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paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012





The following options are available to all dhampirs who

have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the

bonus applies each time you select the favored class reward.

Alchemist: Add +10 minutes to the duration of the

alchemist’s mutagens.

Cleric: Add +1 to the caster level of any channeling feat

used to affect undead.

Fighter: Add a +2 bonus on rolls to stabilize when dying.

Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks to

demoralize humanoids.

Rogue: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks and

Perception checks made in dim light or darkness.

Sorcerer: Add +1/2 point of negative energy damage to

spells that deal negative energy damage.

Wizard: Add +1/4 to the wizard’s caster level when

casting spells of the necromancy school.


The following racial archetypes are available to dhampirs.

Cruoromancer (Wizard)

To those who know how to manipulate it, the blood

of a dhampir can be a powerful component to magic. A

cruoromancer infuses his necromantic magic with the

power of his unique mixture of living blood and undead

ichor. As his power increases in this strange arcane art,

a cruoromancer finds potent ways to infuse his unique

blood with necromancy spells. A cruoromancer has the

following class features.

Blood Infusion (Su): When a cruoromancer casts a spell

of the necromancy school, he can opt to infuse that spell

with his undead-tainted blood as a swift action. As he

increases in level, the power and effects of such infusions

become more potent. Each time a cruoromancer uses

blood infusion, he drains a portion of his own blood either

by cutting himself with a blade or by opening a scab from a

previous wound. When he does this, he takes an amount of

damage equal to 1d4 + the level of the spell being infused.

A cruoromancer can only affect a spell with a single type of

blood infusion. At 1st level, he can infuse his necromancy

spells in either of the following ways.

Focused Infusion: When the cruoromancer uses this infusion,

he adds +1 to the DC of the infused necromancy spell.

Sickening Infusion: When the cruoromancer uses this

infusion, any creature damaged by the infused necromancy

spell becomes sickened for 1 round.

This ability replaces arcane bond.

Blood Command (Su): At 5th level, a cruoromancer can

control up to 5 Hit Dice worth of undead creatures per

caster level instead of the normal 4 Hit Dice of undead

when casting the animate dead spell. He also gains the

following blood infusion ability.

Commanding Infusion: When using this infusion with

animate dead, the cruoromancer can create a number of Hit

Dice of undead equal to three times his caster level instead

of twice his caster level.

This ability replaces the 5th-level wizard bonus feat.

Blood Desecration (Su): At 10th level, a cruoromancer

gains the following blood infusion.

Desecrating Infusion: When the cruoromancer uses this

infusion, he can choose to center a desecrate effect on

himself or a single target of the spell modified by this

infusion (he chooses upon casting). This effect is like the

desecrate spell, but lasts for 1 minute per caster level of the

cruoromancer, and does not interact with altars, shrines,

or permanent fixtures that boost the desecrate effect. This

ability replaces the 10th-level wizard bonus feat.

Blood Ability (Su): At 15th level, a cruoromancer can

choose to scry through a single undead creature he created

with a spell modified by a commanding infusion. The

undead creature is treated as if imbued with an arcane eye

spell (caster level equal to the cruoromancer’s wizard level).

This ability replaces the 15th-level wizard bonus feat.

Perfect Infusion (Su): At 20th level, a cruoromancer

can use his blood infusions without taking damage. This

ability replaces the 20th-level wizard bonus spell.

Kinslayer (Inquisitor)

Appalled and guilt-ridden by the horrific circumstances

of her birth, a kinslayer dedicates herself to eradicating

the very creatures whose blood f lows within her veins.

She spends her life hunting and slaying those vampiric

monsters for whom humans have become prey. A kinslayer

has the following class features.

Judgment (Su): At 1st level, a kinslayer gains the following


Slayer’s Brand (Su): When using this judgment, the

kinslayer gains the ability to brand undead creatures with

positive energy. To do so, she must make a successful melee

touch attack against the undead creature. This attack

deals an amount of positive energy damage equal to 1d6

+ the kinslayer’s Charisma score, and burns her personal

symbol into the undead creature’s f lesh, bone, or even its

incorporeal form. From that point onward, the kinslayer

can sense the existence of the branded creature as if it were

the target of a locate creature spell (caster level equal to 1/2

the kinslayer’s inquisitor level). A slayer’s brand lasts until

the undead creature is destroyed or until the kinslayer

uses this ability on another creature. This ability replaces

the destruction judgment.

Greater Brand (Su): A 1st level, a kinslayer learns to

modify her slayer’s brand judgment as she gains levels.

Whenever she gains the ability to learn a teamwork feat, she

can instead opt to learn one of the following modifications

to her slayer’s brand judgment.


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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