Vladimir Putin, 7 october

Vladimir Putin, 7 october, RDM Group, Magazine

Vladimir Putin, 7 october, RDM Group, Magazine


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NUM. 0041 AÑO 04 07 OCTOBER 2021

Rdm Léenos

RDM Revista


RDM Revista


• The Vaccine a Los qué todos leen








• RUSSIA: Political Outline

• RUSSIA: Economic Scheme

• RUSSIA: Main sectors of the industry

• RUSSIA: Foreign Trade in Figures

• RUSSIA: Policies Against COVID-19

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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 5

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The total population of

Russia is: 144,104,080.

Ethnic origins: Ethnic

Russians represent

80.9% of the total population

(of which 84.93%

belong to European ethnic

groups), while minorities

represent 19% of

the population. Among

the largest minorities

are Tatars, Ukrainians,

Bashkirs, Chuvass and Chechens, who represent

approximately 8.4% of the total population.

The remaining 10.6% of the population

are Indo-European, Turkish or Baltic-

Finnish peoples.


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Official language:

Russian Other

Spoken Languages:

More than 150 languages

are spoken in

the Russian Federation

and some of them

are the official language

in a part of the


Business language

(s): English is becoming

more widely used. Managers often understand

English better than they speak it. You must be prepared

to conduct negotiations in Russian.

Religion: According to a 2011 survey, 82% of Russians

are religious. Orthodox 70%, Muslim 10%, Catholic

1.2%, Buddhist 0.7%.

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RUSSIA: Political



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President Putin on Trip to

Primorsky Krai. Eastern

Economic Forum

Los qué Todos Leen 9

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The politics of Russia



he politics of Russia takes

place within the framework

of the federal semi-presidential

republic of Russia. According to

the Constitution, the president of

Russia is the head of state and

of a multi-party system with executive

power exercised by the

government, headed by the prime

minister, who is appointed by

the president with the approval

of the parliament. Legislative power

rests with the two houses of

the Russian Federal Assembly,

while the President and the government

issue numerous legally

binding statutes.

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Los qué Todos Leen 11

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The Federal Assembly


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he Federal Assembly, as a bicameral

legislative body, consists of a lower

house, the State Duma, and an upper house,

the Federation Council. While the Duma guarantees

direct popular representation and embodies

the democratic principle, the Federation

Council is a chamber of territorial representation,

in which the so-called federal subjects

(federated entities or territories of Russia)

are represented through appointed delegates.

by these same autonomous territorial

units (two correspond to each territory, one

designated by its parliament and the other by

its governing body or by its president).

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Russian President Vladimir Putin

delivers his annual address to the

Federal Assembly of the Russian


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

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arliament is made up of 616 members and is called

the Federal Assembly. It consists of two

chambers, the 450-member State Duma (the lower

house) and the 187-member Federation Council (the

upper house). Russia's legislative body was established

by the Constitution approved in the December

1993 referendum and subsequent amendments to the

2020 Russian Constitution.

Los qué Todos Leen 15

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The Russian Constitution


he 2020 amendments to the

Russian Constitution, which

were proposed in January 2020,

are the second substantial amendments

to the 1993 Russian Constitution.

To introduce these amendments,

Russian President Vladimir

Putin held a popular vote. They

were approved on July 1, 2020 by

a contested popular vote. The

amendments have a broad impact,

including expanding the presidential

term limits, allowing the president

to fire federal judges and promote

natural marriage between a

man and a woman.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 17

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The Russian Constitution


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n 2020, 41 articles were rewritten

and five more were added. Excluding

the first, second and ninth chapters,

which can only be changed by

convening a Constituent Assembly

and developing a new Constitution,

about 60% of the articles were modified,

which means a significant change

in a political system that has existed

for more twenty-five years old.

The main amendments focus on how

power is distributed among the branches

of government: abandoning the

super-presidential system that was

established in 1993 and simultaneously

creating a new one based on

the principle of checks and balances.

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 19

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liminates the "consecutive" clause from the article that regulates

the maximum number of presidential terms, discounting

the previous presidential terms before the amendment enters into

force. Override the number of presidential terms served by the current

president (Vladimir Putin) or the former president (Dmitry

Medvedev) to allow him to serve his first term if elected to the presidency

in 2024.

20 Los qué Todos Leen Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

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The Russian Constitution

The Russian Constitution must take precedence over international

law; The State Duma (the lower house of Parliament) shall have

the right to approve the candidacy of the Prime Minister (currently it

only consents to his appointment), the State Duma may also approve

the candidates of Deputy Prime Ministers and Federal Ministers,

the President You will not be able to reject their appointment,

but in some cases you will be able to remove them from their position.

