[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt


651014222402222240226510146510142224022paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012Featured Races 2Tengus: These crowlike humanoid scavengers excel inmimicry and swordplay. Flocking into densely populatedcities, tengus occasionally join adventuring groups outof curiosity or necessity. Their impulsive nature andstrange habits can often be unnerving to those who arenot used to them.Tieflings: Diverse and often despised by humanoidsociety, tief lings are mortals stained with the blood offiends. Other races rarely trust them, and this lack ofempathy usually causes tief lings to embrace the evil,depravity, and rage that seethe within their corruptblood. A select few see the struggle to smother such darkdesires as motivation for grand heroism.Undines: Like their cousins, the ifrits, oreads, andsylphs, undines are humans touched by planar elements.They are the scions of elemental water, equally gracefulboth on land and in water. Undines are adaptable andresistant to cold, and have an affinity for water magic.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONEach race’s entry begins with a general description of therace followed by specific entries for the race’s physicaldescription, society, relations with other races, alignmentand religion, and common motivations for adventuringmembers of the race.RACIAL TRAITSEach race’s entry features a sidebar listing the race’sstandard racial traits. This information includes therace’s type, size, vision, and base speed, as well as anumber of other traits common to most members ofthe race. With your GM’s permission, you will also havethe option to exchange these standard racial traits for anumber of alternate racial traits, the rules for which areprovided in the section below.ALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITSMembers of each race can swap standard racial traitsfor the alternative racial traits listed in this section.Each alternate racial trait lists which standard trait itreplaces. The full rules for swapping traits can be foundin Chapter 1: Core Races.FAVORED CLASS OPTIONSEach race can take the listed favored class options insteadof the normal favored class rewards (either +1 hp or +1skill rank). The full rules for favored class options can befound in Chapter 1: Core Races.RACIAL ARCHETYPESThis section presents two archetypes for each of theexpanded races, with the exception of the kobold entry,where both an archetype and a sorcerer bloodline arepresented. Typically, only members of the section’s racecan take the listed archetype or bloodline, though suchoptions rarely interact with the racial traits or alternateracial traits of that race. An archetype usually features athematic link to the race, granting it class features thatcomplement the abilities and the background of the race.Because adventurers are often societal outliers, sometimesthese archetypes feature a theme that is the exception to thenorm for racial tendencies. The class for each archetype orbloodline is listed in parentheses.Aasimars: Purifier (oracle), tranquil guardian (paladin)Catfolk: Cat burglar (rogue), nimble guardian (monk)Dhampirs: Cruoromancer (wizard), kinslayer (inquisitor)Drow: Cavern sniper (fighter), demonic apostle (cleric)Fetchlings: Dusk stalker (ranger), shadow caller(summoner)Goblins: Feral gnasher (barbarian), fire bomber (alchemist)Hobgoblins: Fell rider (cavalier), ironskin monk (monk)Ifrits: Immolator (inquisitor), wishcrafter (sorcerer)Kobolds: Bushwhacker (gunslinger), kobold sorcerer(sorcerer bloodline)Orcs: Dirty fighter (fighter), scarred witch doctor(witch)Oreads: Shaitan binder (summoner), student of stone(monk)Ratfolk: Gulch gunner (gunslinger), plague bringer(alchemist)Sylphs: Sky druid (druid), wind listener (wizard)Tengus: Shigenjo (oracle), swordmaster (rogue)Tieflings: Fiend f layer (magus), fiendish vessel (cleric)Undines: Undine adept (druid), watersinger (bard)NEW RACIAL RULESThe final section of each race’s entry provides new rulesoptions for the race beyond archetypes, detailed in thefollowing four categories.Equipment: The equipment section for each raceprovides new rules for standard and alchemicalequipment available to the race.Feats: This section provides a host of new racial featsfor members of this race. All of these feats have a racelisted in their prerequisites, so members of other racescannot take them.Magic Items: Magic items provided in this section areoften created and used exclusively by members of therace. Some have effects that interact with racial traits, butothers have broader uses, and can be used by members ofother races.Spells: The spells in this section are common tospellcasting members of this race. Sometimes they onlytarget members of the race, but often they are just therace’s well-guarded secrets; members of other races canlearn to cast them with the GM’s permission.83paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

