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How To lTack a Mlcroscoplc Image

Dlrectlon of moving the Image

©The image observed through the microscope moves in

directions opposite to the actual up-down and left-right

movements of the specimen.

Total Magnlflcatlon

The size of the specimen image for observation i§ obtained by multiplying the eyepiece magnlflcation by the

objective magnificatic)n. This value is referred to as total magnificatictn.

Example: Eyepiece (lox) x objective (40X) = 400X


Plesolu[lc)n delerrTilnes how nnely a lens ls able to distinguish the delail5 ctf a sF)ecimeri

The re§olutlon of a mlcrc)scope 1§ malnly determined by the ablllty o[ the objeclive and is scarcely related [o that of the

eyepiece8. The only functic)n of the eyepieces ls to magnlfy an Image already re§ctlved by the cib|ective

Althouoh hath eonflguratlon§ above provide the same total maonlflcation, the higher maonifi[atlon of THE c)bjective

yields a better speclmen reso[utlon

Fleld Number (FN)

The field number ls the dlameter of the image cibserved through an eyepiece, represented in mnlimeters,


Actual Fleld of Vlow



field of vlew.

The actual field of view is the size on the specimen actually

observed in the microscope. This yields approximate size of

the actual specimen.

Actual field of view - Pleld number/Objective magnification

When the lox eyepiece above and lox objective are used,

the actual field of view is equal to:

Actual field of view -18/10 -1.8 mm

Actual field of

view: 1.8 mm

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