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The Russian Constitution


eople who occupy "important positions to guarantee

the security of the country" (president, ministers, judges,

heads of the region) must not have foreign citizenship

or residence permits in other countries, neither at the time of

their work in the position nor, in the case of the president, at

any time before;

A presidential candidate must live in Russia for at least 25

years (currently 10 years) and may never have had foreign

citizenship or residence in his life (without the possibility of

renouncing foreign citizenship to be eligible to be president);

The Federation Council (the upper house of Parliament)

may propose that the President remove the federal judges;

in some cases, the Federation Council, at the proposal of

the President, will have the right to dismiss the judges of the

Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court.

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 23

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The Russian Constitution


rivate ministers who are the heads of law enforcement

agencies must be appointed by the President in

consultation with the Federation Council;

The minimum wage cannot be less than the subsistence


Regular classification of pensions;

Consolidation of the state and the role of the Council of

State (currently it is only an advisory body and is not prescribed

in the Constitution);

Grant the Constitutional Court the ability to verify the constitutionality

of laws adopted by the Federal Assembly of the

Russian Federation at the request of the President before

they are signed by the President;

Define natural marriage as a relationship between a man

and a woman.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 25

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The Russian Constitution


long with the redistribution of power initiatives,

the first draft included a couple of socially

and economically directed amendments. Precisely,

Putin has suggested regularizing the minimum

wage to be above the poverty line and guaranteeing

the annual increase in pension payments.

The amendments to this bloc were developed

by a special group made up of members of

parliament, scientists, and public representatives.

As a result of their work, the Constitution was

supplemented with articles that imposed a distinctive

government attitude toward issues such as public

health, science, culture, volunteer work, and

youth. In addition to that, the amendments present

a couple of innovations, such as seeing the Russian

language as a "constitutive language of the

state", protecting "historical truth" and mentioning

faith in God with respect to ancestral heritage.

Most of these amendments are not new and only

duplicate the standards already mentioned in federal



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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 27

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resident Vladimir Putin, who has been

in power for more than 20 years, began

his presidential term in May 2018. Continuing

his previous term, he emphasizes conservative

values, anti-Westernism and the

nationalism of the great powers.

Russia's legislative elections of 2021 were

held from September 17 to September 19 of

that year, to allocate the 450 seats of the

State Duma, the lower house of the Federal

Assembly of Russia, the legislative branch.

Remaining the United Russia party with 324

seats obtained, decreasing 19 seats.


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President Vladimir Putin

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

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President Putin at the

Economic Forum.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 31

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fter several years of negative growth

due to massive capital flight, the collapse

of the rouble, falling oil prices and trade

sanctions imposed by the West after the

Ukrainian crisis, the Russian economy had

returned to modest growth since 2017, driven

mainly by mineral resource extraction

and private consumption. However, due to

the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy contracted

to -3.1% GDP in 2020 (from +2% in

2019), as exports, investment activity and

consumer demand all plunge. According to

the IMF's April 2021 forecast, the economy is

expected to rebound in 2021 (+3.8%) and

2022 (+3.8%), supported by fiscal and monetary

stimulus and assuming the situation

gradually normalizes.


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President Putin

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 33

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ince the 2015-2016 recession, the government

has pursued prudent macroeconomic policy aimed

at maintaining financial stability, and the central

bank has carefully controlled inflation. Thus, the Russian

economy entered the COVID-19 crisis with a solid

fiscal framework and substantial political space (IMF).


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The level of public debt, which was low in 2019 (13.8%

of GDP), increased to 19.3% of GDP in 2020 and is

expected to decline to 18.1% of GDP in 2021 and

17.7% of GDP in 2022 (IMF). In addition, Russia benefits

from substantial savings in the National Wealth


Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 35

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President Putin

his economic proposals

ussia faces many challenges: a large state footprint,

weak governance and institutions, insufficient infrastructure,

low levels of competitiveness, insufficient investment,

low production capacity, dependence on raw materials,

poor economic climate, lack of structural reforms, and

an aging population.


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The Russian authorities adopted a robust economic and public

health package, amounting to about 3.5% of GDP (IMF).

The measures adopted by President Putin included the

extension of social and unemployment benefits.