65101522240232224023paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 20126510156510152224023AasimarsAasimars are humans with a significant amount ofcelestial or other good outsider blood in their ancestry.While not always benevolent, aasimars are more inclinedtoward acts of kindness rather than evil, and they gravitatetoward faiths or organizations associated with celestials.Aasimar heritage can lie dormant for generations, onlyto appear suddenly in the child of two apparently humanparents. Most societies interpret aasimar births as goodomens, though it must be acknowledged that someaasimars take advantage of the reputation of their kind,brutally subverting the expectations of others with acts ofterrifying cruelty or abject venality. “It’s always the one youleast suspect” is the axiom these evil aasimars live by, andthey often lead double lives as upstanding citizens or falseheroes, keeping their corruption well hidden. Thankfully,these few are the exception and not the rule.Physical Description: Aasimars look mostly humanexcept for some minor physical trait that reveals theirunusual heritage. Typical aasimar features include hairthat shines like metal, jewel-toned eyes, lustrous skincolor, or even glowing, golden halos.Society: Aasimars cannot truly be said to have anindependent society of their own. As an offshoot of humanity,they adopt the societal norms around them, though mostfind themselves drawn to those elements of society thatwork for the redress of injustice and the assuagement ofsuffering. This sometimes puts them on the wrong sideof the law in more tyrannical societies, but aasimars canbe careful and cunning when necessary, able to put on adissembling guise to divert the attention of oppressorselsewhere. While corrupt aasimars may be loners or mayestablish secret societies to conceal their involvement incrime, righteous aasimars are often found congregating innumbers as part of good-aligned organizations, especially(though not always) churches and religious orders.Relations: Aasimars are most common and mostcomfortable in human communities. This is especiallytrue of those whose lineage is more distant and who bearonly faint marks of their heavenly ancestry. It is unclearwhy the touch of the celestial is felt so much more stronglyin humanity than other races, though it may be thathumanity’s inherent adaptability and affinity for changeis responsible for the evolution of aasimars as a distinctrace. Perhaps the endemic racial traits of other races aretoo deeply bred, too strongly present, and too resistantto change. Whatever dalliances other races may have hadwith the denizens of the upper planes, the progeny of suchcouplings are vanishingly rare and have never bred true.However, even if they generally tend toward humansocieties, aasimars can become comfortable in virtuallyany environment. They have an easy social grace and aredisarmingly personable. They get on well with half-elves,who share a similar not-quite-human marginal status,though their relations are often less cordial with halforcs,who have no patience for aasimars’ overly prettywords and faces. Elven courtiers sometimes dismissaasimars as unsophisticated, and criticize them forrelying on natural charm to overcome faux pas. Perhapsof all the known races, gnomes find aasimars mostfascinating, and have an intense appreciation for theirvaried appearances as well as the mystique surroundingtheir celestial heritage.Alignment and Religion: Aasimars are most often ofgood alignment, though this isn’t necessarily universal,and aasimars that have turned their back on righteousnessmay fall into an unfathomable abyss of depravity. For themost part, however, aasimars favor deities of honor, valor,protection, healing, and refuge, or simple and prosaic faithsof home, community, and family. Some also follow the pathsof art, music, and lore, finding truth and wisdom in beautyand learning.Adventurers: Aasimars frequently become adventurers, asthey often do not quite feel at home in human society and feelthe pull of some greater destiny. Clerics, oracles, and paladinsare most plentiful in their ranks, though bards, sorcerers,and summoners are not uncommon among those with afondness for arcane magic. Aasimar barbarians are rare, butwhen born into such tribes they often rise to leadership andencourage their clans to embrace celestial totems.Male Names: Aritian, Beltin, Cernan, Cronwier, Eran,Ilamin, Maudril, Okrin, Parant, Tural, Wyran, Zaigan.Female Names: Arken, Arsinoe, Davina, Drinma, Imesah,Masozi, Nijena, Niramour, Ondrea, Rhialla, Valtyra.ALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITSThe following racial traits may be selected instead ofexisting aasimar racial traits. Consult your GM beforeselecting any of these new options.Celestial Crusader: Some aasimars follow their destiny towar against the powers of ultimate evil. These individualsgain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and to AC againstevil outsiders and a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (planes)and Spellcraft checks to identify evil outsiders or itemsor effects created by evil outsiders; they may use theseskills untrained for this purpose. This racial trait replacescelestial resistance and skilled.Deathless Spirit: Particularly strong-willed aasimarspossess celestial spirits capable of resisting the powersof death. They gain resistance 5 against negativeenergy damage. They do not lose hit points when theygain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonuson saving throws against death effects, energy drain,negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the84paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012







paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

Featured Races 2

Tengus: These crowlike humanoid scavengers excel in

mimicry and swordplay. Flocking into densely populated

cities, tengus occasionally join adventuring groups out

of curiosity or necessity. Their impulsive nature and

strange habits can often be unnerving to those who are

not used to them.

