[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt


651150222415822241586511506511502224158paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012Race Builder 4Slow Speed (–1 RP): The race has a base speed of 20feet. If the race is Medium, its members’ speed is nevermodified by armor or encumbrance.Ability Score Modifier QualityThe next step is to determine the ability score modifierquality for your race. In many ways, choosing this quality isone of the most important choices when creating a new race,as it determines many of the native abilities of that race.With the exception of the human heritage modifierquality, when you choose a race’s ability score modifiers,you are choosing what ability scores are modified for everymember of that race. Only the human heritage modifierquality allows individual members to decide which abilityscore is modified during character creation.Most of the ability score modifier qualities divide abilityscores into two broad categories that each represent three of thesix abilities: physical (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution)and mental (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma).With the exception of the human heritage modifierquality, bonuses granted to ability scores with one ofthese qualities count as racial bonuses for the purpose ofqualifying for racial trait prerequisites.Advanced (4 RP): Prerequisites: Advanced or monstrouspower level; Modifiers: Pick either mental or physicalability scores. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to allof those scores, a +4 bonus to one score of the other type,and a –2 penalty to one other ability score of the other type.Flexible (2 RP): Members of this race gain a +2 bonus toany two ability scores.Greater Paragon (2 RP): Members of this race gain a+4 bonus to one ability score, a –2 penalty to one physicalability score, and a –2 penalty to one mental ability score.Greater Weakness (–3 RP): Pick either mental or physicalability scores. Members of this race take a –4 penalty toone of those ability scores, a –2 penalty to another of thoseability scores, and a +2 bonus to the other ability score.Human Heritage (0 RP): Prerequisites: Human subtype;Modifiers: Members of this race gain a +2 to any singleability score of your choice during character creation.Mixed Weakness (–2 RP): Pick either mental or physicalability scores. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to oneability score of that type and a –2 penalty to another abilityscore of that type. They also gain a +2 bonus to one abilityscore of the other type and a –4 penalty to another abilityscore of the other type.Paragon (1 RP): Members of this race gain a +4 bonus toa single ability score, and a –2 penalty to either all physicalor all mental ability scores. If the bonus is to a singlephysical ability score, the penalties apply to all mentalability scores, and vice versa.Specialized (1 RP): Pick either mental or physical abilityscores. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to two abilityChallenging Advanced and Monstrous RacesBecause they have powerful racial traits and abilities,advanced and monstrous races require greater challenges,especially at lower levels. The basic guideline foraccomplishing this is to treat a group of characters withadvanced and monstrous races as a level or more higherfor a number of levels based on their total RP spent, usingthe following chart. Calculate the party’s adjusted averageparty level, and use that number, rather than the actualAPL, when creating encounters and adventures for thegroup. For groups with mixed power levels, average theRP and round the result to the nearest multiple of 10.AvgAverage Party LevelRP 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–2020 +1 level +0 level +0 level +0 level30 +2 level +1 level +0 level +0 level40 +3 level +2 level +1 level +0 levelscores of the chosen type, and a –2 penalty to one abilityscore of the other type.Standard (0 RP): Members of this race gain a +2 bonus toone physical ability score, a +2 bonus to one mental abilityscore, and a –2 penalty to any other ability score.Weakness (–1 RP): Members of this race gain a +2 bonusto one physical ability score, a +2 bonus to one mentalability score, and a –4 penalty to any other ability score.Language QualityThe next step is to pick the race’s language quality. Thisquality determines the starting languages and bonuslanguages for the race. There are three options. In caseswhere the language trait instructs you to choose a raciallanguage, that language is either the race’s racial language(if any; feel free to create a new language for the race ifyou wish), Draconic (if it is a humanoid with the reptiliansubtype), or, if the race is of the outsider (native) type, oneof the planar languages (Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial,Ignan, Infernal, or Terran) of the corresponding plane.(Creatures tied to Abaddon can take either Abyssal orInfernal as a racial language.) If your race is native to theDarklands, you can replace Common with Undercommon.See the Linguistics skill entry on pages 100–102 of the CoreRulebook for a list of languages.Construct and undead races usually have the raciallanguage of the race that created them.Linguist (1 RP): Members of this race start withCommon plus their racial language (if any). Furthermore,members of this race with high Intelligence scores canlearn any languages they want (except Druidic and othersecret languages).219paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