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 37

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President Putin at The

Economic Forum


Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

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ontrolling the COVID-19 pandemic and avoiding

lasting damage to the economy is the top priority,

but by 2021 Russia has planned to reduce its state

support for the economy and consolidate its fiscal policy

to return to budget rule by 2022. Are the proposals

of President Putin

Los qué Todos Leen 39

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RUSSIA: Main sectors

of the industry


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

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President Putin says Russia must

remain industrial and space power

Los qué Todos Leen 41

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Aerospace industry

Russia is talking about improving the quality of communications

and satellite navigation, expanding the

opportunities for meteorological observation and environmental

monitoring, for the remote control of large

infrastructure facilities under construction and

road safety ”, as policies of President Putin.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 43

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Aerospace industry

He said that our duty is to strive to

ensure that the work in the space

and rocket industry corresponds to

the height that the pioneers of space

set us, ”said the Russian president.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 45

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Aerospace industry

President Putin noted that “more

than 50,000 people under the age of

35 now work in the space and rocket

industry in Russia and there is a

need to even more actively attract

young staff, open wide opportunities

for professional growth, improve

education and qualifications. , and

help improve. life conditions. I am

sure that the worthy successors of

the work of Yuri Gagarin, Sergei Pavlovich

Korolev, many other prominent

cosmonauts, designers and engineers

will always work in the industry,

who by their successes multiply

the glory of Russian cosmonautics ”.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 47

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Aerospace industry


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Russia is talking about improving

the quality of President

Putin quotes: “In the new 21st

century, Russia must adequately

support the status of one

of the major nuclear and space

powers, because the space

industry is directly related

to defense.

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 49

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Aerospace industry

The present putin will discuss issues related to long-term

priorities for the development of space activities, we will

analyze what needs to be done to strengthen our position in

this, without exaggeration, strategic area ”. Proposed son of

President Putin


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 51

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President Putin examines new Russian

fighter that can be converted

into an unmanned aircraft


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

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Russia is talking about improving the quality of “I would like to point

out that, during the last two and a half years, more than 50 Russian

rocket launches have been successfully carried out. Just the other

day, April 9, the Yuri Gagarin Soyuz MS-18 spacecraft with an international

crew departed from Baikonur. We will continue to develop

international programs and we are ready to participate in joint work

with our partners in space ”, concluded the President of Russia.

Los qué Todos Leen 53

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Main sectors of the industry



usia tiene importantes recursos naturales. Es el

segundo productor mundial de gas natural y el

tercer productor mundial de petróleo, pero también

uno de los principales productores y exportadores de

diamantes, níquel y platino. Entre finales de 2019 y

mediados de 2020, estaba previsto que entraran en

funcionamiento tres nuevos gasoductos (a Alemania,

Turquía y China).

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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

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Despite its large area, Russia has relatively little arable

land due to unfavorable climatic conditions. However,

the country owns 10% of the world's agricultural land

and is one of the main grain exporters. The northern

regions of the country mainly focus on livestock, while

the southern and western regions of Siberia produce

cereals. Agriculture contributes 3.4% of the national

GDP and employs around 6% of the total workforce.


Los qué Todos Leen 55

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Main sectors of the industry


ndustry accounts for 32.2% of Russia's GDP and

employs 27% of the workforce. The country inherited

most of the industrial bases of the Soviet Union.

The most developed sectors are chemistry, metallurgy,

mechanics, construction and defense. In response to

economic sanctions from the United States and the

EU, the government implemented an import substitution

policy that could boost domestic production.


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The service sector employs 68% of the population and

generates 54% of GDP. Since the financial crisis of

1998, the banking sector has not undergone a complete

restructuring. Given the size of the country, the

transport, communications and trade sectors are particularly

important. Tourism is also becoming an important

source of income.

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY

Los qué Todos Leen 57

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The agricultural


n 2020, due to the COVID-19

pandemic, most economic sectors

declined. Tourism, catering, entertainment

and the beauty industry

were the sectors most affected by

the second wave. To a lesser extent,

the agricultural sector has

been temporarily affected by lockdown

measures preventing

seasonal workers from reaching

Russia, but it proved to be highly

resilient to the crisis. According to

the Ministry of Agriculture, in 2020

Russia's agricultural production increased

by 2%.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 59

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RUSSIA: Foreign

Trade in Figures


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President Putin

open to foreign


Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 61

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Foreign Trade in Figures


he country is quite open to foreign trade, which represents

51.5% of GDP (World Bank, 2019), despite strict

laws and policies. Russia became a member of the WTO in

2012, is a member of the Commonwealth of Independent

States which has established a free trade area, and is a

member of the Eurasian Customs Union. Russia and Ukraine

have abolished mutual trade preferences.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

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The Eurasian Customs Union has signed an agreement with

Vietnam and is negotiating free trade agreements with, for

example, Iran, India, Egypt, Singapore and Serbia. Russia is

the fourteenth exporter and the twenty-first importer of goods

in the world (WTO, 2019). It mainly exports hydrocarbons

(more than 50% of total exports), solid fuels, wheat and meslin,

iron and steel, precious metals, precious stones and wood,

and imports mainly machinery, pharmaceuticals, electronics,

electrical products, vehicles and plastics.