Tieflings: Diverse and often despised by humanoid

society, tief lings are mortals stained with the blood of

fiends. Other races rarely trust them, and this lack of

empathy usually causes tief lings to embrace the evil,

depravity, and rage that seethe within their corrupt

blood. A select few see the struggle to smother such dark

desires as motivation for grand heroism.

Undines: Like their cousins, the ifrits, oreads, and

sylphs, undines are humans touched by planar elements.

They are the scions of elemental water, equally graceful

both on land and in water. Undines are adaptable and

resistant to cold, and have an affinity for water magic.


Each race’s entry begins with a general description of the

race followed by specific entries for the race’s physical

description, society, relations with other races, alignment

and religion, and common motivations for adventuring

members of the race.


Each race’s entry features a sidebar listing the race’s

standard racial traits. This information includes the

race’s type, size, vision, and base speed, as well as a

number of other traits common to most members of

the race. With your GM’s permission, you will also have

the option to exchange these standard racial traits for a

number of alternate racial traits, the rules for which are

provided in the section below.


Members of each race can swap standard racial traits

for the alternative racial traits listed in this section.

Each alternate racial trait lists which standard trait it

replaces. The full rules for swapping traits can be found

in Chapter 1: Core Races.


Each race can take the listed favored class options instead

of the normal favored class rewards (either +1 hp or +1

skill rank). The full rules for favored class options can be

found in Chapter 1: Core Races.


This section presents two archetypes for each of the

expanded races, with the exception of the kobold entry,

where both an archetype and a sorcerer bloodline are

presented. Typically, only members of the section’s race

can take the listed archetype or bloodline, though such

options rarely interact with the racial traits or alternate

racial traits of that race. An archetype usually features a

thematic link to the race, granting it class features that

complement the abilities and the background of the race.

Because adventurers are often societal outliers, sometimes

these archetypes feature a theme that is the exception to the

norm for racial tendencies. The class for each archetype or

bloodline is listed in parentheses.

Aasimars: Purifier (oracle), tranquil guardian (paladin)

Catfolk: Cat burglar (rogue), nimble guardian (monk)

Dhampirs: Cruoromancer (wizard), kinslayer (inquisitor)

Drow: Cavern sniper (fighter), demonic apostle (cleric)

Fetchlings: Dusk stalker (ranger), shadow caller


Goblins: Feral gnasher (barbarian), fire bomber (alchemist)

Hobgoblins: Fell rider (cavalier), ironskin monk (monk)

Ifrits: Immolator (inquisitor), wishcrafter (sorcerer)

Kobolds: Bushwhacker (gunslinger), kobold sorcerer

(sorcerer bloodline)

Orcs: Dirty fighter (fighter), scarred witch doctor


Oreads: Shaitan binder (summoner), student of stone


Ratfolk: Gulch gunner (gunslinger), plague bringer


Sylphs: Sky druid (druid), wind listener (wizard)

Tengus: Shigenjo (oracle), swordmaster (rogue)

Tieflings: Fiend f layer (magus), fiendish vessel (cleric)

Undines: Undine adept (druid), watersinger (bard)


The final section of each race’s entry provides new rules

options for the race beyond archetypes, detailed in the

following four categories.

Equipment: The equipment section for each race

provides new rules for standard and alchemical

equipment available to the race.

Feats: This section provides a host of new racial feats

for members of this race. All of these feats have a race

listed in their prerequisites, so members of other races

cannot take them.

Magic Items: Magic items provided in this section are

often created and used exclusively by members of the

race. Some have effects that interact with racial traits, but

others have broader uses, and can be used by members of

other races.

Spells: The spells in this section are common to

spellcasting members of this race. Sometimes they only

target members of the race, but often they are just the

race’s well-guarded secrets; members of other races can

learn to cast them with the GM’s permission.


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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