248

Ejecutivo 242,247,249 Submarinismo 233,245

Escalada 232,246 Surf 245

Esgrima 231,246,248 Tauromaquia 228

Esquí 232,246,248 Tenis 226,245,248

Excursionismo 232,246,248 Tenis de mesa 231,246,248

Flores 249 Tiro con arco 227,246,249

Folclore 238 Tiro/Caza 228,246,249

Fotografía 235,247,249 Triatlón 231,248

Frontón 246 Vela 233,245,248

Frutas 249 Vídeo 249

Fútbol 229,245,248 Viticultura 242,247

Futbolín 245 Voleibol 230,245,248

Fútbol Americano 245 Waterpolo 230,246,248


Full metal handcrafted trophies / Trofeos artesanales realizados en metal

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