Los qué Todos Leen 63

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RUSSIA: Foreign

Trade in Figures


n 2020, due to the COVID-19

pandemic, the volume of exports

of goods and services fell by

-8.8% compared to 2019, while the

volume of imports decreased by -

12.6% (IMF). According to the IMF

forecast, exports should rebound in

2021 (1.5%) and 2022 (2.7%), but

slower than imports, and are expected

to increase by 4.3% in 2021

and 3, 5% in 2022.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 65

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RUSSIA: Foreign Trade

in Figures

Russia's main customers are China

(13.4% of exports), the Netherlands

(10.5%), Germany (6.6%), Belarus

(5.1%) and Turkey (5%). Its main

suppliers are China (21.9% of imports),

Germany (10.2%), Belarus

(5.5%), the United States (5.4%) and

Italy (4.4%). Since the conflict in

Ukraine and the economic sanctions

imposed by Western countries, the

Kremlin has imposed an embargo on

European and American agricultural

products and has reconfigured their

trade relations.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 67

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Vladimir Putin


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he country has posted

significant and regular trade

surpluses since 1998, mainly

due to the richness of its natural

resources, particularly hydrocarbons

(crude oil and natural gas

in particular). The trade surplus

easily compensates for the deficit

in services and income. After

decreasing due to tensions with

Europe and the United States

due to the Ukraine crisis and falling

commodity prices, the trade

surplus has increased due to rising

commodity prices.


RUSSIA: Foreign

Trade in Figures

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 69

Los qué todos leen

RUSSIA: Foreign

Trade in Figures


owever, the surplus decreased

in 2019 as exports

decreased and imports increased.

According to the latest

WTO data, Russia exported

goods worth $ 419.8 billion in

2019 and imported $ 254.6 billion,

resulting in a surplus of $

164.3 billion. The country exported

$ 61.7 billion of services

and imported $ 97.5 billion.


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Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

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During a meeting with

heads of foreign companies

(via videoconference).


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RUSSIA: Foreign

Trade in Figures

ccording to preliminary data

from the Russian central

bank, the trade surplus fell to $

81.4 billion during the January-

November 2020 period (a decrease

compared to $ 150 billion during

the same period in 2019),

amidst the restricted domestic oil

production and depressed world

oil prices. Despite the efforts made

since the imposition of sanctions,

the substitution of domestic products

for imports has hardly been

successful, except in the food industry.

Photo: Kremlin.ru

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BY 4.0) 73

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RUSSIA: policies

against COVID-19


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Vladimir Putin, President of

Russia, visits the coronavirus

monitoring center in Moscow.

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 75

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RUSIA: policies against



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resident Putin in mid-March 2020, visited

the Coronavirus Monitoring

Center in Russia, of which 93 cases of coronavirus

had been registered, with Moscow

as the focus of the epidemic and

15,000 people under surveillance as possible

new cases. As in all countries in the

world, Russia took steps to contain the


Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 77

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Vladimir Putin

During an examination of a

hospital in the Moscow town

of Kommunarka, intended for

patients with suspected coronavirus.


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he urgent construction of a hospital

for infectious diseases near

Moscow, which makes one suspect

that the number of infected is much

higher than officially recognized.

President Putin During an examination

of a hospital in the Moscow town of Kommunarka,

intended for patients with

suspected coronavirus.

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 79

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Chief Physician Denis Protsenko (center) gives President Vladimir

Putin (left) and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin (right) a

tour of the Novomoskovsky multipurpose medical center for patients

suspected of being infected with coronavirus



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utin ordered an increase in unemployment

benefits, but only at

a subsistence level. In terms of salary

support for companies, Russia offers

to cover about 12,000 rubles a month

(about US $ 155), a much lower

amount than many governments in

Europe. The increase of all social programs

remedying the inhabitants of

Russia in the problem of COVID 19.

expanding social and medical assistance.

"The health, life and safety of people

is an absolute priority for us," emphasized

the Russian leader.

Photo: Kremlin.ru (CC BY 4.0)

Los qué Todos Leen 81

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Vladimir Putin


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Sputnik V

ussia already has an approved

and registered vaccine against

the coronavirus, according to President

Vladimir Putin.

The president indicated that in a government

meeting that the vaccine -

baptized as Sputnik-V - was developed

by the Gamaleya Institute and

was registered after two months of

human trials.

Los qué Todos Leen 83

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Vladimir Putin


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Sputnik V: the vaccine,

a political triumph for

President Putin

What is known about the mass vaccination

plan against the coronavirus

that Russia is preparing for October


He also assured that one of his two

daughters was one of the first inoculated

and that "she feels good."

The approval, Putin said, paves the

way for massive use of the vaccine

as the final stages of clinical trials


Los qué Todos Leen 85

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Vladimir Putin


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has been in power for more than 20 years, yet during

his long rule he has created the image of the leader

who lifted Russia out of post-Soviet chaos to bring order

and prosperity.

Los qué Todos Leen 87

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