[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt


650988222399622239966509886509882223996paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012Core Races 1Benefit: When you are raging and you succeed at asunder combat maneuver, you regain 1 round of rage. Ifthe sunder attempt causes the object to gain the brokencondition, you heal 1 hit point. You can only gain thesebenefits once per round.Ferocious ResolveYour orc heritage allows you to fight on.Prerequisites: Con 13, half-orc, orc ferocity racial trait.Benefit: You gain the ferocity universal monsterability, allowing you to continue fighting at negative hitpoints. When using this ability, you gain a +2 bonus onIntimidate checks.Normal: A half-orc with the orc ferocity racial trait canfight for 1 more round after he is brought below 0 hit points.Ferocious SummonsYour summoned creatures gain your ferocity.Prerequisites: Augment Summoning, Spell Focus(conjuration), half-orc or orc.Benefit: Creatures you summon gain the ferocityuniversal monster ability.Ferocious Tenacity (Combat)You spit in the face of death.Prerequisites: Ferocity racial trait, half-orc or orc, rageclass feature.Benefit: Once per day when raging, if you are hit by anattack that would deal enough hit points of damage tokill you (negative hit points equal to your Constitutionscore), as an immediate action you may expend 1 or morerounds of rage to negate some of this damage and keepyourself alive. Each round of rage you spend reduces theattack’s damage by 1 point, but cannot reduce the damagetaken below 1 hit point.For example, if you are raging, have a ragingConstitution score of 18, are currently at 2 hit points,and take 20 hit points of damage from a hit (which isenough to bring you to –18 hit points, thereby killingyou), you may spend 1 round of rage to reduce thedamage by 1 hit point (leaving you perilously close todeath at –17 hit points); if you spend 17 rounds of rage,you reduce the damage to 1 (the minimum), leaving youwith 1 hit point.Note: If this damage still makes you fall unconscious,your rage ends just like it normally would, lowering yourConstitution to its normal value and reducing your hitpoint total as normal. Therefore, it is possible to use thisfeat to prevent yourself from instantly dying, yet you stilldie because your negative hit points exceed your normalConstitution score—take your normal Constitution intoaccount when deciding how many rounds of rage to spendwith this feat.Gore FiendHorrible wounds, whether on yourself or your enemies,make your blood sing.Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.Benefit: When you are raging and you confirm a criticalhit with a melee weapon or a critical hit is confirmed on you(whether by a melee weapon, spell, or ranged weapon), youregain 1 round of rage (up to your maximum for the day).You can only gain this benefit once per round.Horde Charge (Teamwork)When you charge with an ally, you are more deadly.Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, half-orc or orc.Benefit: When charging during the same round asan ally with this feat, you gain a +2 bonus on attack anddamage rolls in addition to the normal bonus for charging.If you can make multiple attacks on a charge, this bonusonly applies to the first attack.Improved Surprise Follow-Through (Combat)You follow up an attack with a surprising series ofsweeping blows.Prerequisites: Str 13, Cleave, Great Cleave, PowerAttack, Surprise Follow Through, base attack bonus +8.Benefit: When using Great Cleave, each opponent youattack on your turn (other than the first) is denied hisDexterity bonus against you.Resilient BruteYou absorb punishment others find deadly.Prerequisite: Half-orc or orc.Benefit: Once per day, when a creature confirms acritical hit against you, you may treat half the damageas nonlethal damage. You cannot use this ability if youare immune to nonlethal damage. When your base attackbonus reaches +10, you may use this ability an additionaltime per day.Surprise Follow-Through (Combat)When striking one opponent, you catch its ally off guard.Prerequisites: Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attackbonus +1.Benefit: When using Cleave or Great Cleave, the secondfoe you attack on your turn is denied its Dexterity bonusagainst you.Sympathetic Rage (Combat)Seeing an ally rage fills you with your own fury.Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, nonlawful.Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who israging, you may choose to enter a similar but less powerfulrage as a free action on your turn. This weaker rage givesyou all the benefits and penalties of a barbarian’s rage,57paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

