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paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

Race Builder 4

Slow Speed (–1 RP): The race has a base speed of 20

feet. If the race is Medium, its members’ speed is never

modified by armor or encumbrance.

Ability Score Modifier Quality

The next step is to determine the ability score modifier

quality for your race. In many ways, choosing this quality is

one of the most important choices when creating a new race,

as it determines many of the native abilities of that race.

With the exception of the human heritage modifier

quality, when you choose a race’s ability score modifiers,

you are choosing what ability scores are modified for every

member of that race. Only the human heritage modifier

quality allows individual members to decide which ability

score is modified during character creation.

Most of the ability score modifier qualities divide ability

scores into two broad categories that each represent three of the

six abilities: physical (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution)

and mental (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma).

With the exception of the human heritage modifier

quality, bonuses granted to ability scores with one of

these qualities count as racial bonuses for the purpose of

qualifying for racial trait prerequisites.

Advanced (4 RP): Prerequisites: Advanced or monstrous

power level; Modifiers: Pick either mental or physical

ability scores. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to all

of those scores, a +4 bonus to one score of the other type,

and a –2 penalty to one other ability score of the other type.

Flexible (2 RP): Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to

any two ability scores.

Greater Paragon (2 RP): Members of this race gain a

+4 bonus to one ability score, a –2 penalty to one physical

ability score, and a –2 penalty to one mental ability score.

Greater Weakness (–3 RP): Pick either mental or physical

ability scores. Members of this race take a –4 penalty to

one of those ability scores, a –2 penalty to another of those

ability scores, and a +2 bonus to the other ability score.

Human Heritage (0 RP): Prerequisites: Human subtype;

Modifiers: Members of this race gain a +2 to any single

ability score of your choice during character creation.

Mixed Weakness (–2 RP): Pick either mental or physical

ability scores. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to one

ability score of that type and a –2 penalty to another ability

score of that type. They also gain a +2 bonus to one ability

score of the other type and a –4 penalty to another ability

score of the other type.

Paragon (1 RP): Members of this race gain a +4 bonus to

a single ability score, and a –2 penalty to either all physical

or all mental ability scores. If the bonus is to a single

physical ability score, the penalties apply to all mental

ability scores, and vice versa.

Specialized (1 RP): Pick either mental or physical ability

scores. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to two ability

Challenging Advanced and Monstrous Races

Because they have powerful racial traits and abilities,

advanced and monstrous races require greater challenges,

especially at lower levels. The basic guideline for

accomplishing this is to treat a group of characters with

advanced and monstrous races as a level or more higher

for a number of levels based on their total RP spent, using

the following chart. Calculate the party’s adjusted average

party level, and use that number, rather than the actual

APL, when creating encounters and adventures for the

group. For groups with mixed power levels, average the

RP and round the result to the nearest multiple of 10.


Average Party Level

RP 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20

20 +1 level +0 level +0 level +0 level

30 +2 level +1 level +0 level +0 level

40 +3 level +2 level +1 level +0 level

scores of the chosen type, and a –2 penalty to one ability

score of the other type.

Standard (0 RP): Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to

one physical ability score, a +2 bonus to one mental ability

score, and a –2 penalty to any other ability score.

Weakness (–1 RP): Members of this race gain a +2 bonus

to one physical ability score, a +2 bonus to one mental

ability score, and a –4 penalty to any other ability score.

Language Quality

The next step is to pick the race’s language quality. This

quality determines the starting languages and bonus

languages for the race. There are three options. In cases

where the language trait instructs you to choose a racial

language, that language is either the race’s racial language

(if any; feel free to create a new language for the race if

you wish), Draconic (if it is a humanoid with the reptilian

subtype), or, if the race is of the outsider (native) type, one

of the planar languages (Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial,

Ignan, Infernal, or Terran) of the corresponding plane.

(Creatures tied to Abaddon can take either Abyssal or

Infernal as a racial language.) If your race is native to the

Darklands, you can replace Common with Undercommon.

See the Linguistics skill entry on pages 100–102 of the Core

Rulebook for a list of languages.

Construct and undead races usually have the racial

language of the race that created them.

Linguist (1 RP): Members of this race start with

Common plus their racial language (if any). Furthermore,

members of this race with high Intelligence scores can

learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other

secret languages).


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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