65115122241592224159paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 20126511516511512224159Humanoid Subtypes as PrerequisitesThere are a number of racial traits that require a certainhumanoid subtype as a prerequisite. This is usually thecase when a racial trait mentions a race in its name. Asthe GM, you can view these subtype prerequisites assuggestions and indicators as to what kinds of races orhumanoid subtypes would usually take these traits. Feelfree to change the name or racial subtype prerequisite ofsuch a trait to better fit the race you are building.Prerequisites: Some racial traits have prerequisites.Your race must meet any prerequisites listed in thisentry before you can take the trait. Some traits requirea specific type or subtype, while others require that youtake other racial traits or qualities before you take it.Benefit: This is the benefit the racial trait grants themembers of the race you are creating.Special: This includes additional facts about the racial trait.Ability Score Racial TraitsThe following racial traits add to the base ability scoremodifiers chosen in the ability score modifier quality.Standard (0 RP): Members of this race start with Commonplus their racial language (if any). Furthermore, chooseup to seven languages (except for Druidic or other secretlanguages). Members of this race with high Intelligencescores can choose from any of these additional languages.Xenophobic (0 RP): Members of this race start withtheir racial language only. Races without a racial languagecannot take this array. Furthermore, choose up to fourlanguages (except for Druidic or other secret languages),one of which must be Common (or Undercommon, if therace is native to the Darklands). Members of this racewith high Intelligence scores can choose from any ofthese additional languages.STEP 3: RACIAL TRAITSOnce you have chosen all your racial qualities, you maythen choose your racial traits with your remaining RP.Racial traits are divided into several categories: abilityscore, defense, feat and skill, magical, movement, offense,senses, weakness, and other racial traits. The number ofracial traits you can buy from each category depends onthe power level of the race you are creating—standardraces can pick no more than three traits from eachcategory, advanced races can pick no more than four traitsfrom each category, and monstrous races can pick no morethan five traits from each category. Furthermore, traits ineach category are organized by type—standard, advanced,and monstrous. Standard races can only select traits fromthe standard section of each category, advanced races canselect traits from the standard or advanced sections, andmonstrous races can select from any section.Unless stated otherwise, all racial traits are extraordinaryabilities, and each racial trait can only be taken once.The following format is used for all racial traits.Name (RP Cost): Each racial trait begins with its name.The number of RP each trait costs is listed in parenthesesdirectly after the name. For racial traits you can takemore than once, this is the number of RP you pay eachtime you take the traits, unless stated otherwise in theSpecial line of the trait description.Advanced TraitsAdvanced Charisma (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Charisma.Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but eachadditional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Itseffects stack.Advanced Constitution (4 RP): Prerequisites: None;Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus toConstitution. Special: This bonus can be taken multipletimes, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increasesby 1 RP. Its effects stack.Advanced Dexterity (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity.Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but eachadditional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Itseffects stack.Advanced Intelligence (4 RP): Prerequisites: None;Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus toIntelligence. Special: This bonus can be taken multipletimes, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increasesby 1 RP. Its effects stack.Advanced Strength (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Strength.Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but eachadditional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Itseffects stack.Advanced Wisdom (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Wisdom.Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but eachadditional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Itseffects stack.Defense Racial TraitsThe following racial traits augment the defenses ofmembers of the race.Standard TraitsAncient Foe (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Chooseone monster type or one subtype of the humanoid type.Members of this race gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against220paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012




paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012




Humanoid Subtypes as Prerequisites

There are a number of racial traits that require a certain

humanoid subtype as a prerequisite. This is usually the

case when a racial trait mentions a race in its name. As

the GM, you can view these subtype prerequisites as

suggestions and indicators as to what kinds of races or

humanoid subtypes would usually take these traits. Feel

free to change the name or racial subtype prerequisite of

such a trait to better fit the race you are building.

Prerequisites: Some racial traits have prerequisites.

Your race must meet any prerequisites listed in this

entry before you can take the trait. Some traits require

a specific type or subtype, while others require that you

take other racial traits or qualities before you take it.

Benefit: This is the benefit the racial trait grants the

members of the race you are creating.

Special: This includes additional facts about the racial trait.

Ability Score Racial Traits

The following racial traits add to the base ability score

modifiers chosen in the ability score modifier quality.

Standard (0 RP): Members of this race start with Common

plus their racial language (if any). Furthermore, choose

up to seven languages (except for Druidic or other secret

languages). Members of this race with high Intelligence

scores can choose from any of these additional languages.

Xenophobic (0 RP): Members of this race start with

their racial language only. Races without a racial language

cannot take this array. Furthermore, choose up to four

languages (except for Druidic or other secret languages),

one of which must be Common (or Undercommon, if the

race is native to the Darklands). Members of this race

with high Intelligence scores can choose from any of

these additional languages.


Once you have chosen all your racial qualities, you may

then choose your racial traits with your remaining RP.

Racial traits are divided into several categories: ability

score, defense, feat and skill, magical, movement, offense,

senses, weakness, and other racial traits. The number of

racial traits you can buy from each category depends on

the power level of the race you are creating—standard

races can pick no more than three traits from each

category, advanced races can pick no more than four traits

from each category, and monstrous races can pick no more

than five traits from each category. Furthermore, traits in

each category are organized by type—standard, advanced,

and monstrous. Standard races can only select traits from

the standard section of each category, advanced races can

select traits from the standard or advanced sections, and

monstrous races can select from any section.

Unless stated otherwise, all racial traits are extraordinary

abilities, and each racial trait can only be taken once.

The following format is used for all racial traits.

Name (RP Cost): Each racial trait begins with its name.

The number of RP each trait costs is listed in parentheses

directly after the name. For racial traits you can take

more than once, this is the number of RP you pay each

time you take the traits, unless stated otherwise in the

Special line of the trait description.

Advanced Traits

Advanced Charisma (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:

Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Charisma.

Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each

additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its

effects stack.

Advanced Constitution (4 RP): Prerequisites: None;

Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to

Constitution. Special: This bonus can be taken multiple

times, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increases

by 1 RP. Its effects stack.

Advanced Dexterity (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:

Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity.

Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each

additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its

effects stack.

Advanced Intelligence (4 RP): Prerequisites: None;

Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to

Intelligence. Special: This bonus can be taken multiple

times, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increases

by 1 RP. Its effects stack.

Advanced Strength (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:

Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Strength.

Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each

additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its

effects stack.

Advanced Wisdom (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit:

Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Wisdom.

Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each

additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its

effects stack.

Defense Racial Traits

The following racial traits augment the defenses of

members of the race.

Standard Traits

Ancient Foe (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Choose

one monster type or one subtype of the humanoid type.

Members of this race gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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