65098922239972223997paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 20126509896509892223997except your morale bonus to Strength and Constitutionis only +2. There is no limit to how long you can rage, aslong as you remain adjacent to a raging ally (for example,you could take a 5-foot step away from one raging allytoward another raging ally and maintain your rage). Aswith a barbarian’s rage, when this weaker rage ends, youare fatigued. You cannot use this feat if you are fatigued.Tenacious SurvivorYour spirit lingers long after any other’s would havepassed on.Prerequisites: Con 13, Diehard, Endurance, half-orcor orc.Benefit: When you are killed by hit point damage, yoursoul lingers in your body for a number of rounds equal toyour Constitution bonus. You are still dead, but a creaturecan make a DC 10 Heal check as a standard action to realizethat you can still be saved. You can be healed by magic as ifyou were alive. If you are healed enough hit points that youwould no longer be dead, you are alive again, but you gainone permanent negative level.Thrill of the KillKilling fuels your rage.Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.Benefit: When you are raging and your attack reducesan enemy to negative hit points or kills it, you regain 1round of rage. You may only use this feat if the fallenenemy had at least as many Hit Dice as you. You can onlygain this benefit once per round.Half-Orc Magic ItemsHalf-orcs have access to the following magic items.CLOAK OF HUMAN GUISEAura faint illusion; CL 1stSlot shoulders; Price 900 gp; Weight 1 lb.DESCRIPTIONThis plain cloak only has any effect when worn by a memberof a half-human race such as a half-orc or half-elf. It alters thewearer’s appearance similarly to a hat of disguise, but only tothe extent that it conceals or alters the wearer’s non-humanphysical traits so the creature appears fully human. Anyfeature that is plausibly human remains. For example, a halforcwearing the cloak loses his green or gray skin color andpointed ears, has no visible tusks, and is otherwise completelyable to pass as a human version of his normal self. Likewise,a half-elf wearing the cloak has round ears, humanlike eyes,and no other traits indicating elf ancestry. The wearer hasno control over the specific guise, and those familiar with hisnormal appearance can recognize him in his human guise.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost 450 gpRING OF FEROCIOUS ACTIONAura faint transmutation; CL 5thSlot ring; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.DESCRIPTIONThis ring allows its wearer to persevere through physicalor mental trauma that hampers his actions. The ring has 5charges, renewed each day. At the start of his turn, if thewearer is staggered, as a free action he may spend a charge toactivate the ring and ignore the staggered condition until hisnext turn.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Forge Ring, haste, stabilize; Cost 1,500 gpSWIFT OBSIDIAN GREATAXEAura moderate transmutation; CL 10thSlot none; Price 11,320 gp; Weight 12 lbs.DESCRIPTIONThe blade of this +1 keen greataxe is carved from jet-blackobsidian. When the wielder charges an enemy, he receives a+10 foot enhancement bonus to his speed that round. Onceper day, he can command the axe to grant all allies within 30feet a +10 foot enhancement bonus to base speed for 1 round.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, expeditiousretreat, keen edge; Cost 5,820 gpHalf-Orc SpellsHalf-orcs have access to the following spells.BATTLE TRANCESchool enchantment (compulsion) [emotion, mind-affecting];Level alchemist 3, antipaladin 3, cleric 4, inquisitor 3, ranger3, witch 4Casting Time 1 standard actionComponents V, SRange personalTarget youDuration 1 minute/levelSave Will negates; Spell Resistance yesYou are transformed into a single-minded force of destruction.You gain the ferocity monster special ability, a number oftemporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your caster level (maximum+10), and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against mindaffectingeffects. You cannot use the withdraw action orwillingly move away from a creature that has attacked you.When you use this spell, you immediately take 4 points ofIntelligence damage. You must make a DC 20 concentrationcheck to cast spells, and all other concentration checks to castspells have a –5 penalty.GHOST WOLFSchool conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 4,summoner 258paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012




paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012




except your morale bonus to Strength and Constitution

is only +2. There is no limit to how long you can rage, as

long as you remain adjacent to a raging ally (for example,

you could take a 5-foot step away from one raging ally

toward another raging ally and maintain your rage). As

with a barbarian’s rage, when this weaker rage ends, you

are fatigued. You cannot use this feat if you are fatigued.

Tenacious Survivor

Your spirit lingers long after any other’s would have

passed on.

Prerequisites: Con 13, Diehard, Endurance, half-orc

or orc.

Benefit: When you are killed by hit point damage, your

soul lingers in your body for a number of rounds equal to

your Constitution bonus. You are still dead, but a creature

can make a DC 10 Heal check as a standard action to realize

that you can still be saved. You can be healed by magic as if

you were alive. If you are healed enough hit points that you

would no longer be dead, you are alive again, but you gain

one permanent negative level.

Thrill of the Kill

Killing fuels your rage.

Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.

Benefit: When you are raging and your attack reduces

an enemy to negative hit points or kills it, you regain 1

round of rage. You may only use this feat if the fallen

enemy had at least as many Hit Dice as you. You can only

gain this benefit once per round.

Half-Orc Magic Items

Half-orcs have access to the following magic items.


Aura faint illusion; CL 1st

Slot shoulders; Price 900 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This plain cloak only has any effect when worn by a member

of a half-human race such as a half-orc or half-elf. It alters the

wearer’s appearance similarly to a hat of disguise, but only to

the extent that it conceals or alters the wearer’s non-human

physical traits so the creature appears fully human. Any

feature that is plausibly human remains. For example, a halforc

wearing the cloak loses his green or gray skin color and

pointed ears, has no visible tusks, and is otherwise completely

able to pass as a human version of his normal self. Likewise,

a half-elf wearing the cloak has round ears, humanlike eyes,

and no other traits indicating elf ancestry. The wearer has

no control over the specific guise, and those familiar with his

normal appearance can recognize him in his human guise.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost 450 gp


Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th

Slot ring; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This ring allows its wearer to persevere through physical

or mental trauma that hampers his actions. The ring has 5

charges, renewed each day. At the start of his turn, if the

wearer is staggered, as a free action he may spend a charge to

activate the ring and ignore the staggered condition until his

next turn.


Requirements Forge Ring, haste, stabilize; Cost 1,500 gp


Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th

Slot none; Price 11,320 gp; Weight 12 lbs.


The blade of this +1 keen greataxe is carved from jet-black

obsidian. When the wielder charges an enemy, he receives a

+10 foot enhancement bonus to his speed that round. Once

per day, he can command the axe to grant all allies within 30

feet a +10 foot enhancement bonus to base speed for 1 round.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, expeditious

retreat, keen edge; Cost 5,820 gp

Half-Orc Spells

Half-orcs have access to the following spells.


School enchantment (compulsion) [emotion, mind-affecting];

Level alchemist 3, antipaladin 3, cleric 4, inquisitor 3, ranger

3, witch 4

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range personal

Target you

Duration 1 minute/level

Save Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

You are transformed into a single-minded force of destruction.

You gain the ferocity monster special ability, a number of

temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your caster level (maximum

+10), and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against mindaffecting

effects. You cannot use the withdraw action or

willingly move away from a creature that has attacked you.

When you use this spell, you immediately take 4 points of

Intelligence damage. You must make a DC 20 concentration

check to cast spells, and all other concentration checks to cast

spells have a –5 penalty.


School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 4,

summoner 2


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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