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paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

Core Races 1

Lucky Strike (Combat)

Your luck increases the potency of your weapon attacks.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +5, adaptive luck racial

trait, half ling.

Benefit: Spend a use of your adaptive luck racial trait to

reroll the damage from a single weapon attack. You deal

damage equal to the new damage roll, or the original roll,

whichever is greater.

Risky Striker (Combat)

You can make yourself a little more vulnerable to larger

creatures in order to land a devastating blow.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, half ling.

Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty to

AC to gain a +2 bonus on melee damage rolls against

creatures two or more size categories larger than you.

When your base attack bonus reaches +4 and every four

levels thereafter, the damage increases by 2. The bonus

damage is multiplied in the case of a critical hit. You can

only choose to use this feat when you declare that you

are making an attack action or a full-attack action with

a melee weapon. The effects last until your next turn.

Sure and Fleet

You are both fast and careful.

Prerequisites: Fleet of foot racial trait, half ling.

Benefit: You gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and

Climb checks.

Surprise Strike (Combat)

You actually seem to do more damage when frantically

trying to avoid your enemies.

Prerequisites: Cautious Fighter, Desperate Swing, base

attack bonus +6, half ling.

Benefit: Once per day, when fighting defensively or

making an attack of opportunity while taking the total

defense action with the Desperate Swing feat, you take no

penalty on the attack roll.

Uncanny Defense (Combat)

Your instinct for self-preservation gives you many advantages.

Prerequisites: Cautious Fighter, base attack bonus +3,


Benefit: While fighting defensively or taking the total

defense action, you gain a bonus on your Ref lex saving

throws and to your CMD equal to 1/2 of the dodge bonus to

AC you gained from taking that action.

Halfling Magic Items

Half lings have access to the following magic items.


Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th

Slot none; Price 28,800; Weight 3 lbs.


The pages of this thick and travel-worn leather book visibly

rewrite themselves as a reader flips through them, creating

a number of delicious recipes that seem to anticipate the

current craving or culinary desires of the reader. The recipes

can aid the reader in creating such dishes, allowing him to

use the Profession (cook) skill untrained, or granting a +4

competence bonus on such checks if the reader is trained in

that skill.

Furthermore, once per day, this book can be used to

enhance a meal the reader is cooking. When used in this way,

it grants the meal being cooked the effects of a heroes’ feast

spell (caster level 11th).


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, heroes’ feast, the creator

must have at least 4 ranks in Profession (cook); Cost 14,400 gp


Aura faint conjuration; CL 3rd

Slot none; Price 300 gp; Weight —


When a handful of this coarse, crystalline powder is thrown at

a single creature, it circles around that creature and disrupts

its ability to attack and see. Using this dust requires a ranged

touch attack by its user (with a range increment of 5 feet), but

doing so does not provoke attacks of opportunity. On a hit,

the target is dazzled and cannot make attacks of opportunity

or immediate actions for 1 round.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, glitterdust; Cost 150 gp


Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th

Slot hands; Price 2,500 gp; Weight —


These dark-colored, skin-tight gloves are typically made of

either supple calfskin or silk. A wearer of these gloves with at

least 1 rank in Sleight of Hand can perform such a check as a

move action by taking a –10 penalty on the check rather than

the normal –20. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to

be effective.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cat’s grace, haste; Cost

1,250 gp


Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th

Slot none; Price 1,000 gp; Weight —


When smoked in any pipe, this pinch of magical tobacco

produces a languid, milky-white smoke that the smoker can

transform into useful objects. A halfling who puffs on the


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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