[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt

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paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

Race Builder 4

Sneaky (5 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of

this race gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks.

Sneaky Rider (6 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members

of this race gain a +4 racial bonus on Ride and Stealth checks.

Sociable (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: When

members of this race attempt to change a creature’s attitude

with a Diplomacy check and fail by 5 or more, they can try to

inf luence the creature a second time even if 24 hours have

not passed.

Stalker (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Perception

and Stealth are always class skills for members of this race.

Static Bonus Feat (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:

Choose one feat with no prerequisites. All members of this

race gain this feat as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Stonecunning (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:

Members of this race receive a +2 bonus on Perception

checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and

hidden doors located in stone walls or f loors. They

receive a check to notice such features whenever they

pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are

actively looking.

Underground Sneak (5 RP): Prerequisite: Race is native

to the Darklands; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2

racial bonus on Craft (alchemy), Perception, and Stealth

checks. The bonus on Stealth checks increases to a +4

bonus while underground.

Urbanite (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members

of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks

made to gather information and Sense Motive checks

made to get a hunch about a social situation.

Water Child (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:

Members of this race gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim

checks, can always take 10 while swimming, and may

choose Aquan as a bonus language.

Advanced Traits

Nimble Attacks (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members

of this race receive Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.

Quick Reactions (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:

Members of this race receive Improved Initiative as a

bonus feat.

Magical Racial Traits

The following racial traits augment a race’s ability to use

magic or grant spell-like abilities.

Standard Traits

Arcane Focus (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members

of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks

made to cast arcane spells defensively.

Change Shape, Greater (6 RP): Prerequisite: Aberration,

dragon, fey, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid

type; Benefit: Members of this race gain the following

supernatural ability: a member of this race can assume

the appearance of a Small or Medium humanoid as the

alter self spell, save that it does not adjust its ability scores.

Change Shape, Lesser (3 RP): Prerequisite: Aberration,

dragon, fey, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid

type; Benefit: Members of this race gain the following

supernatural ability: A member of this race can assume the

appearance of a single form of a single humanoid race of its

size. The form is static and cannot be changed each time

it takes this form. The creature gains a +10 racial bonus

on Disguise checks made to appear as the member of the

race whose appearance it assumes. Changing its shape is

a standard action. This trait otherwise functions as alter

self, save that the creature does not adjust its ability scores.

Deep Magic (3 RP): Prerequisite: Native of the Darklands;

Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on

caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance and

a +2 racial bonus on dispel checks.

Dissolution’s Child (5 RP): Prerequisite: Outsider (native)

with ties to the Shadow Plane, fey type, undead type, or

half-undead subtype; Benefit: Members of this race gain the

following supernatural ability: Once per day, a member of

this race can change its appearance to look as if it were little

more than a 4-foot-tall area of shadow. Its physical form

still exists and it is not incorporeal—only its appearance

changes. This racial trait works like invisibility, except the

effect only lasts 1 round per level (maximum 5 rounds).

Dreamspeaker (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:

Members of this race gain a +1 bonus to the saving

throw DCs of spells of the divination school and spells

that produce sleep effects that they cast. In addition,

members of this race with a Charisma score of 15 or

higher may use dream once per day as a spell-like ability

(caster level is equal to the user’s character level).

Elemental Affinity (1 RP): Prerequisite: Outsider (native)

with ties to an elemental plane; Benefit: If a member

of the race is a sorcerer with the elemental bloodline

corresponding to the elemental plane it has ties to (i.e.,

air, earth, fire, or water), it treats its Charisma score as

2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities.

Furthermore, a member of this race able to cast domain

spells that correspond to the elemental plane the race

has ties to casts its domain powers and spells at +1 caster

level. This trait does not give members of this race early

access to level-based powers; it only affects powers that

they could already use without this trait.

Elemental Summoner (2 RP): Prerequisites: None;

Benefit: Choose one of the following elemental subtypes—

air, earth, fire, or water. When summoning a creature

with the chosen subtype with a summon spell, increase

the duration of that spell by 2 rounds.

Elven Magic (3 RP): Prerequisite: Elf subtype; Benefit:

Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on caster level


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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