[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt


650986222399422239946509866509862223994paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012Core Races 1level, the hateful rager selects another favored enemy andincreases her bonus against one favored enemy type, asdescribed in the ranger class.While raging, the hateful rager makes every effortto fight a favored enemy rather than other opponents.If aware of the presence of a favored enemy, the hatefulrager must make a DC 20 Will save each round to attackanother creature; failure means the barbarian mustattack the favored enemy or move closer to that enemy.She may freely attack creatures preventing her fromreaching that favored enemy (regardless of whether theyare actively trying to prevent her attacks or merely in theway). She can avoid harmful obstacles normally in herattempts to reach the target and is not forced to take theshortest route.This ability replaces the barbarian’s rage power gainedat 2nd level. At 8th, 14th, and 20th levels, in place of a ragepower she gains another favored enemy and increases herbonus against one favored enemy type.Feed the Rage (Ex): At 5th level, a hateful rager gains1 additional round of rage for each favored enemy sheknocks unconscious or kills in combat. These currentrounds of rage can only be used to add to the duration ofher rage, and disappear when the rage ends. This abilityreplaces improved uncanny dodge.Amplified by Hate (Ex): At 9th level, a hateful rageradds half her favored enemy bonus to the DC of any ragepower she uses against a favored enemy. This abilityreplaces trap sense +3.Rage Powers: The following rage powers complementthe hateful rager archetype: intimidating glare, rousedanger, terrifying howl (Core Rulebook); come and get me,inspire ferocity, overbearing advance, reckless abandon(Advanced Player’s Guide).otherwise works like and replaces the standard paladin’ssmite evil.Monstrous Rapport (Ex): At 1st level, redeemers gain a+2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to inf luence creatures whoare commonly considered monstrous. This includes butis not limited to “monstrous” races such as goblins andorcs, monstrous humanoids, and other intelligent nonhumanoidmonsters. This ability replaces detect evil.Pact of Peace (Sp): At 8th level, a redeemer can forcea defeated creature to accept a binding pact of peace asa condition of its surrender, as if using lesser geas. Hercaster level for this ability is equal to her paladin level.Rather than assigning a mission or task, the redeemergives the creature a simple set of prohibitions to protectothers. Example geas include “Leave this city and do notreturn” or “Do not attack caravans.” The prohibitionmust be against an area no larger than 300 square milesor one specific group of people (such as a tribe or citizensof a particular city). This ability lasts 1 month per paladinlevel. This replaces aura of resolve.Aura of Mercy (Su): At 11th level, a redeemer canexpend two uses of her merciful smite ability to grantthe merciful smite ability to all allies within 10 feet,using her bonuses. Allies must use this merciful smiteability by the start of the paladin’s next turn and thebonuses last for 1 minute. Using this ability is a freeaction. Evil creatures gain no benefit from this ability.This replaces aura of justice.Associates: A redeemer may ally with an evil creatureas long as she feels the creature is capable of redemption.A redeemer may accept henchmen, followers, or cohortswho are not lawful good provided they demonstratethey are willing to follow her and seek betterment underher tutelage.Redeemer (Paladin)As most half-orcs are outcasts, a half-orc paladinrecognizes that often those who are monstrous are notnecessarily evil and that sometimes even those whoare evil became that way because of circumstancesand misfortune. Some half-orc paladins take up thesemisunderstood creatures as their cause, standing upfor the monstrous creatures and, when possible, leadingthem to the light. These paladins are called redeemers. Aredeemer has the following class features.Merciful Smite (Su): At 1st level, when a redeemerchooses to smite a creature, she can have all of her attacksagainst the target deal nonlethal damage. She does nottake the normal –4 attack roll penalty for using a lethalweapon to deal nonlethal damage. She cannot use thisability to deal nonlethal damage to outsiders with theevil subtype, evil-aligned dragons, or undead creatures(these creatures take lethal damage from her smite). ThisSkulking Slayer (Rogue)Pushed into a life of crime by the society around them, halforcsgravitate toward criminal activities that suit them best.Half-orc rogues leave subtle tactics and finesse to half lingsand elves, and rely on brute strength and thuggery whenthey go about making mischief. Skulking slayers haveturned the use of raw strength and surprise into an artform. A skulking slayer has the following class features.Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The skulking slayergains proficiency with greatclubs and whips, but losesproficiency with rapiers and hand crossbows.Class Skills: The skulking slayer does not gain DisableDevice, Linguistics, and Sleight of Hand as class skills.Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.Pass for Human (Ex): At 1st level, when trying toconceal her half-orc heritage, a skulking slayer gainsa bonus on Disguise checks equal to half her level.When using disguise to appear as a specific individual,55paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

