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1. A mlcroscope is a precision Instrument. Handle it with care and avoid

subjecting it to suclden or severe impact

2. Do not use the microscope where it is subjected to direct sunlight,

high temperature anc] humidity, dust or vlbrations (For the operating

conditions, see chapter 7 nspECIFICATIONS" on Page 15)

3 Always use the tension adiustment ring to adiu§t the rotation tension cif

the coarse adjustment knob

4. Be sure to leave enough space around the AC adapter when installing

the microscope.

5. When canying the microscope, first make sure that the AC adapter has

been disconnected and hold both sicles around the hole of the arm as

shown in Pig 1 and cany carefully.

* To prevent damage, do not hold the microscope by the Stage ® or

observation tube ©.

Be sure to remove the specimen; othen^/ieo, It may fall.

*Do not carry the microscope with connecting the AC

adapter to prevent the damage to the AC adapter or

the microscope by hittlng the output connector of

the AC adapter.

*Be sure to disconnect the AC adapter from the microscope

when storing the mlcroscope after use.

a Maintenance and Storage

1. To clean the lenses and other glass componems, slmply blow dirty away using a Gommerclally avallable blower and wipo

gently uslng a plece of cleanlng paper (or clean gauze)



Aslnce the absolute alcohol is hlghly flammable, lt must be handled carefully.

Be sure to keep it away from Open flames or potential sources of electrical sparks - for example, electrical

equipment that ls belng switcnecl on or off. 6lnco 6uc,h operation may couge ignltlon ol a flro.

Also remember to always use it only in a well-ventllated room.

2. Do not attempt to use organic §olvent§ to clean the microscope components other than the glass components To clean

thorn, ueo a lint_free, eoft Cloth eliohtly mni§tEineirl with a dilutefl nButral deteraent.

3 Do not dlsassemble any part of the mlcroscope as this could result in malfunctlon or reduced performance.

4 When not using the microscope, store it in a dry locker or cover it with a dust cover

5. To clean the condenser, fully loosen the secunng knob ®, then remove

the condenser by lowenng lt wlth the condenser height adiustment knob

©, and wipe the front lens Of the condenser.

The condenser can be attached by reversing tne above removal


6. When dlsposlng of the microscope. Check the regulations and rules

of your local government and be sure to observe them

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