65098722239952223995paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 20126509876509872223995skulking stalkers ignore the normal –2 penalty to appearas another race.Underhanded Maneuvers (Ex): At 1st level, when shecould normally make a sneak attack, a slayer may insteadmake a dirty trick or steal combat maneuver with abonus on her roll. This bonus is equal to her number ofsneak attack dice for a dirty trick combat maneuver, or1-1/2 × her number of sneak attack dice for a steal combatmaneuver. This ability replaces trapfinding.Bonus Feats: At 2nd level, a skulking slayer can selectthe Surprise Follow-Through feat (see below) in place ofa rogue talent. At 10th level, she can select the ImprovedSurprise Follow-Through feat in place of an advancedrogue talent.Bold Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, when a skulking slayercharges and makes a sneak attack with a two-handedweapon, she rolls d8s instead of d6s for her sneak attackdamage. This ability replaces trap sense +1 and +4.Shifty (Ex): At 6th level, a skulking slayer gains a bonuson Bluff checks to feint equal to half her level. This abilityreplaces trap sense +2.Unexpected Charge (Ex): At 9th level, a skulking slayercan make a Bluff check to feint as a swift action before acharge. This ability replaces trap sense +3.Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complementthe skulking slayer archetype: combat trick, surpriseattack (Core Rulebook); combat swipe, powerful sneak(Advanced Player’s Guide); terrain mastery (Ultimate Combat).Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talentscomplement the skulking slayer archetype: cripplingstrike (Core Rulebook); deadly sneak (Advanced Player’sGuide); unwitting ally (Ultimate Combat).NEW RACIAL RULESThe following options are available to half-orcs. At theGM’s discretion, other appropriate races may also makeuse of some of these.Half-Orc EquipmentHalf-orcs have access to the following equipment.Black Fester: This black paste is often applied on orcweapons before going on raids to stymie an enemy’shealing magic. Like a poison, black fester stays on aweapon until the first time it strikes an opponent. Itremains in the target’s body for 1 hour. A creatureexposed to black fester resists magical healing; acreature trying to magically heal the target must makea DC 10 caster level check to restore any hit points tothe target.Half-Orc Disguise Kit: This specifically designedkit was put together by half-orcs to help them appearmore human. It includes skin cream to disguise greengrayskin color and other items designed to concealor draw attention away from typical half-orc physicalcharacteristics. Using this kit on a half-orc grants a +3bonus on Disguise checks to appear human. Used on anorc, it only grants a +1 bonus on these checks.Half-Orc EquipmentItem Cost Weight Craft DCBlack fester (vial) 30 gp — 25Half-orc disguise kit 75 gp 1 lb. —Half-Orc FeatsHalf-orcs and orcs have access to the following feats.Beast RiderYou gain the service of a monstrous companion or mount.Prerequisites: Animal companion or mount classfeature, character level 7th, half-orc or orc.Benefit: Select one of the following creature types:elephant, pteranodon, rhinoceros, stegosaurus, ortriceratops. Add this creature type to your list of possibleanimal companions or mounts. When summoninga creature of the selected type to serve as a mount orcompanion, treat your effective druid level as if it were twolevels higher (to a maximum of your character level). If thecreature is large enough for you to ride, it gains the combattraining general purpose (see Handle Animal) at no cost.Blood VengeanceSeeing an ally fall in combat fills you with a raging andmurderous fury.Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, nonlawful.Benefit: Whenever one of your allies is reduced tonegative hit points or killed, you may enter a state similarto but less powerful than a barbarian’s rage as a free actionon your next turn. If you have the rage class feature andare already raging, your morale bonuses to Strength andConstitution increase by +2 for the duration of your rage.If you do not have the rage class feature, or you have nomore rage rounds left, this weaker rage gives you all thebenefits and penalties of a barbarian’s rage, except yourmorale bonus to Strength and Constitution is only +2. Ineither case, this state lasts for 4 rounds.As with a barbarian’s rage, when this weaker rage ends,you are fatigued; if another ally falls before this durationends, the weaker rage lasts for an additional 4 rounds.This feat does not allow you to enter a rage if you arefatigued. You may only use this feat if the fallen ally hadat least as many Hit Dice as you (excluding conjured orsummoned allies).Destroyer’s Blessing (Combat)Breaking things adds to your power.Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.56paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012







paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

Core Races 1

level, the hateful rager selects another favored enemy and

increases her bonus against one favored enemy type, as

described in the ranger class.

While raging, the hateful rager makes every effort

to fight a favored enemy rather than other opponents.

If aware of the presence of a favored enemy, the hateful

rager must make a DC 20 Will save each round to attack

another creature; failure means the barbarian must

attack the favored enemy or move closer to that enemy.

She may freely attack creatures preventing her from

reaching that favored enemy (regardless of whether they

are actively trying to prevent her attacks or merely in the

way). She can avoid harmful obstacles normally in her

attempts to reach the target and is not forced to take the

shortest route.

This ability replaces the barbarian’s rage power gained

at 2nd level. At 8th, 14th, and 20th levels, in place of a rage

power she gains another favored enemy and increases her

bonus against one favored enemy type.

Feed the Rage (Ex): At 5th level, a hateful rager gains

1 additional round of rage for each favored enemy she

knocks unconscious or kills in combat. These current

rounds of rage can only be used to add to the duration of

her rage, and disappear when the rage ends. This ability

replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Amplified by Hate (Ex): At 9th level, a hateful rager

adds half her favored enemy bonus to the DC of any rage

power she uses against a favored enemy. This ability

replaces trap sense +3.

Rage Powers: The following rage powers complement

the hateful rager archetype: intimidating glare, roused

anger, terrifying howl (Core Rulebook); come and get me,

inspire ferocity, overbearing advance, reckless abandon

(Advanced Player’s Guide).

otherwise works like and replaces the standard paladin’s

smite evil.

Monstrous Rapport (Ex): At 1st level, redeemers gain a

+2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to inf luence creatures who

are commonly considered monstrous. This includes but

is not limited to “monstrous” races such as goblins and

orcs, monstrous humanoids, and other intelligent nonhumanoid

monsters. This ability replaces detect evil.

Pact of Peace (Sp): At 8th level, a redeemer can force

a defeated creature to accept a binding pact of peace as

a condition of its surrender, as if using lesser geas. Her

caster level for this ability is equal to her paladin level.

Rather than assigning a mission or task, the redeemer

gives the creature a simple set of prohibitions to protect

others. Example geas include “Leave this city and do not

return” or “Do not attack caravans.” The prohibition

must be against an area no larger than 300 square miles

or one specific group of people (such as a tribe or citizens

of a particular city). This ability lasts 1 month per paladin

level. This replaces aura of resolve.

Aura of Mercy (Su): At 11th level, a redeemer can

expend two uses of her merciful smite ability to grant

the merciful smite ability to all allies within 10 feet,

using her bonuses. Allies must use this merciful smite

ability by the start of the paladin’s next turn and the

bonuses last for 1 minute. Using this ability is a free

action. Evil creatures gain no benefit from this ability.

This replaces aura of justice.

Associates: A redeemer may ally with an evil creature

as long as she feels the creature is capable of redemption.

A redeemer may accept henchmen, followers, or cohorts

who are not lawful good provided they demonstrate

they are willing to follow her and seek betterment under

her tutelage.

Redeemer (Paladin)

As most half-orcs are outcasts, a half-orc paladin

recognizes that often those who are monstrous are not

necessarily evil and that sometimes even those who

are evil became that way because of circumstances

and misfortune. Some half-orc paladins take up these

misunderstood creatures as their cause, standing up

for the monstrous creatures and, when possible, leading

them to the light. These paladins are called redeemers. A

redeemer has the following class features.

Merciful Smite (Su): At 1st level, when a redeemer

chooses to smite a creature, she can have all of her attacks

against the target deal nonlethal damage. She does not

take the normal –4 attack roll penalty for using a lethal

weapon to deal nonlethal damage. She cannot use this

ability to deal nonlethal damage to outsiders with the

evil subtype, evil-aligned dragons, or undead creatures

(these creatures take lethal damage from her smite). This

Skulking Slayer (Rogue)

Pushed into a life of crime by the society around them, halforcs

gravitate toward criminal activities that suit them best.

Half-orc rogues leave subtle tactics and finesse to half lings

and elves, and rely on brute strength and thuggery when

they go about making mischief. Skulking slayers have

turned the use of raw strength and surprise into an art

form. A skulking slayer has the following class features.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The skulking slayer

gains proficiency with greatclubs and whips, but loses

proficiency with rapiers and hand crossbows.

Class Skills: The skulking slayer does not gain Disable

Device, Linguistics, and Sleight of Hand as class skills.

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Pass for Human (Ex): At 1st level, when trying to

conceal her half-orc heritage, a skulking slayer gains

a bonus on Disguise checks equal to half her level.

When using disguise to appear as a specific individual,


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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